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  1. Hi!! Right.....I'm on a mission to get my finances sorted out a bit. I had a bank account with HSBC, that was closed a few years back. I know there were loads of charges and have sent a subject access request to HSBC today. Just a question about the F.Hardship 'criteria' I guess. I have done an income and expenditure sheet (sort of) could you have a nosey? Should I include things like leisure/education materials. I have BIG debts from Council Tax, Housing Association (not current address), Utility bills and other rubbish like O2 phone, Provident.....the list goes on. I haven't yet set up payments for these debts. Do I need to list the payments I will have to make for these debts? Or just include photocopies of the letters from them? Here is the income and expenditure info: Monthly Income Wages 391 Student Loan 400 Total 791 Monthly Expenditure Rent 360 Council Tax 40 Electricity 30 Water 30 Phone/Internet 25 Food etc 140 Child Maintenance 80 Travel 60 Leisure 30 Education (books, materials etc) 40 Total 835 Totals Income 791 Expenditure 835 Total Deficit -44 As soon as I start making payments to Welsh water and Council tax.....my finances are going to be a total mess (again). It's like going round in circles! Thanks in advance for any advice/help! TiggyMoo x
  2. Thanks for your quick reply! Stupid question alert......do I send it to Wescot? or Provident? I get very confused by this debt collection agency thing!
  3. Hi all, Quick question, Read a few of the threads regarding Provident and was happy to see that a £1 a month payment is usually accepted..... What happens when they have passed the debt on to a Collection Agency? Do I offer them a £1? or just contact Provident direct? I don't mind paying off the debt, but I genuinley can only afford a couple of quid a month, as I have way more important debts to be sorting out, but am sick of the the letters from Wescott!! Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello to all of you!! Thought I'd just introduce myself! I'm a 25 year old gal from North Wales, and here is a bit about me.... I'm here to make a start on clearing up my very murky financial/debt situation. I've had a very difficult few years, following a life destroying tragedy, but am finally getting back on my feet and making a new start. I don't want to fall into my old 'head in the sand' ways again! I admit I have quite a lot of debt, (10 defaults I discovered the other day!!) annoyingly a lot are under £500, and I have let them ruin my credit rating! I ran away from everything for a while, could not cope with it all - but am now back, to face the music. Got myself a little flat, I'm working part time and have just started an Art Degree. Anyway....the debt recovery letters have now started to catch up with me, so I will be popping by this site to try and get a bit of guidance on how to deal with it all! The site is fab, and hopefully I will have some advice to offer others at some point!
  5. Hi Everyone, I am a newbie to the site so if this post is in the wrong place, I apologise - I'm a bit overwhelmed by the masses of info and am just looking for a bit of guidance on this really, so if you know of a useful post that is relevant....please direct me to it!! Basically, I have a big fat bill for arrears from Welsh Water (well from a debt collection agency acting for them). Yep, I owe them and yes I am a silly billy for letting it get out of hand (as with everything else). I am wanting to start making payments to them, but am a bit confused. Should I contact Welsh Water directly? I have had no correspondence from them at all (bill is for an old address), or do I just deal with Wescot Credit Services? I have made a income and expenditure sheet and I am £72 in deficit, so I can only afford to pay them a miniscule amount of money (for now). I need guidance in writing a letter explaining that I am willing to pay X amount of money per month. Any guidance would be massively appreciated!! Thanks xx
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