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Everything posted by noelvance

  1. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. I will be strong. The next step as per the FAQ section appears to be the Moneyclaim website so have just started ball rolling. Is it right that I can't now accept the £300.00 as the letter reads..... "Blah Blah Blah The amount offered was in full and final settlement of your claim and as I have already stated, I believe this was a fair and reasonable offer. I am therefore unwilling to adhere to your request to reimburse you with the amount offered or revise this figure. It is with regret that you may now be proceding to the county court for the amount you wish to claim. I appreciate this is not the response you have been hoping for, but trust that I have clarified the Bank's position. Your Sincerely. xxxxx xxxxxxxxx" So I guess it's off to court then. Watch out all my other financial 'providers', I'm fired up now !
  4. Not sure if prebious thread 'Process started' is visible on this new site so here's an update. -Worked out they've charged me £1225.00 and sent letter claiming back -Got letter back offering £300.00 full & final offer -Replied, accepting £300.00 but explaining difference to be claimed via court system. -Letter back 05/04/06 saying offer withdrawn. Proceed with court action if I want full amount ! Where do I go from here, wish I'd taken £300.00.
  5. Oh dear. Had a letter back this morning saying that previous £300.00 offer was full & final and has now been withdrawn as I said I would be claiming difference via Court. What do I do now as I have no offer from Barclays ?
  6. Sent a letter back on 23/03/06 accepting the £300.00 initial offer, but informed them I would be claiming the difference back through the county court. Gave them 14 days to respond !
  7. Got a letter back this morning saying 'they don't agree with my legal analysis' but offering £300.00 as a goodwill gesture. They've taken £1225.00 out of my main accounts and this represents a low % back. My wife thinks we should accept and think our selves lucky, what is my best course of action? I've noticed that the letter fomat is a standard template being sent out to a lot of customers, the reply name is also the same ! I'm at least £300.00 better off from joining this forum so thanks guys !
  8. At the end of the day, we should all manage our accounts to prevent these charges being applied. But... 1. Anyone with children (3 in my case) will understand that you can't budget for everything, everday and sometimes you just have to wip out the debit card and go for it. 2.Even with internet banking, it's hard to check your a account twice a day to ensure you havn't slipped over the limit. 3.People running cars / bikes / whatever incur costs that you can't budget for. Things break down, wear out, fall off and you not everyone has money left over to pay for these incidental charges. 4.Houses, flats, bungalows etc also throw up costs that you can't always budget for. Why should the banks punish us for things that occur in everyday life? 5. Nobody wants to go over their limit by £10.00 and incur £30.00 charges, we'd all rather have that money to spend on things we need, not lining banks coffers ! I hope this isn't seen as a rant, I've worked on the customer facing side of motor retailing & repair and I can understand why Dan's said the things he said. It's no different in the motor trade, most main dealers charge £70.00 + per hour to fix your car when most mechanics are on £10 - £15 per hour. People would call that greedy, and to some extent they're probably right. But very few complain about it because a car is a status simbol to a lot of people, whereas you dont go around waving your bank statement in the air ! Good luck in getting your money back (I wonder how they'll recharge it back to us in the long run?)
  9. BT do offer a discount I think if you go paperless. This process brings into question a few 'charges' made by companies in general doesn't it. Makes you think.....
  10. This is worth a read, backs up the theory about raising and lowering. http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=personalFinanceNews&storyID=2006-03-13T113659Z_01_NOA340615_RTRUKOC_0_BRITAIN-FINANCIAL-CHARGES.xml I can't believe I've blindly accepted these charges for so long, I even built them into my budget last year !!!
  11. Aaaaaah. How stupid of me. I've emailed them saying to keep my charges at £25.00 and I'll send them some paper (£2.50 for 2 packs at Morrisons). I noticed BT have gone to paperless billing, how could Barclays justify £30.00 if they were to follow suit..........
  12. Yes, I've read the FAQ section and am following the step-by-step guide. I do know how much they've charged me (£1225.00 on the 1st account) so I've sent the 'preliminary approach' letter as instructed. Thanks for your help. it was late one night last week and I'd forgotton what D.P.A meant (not good as we've just studied this at University !) Cheers
  13. D.P.A ? Sorry, could you de-abreviate this for me. Thanks
  14. Got a letter from Barclays this morning saying that the £25 charge is going to be increased to £30 at the end of this month. Trying to get some more money in before the you-know-what hits the fan ?
  15. I sent my letter directly to the branch that opened my account when I was 12 on the 6th March 2006. Got a standard letter back this morning saying they would 'have an answer or update as quickly as possible, but no later than 6th April 2006'. I have 3 accounts with Barclays and will see how this works out before taking Halifax & Bank of Scotland to task over accounts I hold or have held with them !
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