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  1. Is there a time limit it's been about 4 years now as I hae had constant promises of the imminent return of my money to which nothing has materialised. Now it's been over 6 months since I heard anything at all.
  2. I lent money to a company, a lot of money and they will not pay it back, it seems one of the partners absconded to the US with the money. Is there any chance I can get my money back, if so how would I go about it?
  3. It's the payment for the remaining 6 months of a phone contract.
  4. Dear All, I hope someone can help me. Yesterday I received 'the letter'. It mentioned the company I supposedly owe money too, but no amount. They said they were writing to verify that they have the correct contact address and that if I don't contact them they would assume they have. It relates to a matter from a couple of years back. I cancelled by 12 month contract with said company after 6 months and reluctantly resigned myself to the fact that I'd still have to pay for the remaining contract. However I was going through a very stressful time my Mother was dying of cancer, so I had taken temporary accommodation to be close to care for her. In the meantime the tenants in my home paid no rent, totally wrecked the place then left without warning and stole everything they could. That aside getting back to the issue at hand. I changed bank account and foolishly didn't realize I had agreed to my DDs being transferred. So when the said company took their final payment it put me overdrawn. I didn't know this until 6 mths later due to what was going on in my life. I had totally forgotten about this 'new' bank account as I was not at my 'home' address to receive the communication. When I finally received them I saw that the £70 odd payment had been taken although their were no funds to pay it as I had never used the account. So they had their money the grief at this point was with the bank. However, jump to the present and I receive this letter saying that said company are looking for my whereabouts to discuss a business matter. What should I do? As they don't know for sure it's me can I just ignore it? I'm really not in a good state of mind emotionally and mentally to deal with this at the moment, especially as it may well mean openly old wounds with the 'new' bank. As far as I'm concerned they've had their money and I paid the bank back that amount including their £25 payment review fee. (although they were asking for a lot more). It seems rather long and convuluted home someone can make sense of it.
  5. Thanks for that crem, but could you or someone confirm that the DVLA are licensed by the OFT. If they're are not, then the legal requirement seems to be with the DCA persuing a disputed debt rather that the DVLA actually passing it over to them.
  6. I am about to use the letter that "nehpets" suggest and I was thinking of adding something that "reminds" them that they cannot legally pass the matter on to a DCA. Could you or anyone point me to the actual legislation that shows this to be the case? Many thanks
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