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  1. Dear Sweeney Todd If its of any comfort I'm in a very similar situation to you. I sold a motorbike in August 2008 and received confirmation of the transfer of ownership from the DVLA. I didnt keep the letter and in June 2009 received a penalty notice for not renewing the road fund licence in April 2009. The enforcement centre catagorically deny having received my completed V5C or sending an acknowledgement of reciept. So severall wasted letters later (as you may as well be corresponding with a brick wall) I completed a V888 application asking the DVLA to confirm the date I sold the vehicle, and what do you know I receive a letter back confirming I sold it on the 31st August 2008! However, because the enforcement centre are saying that their nrecords did not indicate this when they sent me a penalty notice in June 2009 the fine will remain in force! What a bunch of beurocratic loons. My final letter today (recorded delivery) simply states "see you in Court" I'm happy to attend court and expose the DVLA's incompetency and lack of any rationale to perhaps admit that they may have actually made a mistake.
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