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  1. Good Afternoon. Can anyone help/advise please? Trying to get home buildings insurance quote. My current insurer has put up my premium 100% in past year to nearly £600 (buildings only). I had claim for subsidence in 1998, no claims since, and have had no luck in finding reasonable alternative quote. I can't find any paperwork on original claim, all work was completed (crack repairs NOT underpinning). I can't afford a structural survey. I can't afford the requested premium! Most online comparison sites decline to quote because of previous subsidence claim. I'm concerned that I'll have to leave my home uninsured if I can't find something suitable before the end of the month. Any suggestions appreciated. Many thanks, homeopath
  2. Hello Consumer Forum & JambersonJust to say a huge "thank you" for your accurate and useful advice. I have just received a Notice of Acceptance of my Formal Representation, and the PCN has been cancelled. It took a while (especially with postal delays) and a steady nerve, but it was worth it. Not so much for the money, but for the sense of justice and relief.I have donated £25 in gratitude for the Forum's help, and will recommend the site to friends.with love and thanks homeopath
  3. Hello Jamberson Thanks once again for your kind advice. I shall nervously await the next communication from the Borough, and hope that my moral case is strong enough to avoid the (higher) fine. I do not live in the Borough in question, and go there only to take the homeopathy clinic. I could write to a councillor in my own Borough, but feel they might not be especially interested in such a minor matter. Perhaps if my formal representation is rejected, I'll consider a letter to my MP, or find out who the Leader of Council is in the Borough I received the parking ticket. Sincere thanks for your very detailed advice. I have little experience of this sort of appeal, so it has been most helpful and supportive. with love and positive intention homeopath
  4. Last Hope I'm no expert on traffic law. My instinct alone suggests you do the course, and avoid the 3 points, keeping your licence "clean". Good luck, whatever you decide.
  5. Dear Jamberson Many thanks for your encouraging and well-considered words. I do intend to make the formal representation, but rather fear the Borough may "have" me on a strict liability point, in that I was indeed parked beyond the ticketed time, no matter how unintentionally. I feel I have a strong moral case, however, and if such is allowed as mitigation, I should succeed in my appeal to have the PCN cancelled. I am supported by full corroboration of my situation that afternoon by the voluntary project director. I shall post the outcome. Thank you once again for your advice. with love and peaceful intentions homeopath
  6. Hi Consumer Forum people! Would love advice on how to proceed with Penalty Charge Notice for parking 20 min after expired time in a London Borough. Reason for being delayed was seeing an unexpected patient in a voluntary clinic I run for vulnerable people. 2 were booked, 3 turned up. My energy and attention was completely focussed on taking the case of the person in front of me, not on what time my parking might expire. Made informal challenge which was rejected on grounds that my overstay was not for an emergency, and that I should have known I needed more time at the outset. How? I'm a homeopath, not a clairvoyant. I feel I have a reasonable case for cancellation of the PCN on compassionate grounds, and that the only reason for my presence in the Borough carpark was to give my time and professional skills for free to a Borough-supported project. I plan to take this to the formal representation stage after receipt of Notice to Owner (NtO). I believe I risk doubling the fine if unsuccessful at that stage. Anyone have an opinion on whether I'm wasting my time/money? I feel very strongly about this, and will go to Court if necessary, if only to stand in a place of public record to say that I consider this sort of thing nothing less than state-sponsored extortion. In frustration, yet with love and compassion homeopath
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