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  1. Thank's for your suggestion and yes I have actually spoken to my solicitor regarding this matter as the total amount we are talking about is more like £350 rather than £70 as they have gotten into my account multiple times. He has advised me that taking on banks can be more complex than,for instance,taking on a former employer but that doesn't mean I dont have a case. I await his advice. Andy.
  2. I spoke to an employee of Nationwide who told me direct debits CAN be reinstated by the originator even after you have cancelled them.I don't think many people realise that. I have internet banking so I do have more control over my account but obviously not enough to stop RBS from hacking back into it time and time again. What seems to happen is that before they debit my account a reference number and originator (payee) ID number appear in my list of direct debits.Shortly after they debit my account, and as I have stated before this can happen at any time in periods of 4 or even 12 weeks.(All this happens AFTER I have cancelled their direct debit) I guess one of my options would be to beat them at their own game and cancel this direct debit as soon as it appears but this would of course mean I would have to monitor my online banking every day. As for your question regarding the dispute-it was more to do with their irregular debiting of my account rather than with the amount (which I am now relatively happy with). I have asked to pay with a debit card every month-which of course would finally give me control over the payments-but they prefer direct debits as all banks seem to do. But RBS seems to make up their own rules when it comes to the direct debit guarantee! I have reported them to FOS and await their reply.
  3. Yes I do have internet banking WelshMam but as I have said cancelling the direct debit online or by any other means has no effect. Thanks for your helpful advice indebtstudent.I will certainly be following it up and writing a few letters as you have suggested.What RBS are doing is not right but they seem to have the upper hand into getting into my account just because they are a financial institution themselves. If this direct debit was with my gas or electicity supplier I know for sure that once I had cancelled it that would be the end of the matter. Andy.
  4. No this is a direct debit.I do not have a debit card.
  5. I have a Nationwide FlexAccount and one of my direct debits is linked to The Royal Bank Of Scotland.This is to do with a loan repayment but I cancelled this direct debit over a year ago yet they are still 'hacking' into my account and debiting £70 each time. I cancelled the direct debit because I disagreed with them about my balance and was also unhappy as they were taking the money out on different dates. I have cancelled this direct debit time and time again yet it still re-appears on my statements.RBS seem to have some way of over-riding this and getting into my account without my authority. They debit my account at random intervals,sometimes there is a gap of 2 months before they take out and other times 3 months will pass before they get into my account. The situation is getting ridiculous and I am told is probably illegal.I have spoken to both Nationwide and RBS to try and resolve the situation but have gotten nowhere.They both tell me that once my information is in their computer system nothing can be done until the initial loan has been paid. So it seems that because RBS is a banking organisation they can easily get into another persons bank account no matter what bank it is and withdraw funds whenever they feel like it and cancelling a direct debit has no effect whatsoever.
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