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Everything posted by adz3785

  1. Bit of an update, after sending the agent/landlord a polite letter informing them that if they didnt return our £550 deposit I would be taking the matter to the small claims court......safe to say that the same day they received the letter, a cheque was posted through our door!!
  2. That would be great if some one could give me some links to look at.
  3. Hi just after a bit of advice regarding a deposit/bond which was given to out Landlord. We moved into the rented property March 2008, we paid £550 as a deposit to the landlords agent via a personal cheque. We did not receive any confirmation that the deposit had been put into a Tenancy Desposit Scheme, after asking the agent for the details on 2 occassions and still to this day we have had no details! We then moved out of the rented property in September 2009, some 5 weeks ago and we were promised our deposit back after 14 days of moving out, but we still havent received it! Ive briefly read that if the landlord doesnt pay the deposit back, the matter can be taken to court and upto 3 times the original amount can be claimed? is this correct? Do we have a leg to stand on? Any help greatly appreciated. Adam
  4. Hi just after a bit of advice regarding a deposit/bond which was given to out Landlord. We moved into the rented property March 2008, we paid £550 as a deposit to the landlords agent via a personal cheque. We did not receive any confirmation that the deposit had been put into a Tenancy Desposit Scheme, after asking the agent for the details on 2 occassions and still to this day we have had no details! We then moved out of the rented property in September 2009, some 5 weeks ago and we were promised our deposit back after 14 days of moving out, but we still havent received it! Ive briefly read that if the landlord doesnt pay the deposit back, the matter can be taken to court and upto 3 times the original amount can be claimed? is this correct? Do we have a leg to stand on? Any help greatly appreciated. Adam
  5. Ok so i checked my credit file yesterday and to my surprise the debt from Abbey National has gone!! However i had a letter waiting for me when i got in from work and it was from CapQuest informing me they are still awaiting correspondance from Abbey and the account would be on hold until then. What does this mean? lol
  6. Another update.....Ive received a reply from Abbey.... Basically because ive changed address from the one that would be listed on the account, they want me to do a "Change of details form" and to send a copy of my drivers licence, bank statement or utility bill. Also on the letter is some bollocks about whats currently happening with the bank charges etc... So ive filled the form out and im going to copy my drivers licence and send it off tomorrow.
  7. Im going to speak with the financial advisor who is sorting the mortgage out for us today, to see if the application has been submitted yet. Once i know that i will ring Abbey to ask them to speed the request up and then if its going to take a while for me to get the documents from Abbey, i will ring Experian to see if they can mark the debt as "In Dispute". Thanks for the help Elsa.
  8. Just an update, I received a letter from CapQuest yesterday, confirming that the account is on hold and no further action will be taken until Abbey provide the information.
  9. Any advice guys? the mortgage application will be going in very soon.
  10. Ok guys slight spanner in the works! This debt is now a big problem for me! At the weekend me and my girlfriend went to Halifax bank to arrange to open a joint bank account for when we move into the new house we are getting built. Thing is it was declined due to me having a "Default" on my credit file, i explained to Halifax that the matter was currently in dispute, however to allow us to take out the joint bank account with overdraft facilities they require the debt to be "Satisfied"......which got me slightly worried as we are currently applying for a mortgage and i have no doubt that this will cause some problems for us. Question is what do i do? i dont want it to affect us being able to get a mortgage! My initial thought was to ring CapQuest and ask for a settlement fiqure to get the debt paid off so it wont show as still owed on my credit file. Any advice?
  11. Thanks Elsa, ive sent them the same letter as ive sent CapQuest. Hmmm i had thought that myself DonkeyB, as i know anyone who has the facilities can do credit checks on people cant they....ive just canceled my Experian, shame its too late now! ODC yes i noticed that all letters from Abbey, CapQuest and HL Legal have the same layout and format etc...
  12. Well ive sent off the letter to Abbey and CapQuest so ill await the reponse. However i received a letter from HL Legal Solicitors yesterday which reads along the lines of.... "....TAKE NOTICE THAT unless this account is paid in full or a satisfactory proposal for settlement is received by 18th Sept 2009 court proceedings may beissued against you without further notice. In the event that court proceedings are necessary the following costs will be added to the debt. Balance of Account £180.87 Court costs £15.00 Solicitors Costs £50.00 Total £245.87 Interest, where applicable will also be added, accuring on a daily basis...." Should i send them a letter similar to what ive sent CapQuest stating that the account is in dispute etc....?
  13. Cheers Elsa, ill get them sent off today and will update when i hear something.
  14. So just to get this right, im sending a letter to Abbey asking for information on my account, charges etc.. etc... Then a letter to CapQuest informing them of the letter to Abbey and would appreciate if they would put it on hold until i receive the info from Abbey. Shall i send a copy of the letter to Abbey to CapQuest? or not?
  15. Thanks Elsa and Sam. What about Capquest though? I wanted to ideally send them something atleast, so it doesnt look like its being ignored and i start getting more letters.
  16. Hi, Got a bit of a problem with a debt recovery company....CapQuest! Approx 2/3 years ago I had a Abbey bank account which had a overdraft limit of £100, due to financial difficulties of buying a house etc.. I was unable to pay the overdraft off! I had spoken to Abbey explaining my situation and that i could pay very little to pay the overdraft off, however they would not accept this and demanded I paid it off in full! Unable to pay the £100 off at once, the only thing i could do was leave it until i could get some money together to pay it off. However this wasnt quick enough for Abbey and I got charge £30 for failing to pay off the overdraft, then a couple of months later they charged me £50. So I was even more unlikey to be able to pay off the balance of £180!! A few more months went by and Abbey kept sending me letters, a few more months went by and I admittingly forgot about it! We then moved into rented accommodation and never heard anything of it until a month ago. I applied for my first credit card with Halifax, I wasnt approved for some reason, so I subscribed to Experian to see if there was anything on my credit file. Thats when i noticed a default payment or something from Abbey for the sum of £180.87. I then received a letter from Abbey on the 18th August saying my debt had been sold to a debt recovery company. The same day I received a letter from CapQuest informing me my debt had been sold to them and requesting I contacted them. Then on the 21st August I got another letter from CapQuest asking me to make a payment of £180.87 by the end of August. All letters were in the same envelopes marked with UKMail and on the reverse they all have the same PO Box address! Plus the letter from "Abbey" looks strangley similar to the letters from CapQuest! Pritty much the same format! Same setup, same font, same font size etc... even file reference codes in the same location! Just after a bit of advice on what to do? I dont want to ignore it any longer, but I dont want to pay the full amount if I dont have to. Is there information I can ask CapQuest to provide me with to show me how the £180.87 is made up of? I havent contacted them yet, but feel i should do soon otherwise i'll only get another letter! What do i do? Any help/advice greatly appreciated. Adam
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