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Everything posted by Limo2005

  1. To cut a long story short, I have been in dispute with Santander / Abbey for some time now and basically have not had the time to deal with claiming charges back although letters have been sent about my grievances to the bank. The last time I looked I was £3000+ over drawn all due to increasing charges. This was well over a year ago. A few weeks ago I received a Transaction statement addressed to me at my current address. I opened it and it quite clearly states top righthand side TRANSACTION SUMMARY STATEMENT followed by: Date Transactions Credits(£) Debits(£) Balance(£) 21/02/2010 STATEMENT OPENING BALANCE 1376.74 20/08/2010 NET BALANCE 1376.74 So I went to my bank ID in hand to withdraw my Money! Bank says its a mistake as my account is cancelled! Thats fine, but if a bank account is showing funds available then I would like to have access to those funds! Advice anyone?
  2. Agree but the conversation was recorded in full and all parties aware. Including introductions and Job titles. They called me! In what way? That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but it is my honest opinion, I wanted to ensure that I was making my feelings known and that I intented to take the matter further. I appreciate the help and advice! Now who should I bring this to the attention of? I have complained to "Whoever they are", in the first instance. Who Next? Thanks
  3. Copy of the agreement And the letter they sent on the 7th of Sept 2009. Having spoken to Sarah in the Customer relations team today PAYDAY UK are still standing firm that they have a right to take the Money from my account. I agree that but its the circumstances in which they have taken the money from my account. I have suggested that the letter sent on the 7th sept inviting me to contact then to secure a payment plan was without foundation as they took the Money anyway. The response was that the computer is setup to do that automatically. I made it clear that I had been given false hope and that I felt it was grossly unfair to take away any possibility to discuss.
  4. Just noticed something and I'm hoping it might have a bearing: KeyesWhitlock sent out a letter dated the Monday 7th Sept (See image). The Letter was received on Monday 14th Sept 2009 remembering there is a Postal dispute. Two days AFTER KeyesWhitlock take Payment from my card. The Letter partly states: Surely if KeyesWhitlock have offered me 7 days to contact them if order to resolve the matter, then they should at the very least wait for those 7 days to elapse before even attempting to take the payment as this leaves no option for discussion as per their own invitation. Would anyone be inclined to agree with me? Limo
  5. They already know and have done for some time. I am wise to that now and have applied for Both. I though the whole idea of having a Basic account was to prevent overspending especially with Money I dont have. Seems not. I have never had or needed an overdraft in 22 years of Banking. Dont get me wrong! They helped me when I needed it, but as I cannot prove my contact in any way, they are playing by the book! Shame they cannot offer any Discretion relating to my circumstances. Cancelled my debit card and ordered a new one. How can the bank authorise a £400 transaction yet bounces my £19 monthly car insurance?? It's a very interesting place being "Unemployed". Yet as soon as I start my new position in oct, I am going to kick some but through the courts. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Limo
  6. I took a Small payday loan out before I lost my job. Could not pay back at the end of the month so called PayDayuk and spoke to a really nice lady and forgot to get her name. I explained that I have no income at present and asked if they would allow me to repay in small installments until I finally get my Jobseekers paid (3 months processing clain BTW) or secured employment. She agreed to defere the "Payment" with no extra interest for an extra month AND I said I would give them a call as soon as I can pay. I was relieved and found them really helpful. Well Yesterday 14th September, Exactly 3 months after I made my claim for JSA, I got a Payment of approximately £500. Great I said, Just going to pay my some bills and get some Essential items like Baby milk, Nappies etc. n treat the Missus to a chinese! NOPE! Card gets declined so I check online to find out that PaydayUK or Keyeswhitlock (their Debt collection dept) have taken £437.00 from my debit card. Barclays Bank I called the bank and asked them to stop payment and they said they would and it would be back in my account by close of business that day. Sure enough it was. So I paid some of my household bills etc. Today (15th September), I noticed that I was £190 overdrawn. Surely not! Check my statement online to find that the Payment had been made to Paydayuk, putting my account overdrawn. I have a no agreed overdraft and nor do I want one. I called the Bank again today and they state that it will be some days before they can investigate the transaction and that I need to speak to the company. CAN THE BANK AUTHORISE A TRANSACTION WHERE THERE ARE CLEARLY NO FUNDS AVAILABLE? I already had agreed to pay by installments and when I called Keyes Whitlock today asking for a refund, They said that there was no record of me contacting them whatsoever, and the phone numbers I gave them I could not be contacted on. Well I spose thats correct as I gave my work numbers, and Work mobile number. The Mobile phone went back to the company when I left. They also state that they could not contact me at home and I discovered there was an error in the order of the digits. Its not a mistake I am like to make, getting my own number wrong. They were unhappy to help me as they have the money and the file is closed END OF! This is my situation: Overdrawn Today I am £190 overdrawn - I dont have an overdraft and I cannot understand why this transaction was authorised. If i go into Dixons and buy a laptop on my card without funds in my account the bank would decline the transaction. Why is this transaction any different? Apart from the fact that I did not authorise it. Why did the Money get refunded and then taken out again without BARCLAYS noticing it? JSA Payment I have signed on today and will be expecting a payment soon. But the payment will not cover the UNAUTHORISED OR WELCOMED overdraft and this will lead to several weeks on No money again! Bearing in mind that My 13 month old and 9 week old daughters, my partner and I have had no income since june. I have asked "Belfast" for a counter giro to be issued at my local jobcentre but as always, they dont call back when they say they would. (More Delays). A counter payment would prevent exceptional Hardship. HOW DO I GO ABOUT ARRANGING THIS URGENTLY? Housing Benefit I am expecting my first Housing Benefit Payment to be paid next Monday and there is no way I want to borrow any of that Money as it is rightfully due to my Landlord who is the worst kind of person you can meet (Landlord Harrasment). CAN I ASK FOR THE HB TO BE PAID DIRECT TO LL? PAYDAY UK I was stunned today to be told that there was no record of any communications despite the fact that they had stopped charging me interest on my account as the Lady on the phone said she would. All they said was that it was My first transaction with them and they tried to call me.... Erm! AT WORK. but as I informed them, Or so I thought, that I was not there anymore, I would update them and make an offer of regular payments. Imagine my surprise when I find they have taken the whole amout without my knowledge. Not willing to give a refund as there was No contact and they could not get hold of me. Also as they made "no mistakes", they could not help me but referred me to the Customer Relations Team. Thanks! As a safety measure I have cancelled my debit card and now I have to change all my details with various organisations which is time consuming. BUYER BEWARE PAYDAY UK asked me to provide ID. I provided my Driving licence and Debit card as proof of ID. I did not provide that Information so they could take payment in one go after I had "attempted to make an arrangment to pay via installments." The advisor confirmed that the payment would not be taken out in one hit and I trusted her that that was the case. When contacting your bank about any unauthorised transactions, state you do not have any knowledge of the company etc. If you do the bank will just ask you to complete a form so they can Investigate. If you do get into difficulties, contact them ASAP and ensure you get everything in writing. As a safeguard, Block the debit card and request a new one. That way they cant take funds from your card. It never rains but it pours.....
  7. Hi, In December I was appointed Operations Manager for a Car rental company, Despite the fact that it was all pointing to an Employed post, to cut a long story short, I was self employed with No Contract. The Post was advertised as a Salaried Full time Position, in an office. I recently applied for a job and I was told that this car rental company has provided a reference and stated and that I had a bad attendance record. I did not get the Job due to sole comment. The only time I took time off was when he underpaid me by £2500 in one month so I did not go back at all. We had an agreement that I would get a percentage of the sum of total sales from the "New" office assistant and Myself for each month. This was written and unfortunately left in My draw at the Premises. As I did not "Work" for the company in an employed capacity, can the "Employer" Legally right a reference? As there was no contract, who is to say what was normal working hours. The company certainly took advantage of that fact as I was regularly working 90 hours a week with no Overtime paid!. Can they say I had bad attendance when there no agreement and therefore no defined working hours! Had I have known that this company would have been approached I would have given my side of the story. Any comments?
  8. My LL has place the Deposit into a scheme 8 months after I paid it to him. If I decide to sue, would it be possible for the DJ to make an order to have the Deposit repaid back to me (and 3 x Deposit) despite still being in the property? LL also send a text message to me stating that My deposit was protected on the 20th Aug 2009. DPS state that the Deposit "Cleared" on the 25th August 2009 but was "Protected" on the 21st August 2009. Are there any issues with this as its quite clear the LL was not being truthful. I am very confused as some say this and some say that and the bottom line is we don't even know what th Dj will say on the day. Surely if the LL fails to comply with his Initial obligations then I have a right to sue on that basis. The award is a penalty for such and In most cases LL's are hoping that the Tenant os ignorant of the facts.
  9. Asked my MP to get involved and guess what? Housing Benefit Claim Processed JSA Processed.
  10. Thank you KittyKat. I can't believe what I got myself into really but I'll make it my mission to ensure that LL does not do this to anyone ever again. The Tenancy Relations officer did get involved and advised accordingly but that advice was ignored. He has now suggested to leave the matter for the police as it seems the list of offences are growing daily. I wake up each morning trying to work out who I call first The Jobcentre to see if they have made a descision on my 12 week old claim, The housing benefit section, Community legal, His solicitor, Potential employers or the national newspapers. I just dont know anymore and you are right, I should get out as soon as! An inspection from E health is due tomorrow. My family, friends and my partners family have heard about the treatment we have endured and they want to be present if he indeed intends to conduct the House inspection in person. In the interest of safety, I think his nominated agent should attend instead and there would be no need for Police to waste there time. If we can raise the deposit somehow, I will move my family out ASAP! No matter what, I am going to ensure that if charges are not brought against him by police, then I WILL whatever it costs, take out a Private prosecution against him. I really want to make sure that the next tenant is treated fairly so I have asked the council to monitor any new agreements. Best wishes
  11. Hey kittykat13, He may well be your Old Landlord. I contacted Police and they AGAIN they gave him words of Advice. The Police officer said to him, "You have a Solicitor, Why light the touchpaper?" Shortly after, I Received another Email from my LL. SERIOUSLY! We have already arranged for Police to Attend to prevent a breach of the peace and He writes that he has requested a PCSO to allow the inspection to go WITHOUT HINDERANCE. This guy is really in the land of Zarb. I have written to his solicitors and ask them to advise LL that there is no eviction notice. The Notice Seeking Possesion cannot be commenced until after 10/09/09 and then he will have to go to court. Again I think this is another attempt at an unlawful eviction. LL must think I am thick. I have also suggested to his Solicitor that it would be wise if LL or LL's Wife did not attend the property, but to send someone who is not rude or arrogant, threatening or abusive and then there will not need for any waste of police resources. All my time is spent dealing with this, making calls, getting advice, and trying to participate in my babies upbringing. I am going to speak again with the Police and see what his thoughts are relating the this latest communication from LL. At this time I want him charged with the offence and failing that, I intend to prosecute him privately. Partner and I are looking for a new place to stay and we have seen a really nice house. We will be a bit wiser this time......
  12. Deposits : FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH INITIAL REQUIREMENTS: The proceedure states that one should write to the LL and state your Intentions of taking legal action if the deposit is not returned or deposited into a scheme. The problem seems to be if the LL reacts and protects the deposit before any court hearing, then the court cannot make an order as LL as complied. Yes he has failed to comply within 14 days. Maybe I should rob a bank and then just before I go to court, pay the money back and all will be ok! My LL is a nasty piece of work and I am constantly being harrased by him and HIS FAMILY because we were late by one month through no fault of my own. Police are involved. I want to sue him for £4500 which is 3 x my deposit. A fair sum as you would agreed and a steep "Fine". but as soon as I send him a letter, he will protect the deposit and "Get away with it", which is exactly what he did after I complained to police about the harrasment a week earlier. There need to be some change here and the compensation should be awarded if the LL has not complied FULL STOP! Maybe in my case it will teach the Dodgy landlord a lesson and get him to comply with leglislation. Any advice as to what would be a Reasonable course of action? My Landlord has no regard for the Law or Legal requirements regarding letting a Private Property. My Landlord does not value my privacy or indeed have any problems about renting a Nice two bed house to me, My wife and my 1 yr old and 8 week old daughters were the gas equipment has not has a safety check AND there is no certificate. We are talking about young Lives here. He has no issue about renting the Property with a Wasps nest in the brickwork. Has not bother to protect my deposit and has harrasssed me and my family for the last 8 weeks. He has atempted an illegal eviction already and dispite being advised by Police, He still proceeded to instruct his wife and mother in law to call upon me and ask if I was vacating the property by this saturday (5 days notice), He also failed to inform us that the property has other tenants; Rats! I have sent the letter as you are right, it gives him an opportunity to "Protect it". But he has already failed to comply with his legal obligations and being Close Protection officer do not believe for one minute that I should "send a letter to a Bank robber to advise him to pay it back or face a fine!" An offence has been commited and that should be dealt with by way of the courts. However, from what i understand, if the Judge cannot make an order then the compensation cannot be claimed! This is just NOT ACCEPTABLE! Actually just got off the phone to the Police officer dealing with my case. The LL has recieved an Official Harrasment warning and has been advised accordingly about his action by Police. lost my job in May 2009 as the Operations Manager and only receiving a quarter of my monthly salary put an imense strain on our financial position as a family. I have ALWAYS paid two weeks in earlier that the due date for rent and I still maintained the rental payment for June 2009 again paying two weeks early. I also notified My LL of my circumstances. I allowed myself two weeks "Break" in order to search for new employment since the end of May 2009 until the 12 of June 2009 where I began the process of Making a claim for Jobseekers, etc for the first time in my life. The Issue has been a serious delay with Housing Benefit AND Jobseekers which is a separate issue. To date the Housing Benefit has not been processed despite ALL requested imformation being produced twice. I have Been to the HB section twice or three times a week and today I have finnaly been told that I can expect a payment on or around the 7th of sept 2009. Just to add that I have been in regular contact with my LL via txt, telephone emails and meetings and have done everything possible within my capacity to ensure a speedy resolution. My LL did make several attempts at an illegal eviction and those attempts have been either witnessed or recorded. The Police have been notified. The LL has also Issued a Notice seeking possession on the 21st of august 2009 and on the same date did secure my deposit with the DPS, after receiving My letter of intended legal action. My tenacy commenced on the 15th JANUARY 2009. I have resolved the issue with the "rats" which the former tenants were experiencing also and have given me a statement to that effect. I am at present taking legal advice regarding "No gas safety certification" for the property. I think i have demonstrated in every way possible that I have been very responsible and would ask members to consider the possibility that my LL has very little regard to the Law and his obligations. This have been proven time and time again. It is my intention to pursue my claim in the county court as I have been advised to by two separate organisations. This is the latest communication I have received from LL: The Deposit Protection Scheme comfirms that the deposit was PROTECTED on the 21st Aug 2009. A whole day before this txt message was sent. The Tenancy commenced 15th Jan 2009. I have just discovered that my LL is using a Middle name on the tenancy agreement But yet the deposit was Protected using his first name. I smell a rat (Pardon the pun also). I received a letter of intended action seeking possesion based on S8, 10 & 11. On the 26th of August 2009 I was contacted by Housing benefit who informed me that first payment would be made on the 7th Sept 2009. I immediately informed the LL vis email, post and a Txt message of the same and gave them the contact details of the person dealing with my claim for further information. As this will reduce the arrears below two Months, My LL has gone for a new tactic. He is now aware that he will not succeed with S.8 so I asume he is looking at a discressionary reason for eviction. Hence a property visit! Today 03 Sept 2009, dispite being given words of advice previously by the council and the Police. The LL sent his wife again at 17:45 today and was insisting that she comes in to inspect the property. My partner opened the door to her as I was putting baby to sleep. She was insisting that she came inside and my partner refused to allow entry stating NO prior warning was given for a Property Inspection was received. LL's wife states that the notice was given by text message. (I do not believe this for one minute as the LL has demonstrated on every occasion that all Communications are to be in writing and we have received correspondence from them previously vis email and hand delivered.) She then said that she wanted to discuss the arrears with my partner on the doorstep and my partner informed her that she did not wish to discuss any of her partners business on the doorstep under any circumstances. The LL's wife then complained about the weeds coming through the cracks in the front patio stating its not very nice for the neighbours. ( Although no neighbour has made a complaint). My understanding is that the Notice of a property inspection should be made no less than 24 hours and In writing. From what I understand it should also be acceptable and convenient. A minute after LL's wife left I contacted the Police and whilst I was on the phone, the LL was ringing my Mobile phone. Half an hour later we got a Hand delivered letter through the door at 19:30 and this is the contents therein: .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } In response: It is in my honest opinion the LL has committed a further offence of Harrasment, Despite being advised of the Law, in person AND in writing by the Tanancy Relations Officer AND a Police Officer, by arriving at the property without notice and at the same instance demanding that the RENT ARREARS be discussed with my Partner on our Doorstep. The LL's wife was insistent that she wanted to Inspect the Property THERE AND THEN! . This is not true and I find it hard to believe that this dodgy couple who have sent me no fewer than 25 Emails, Several Phone conversations and Meetings in person since July about My arrears, would reply on a txt message as "Written Notice". There was nothing Polite about the LL's Wife turning up unannounced and Demanding an immediate inspection. The Gounds for the Property Inspection is made clear here. I do not wish to communicate with my LL on a one to one basis in person as he has made it clear that he wants us out of the Property and has already attempted an unlawful eveiction. Any conversations in person or over the phone is difficult to record and prove and knowing that LL is taking full advantage. Although my reluctance to allow myself to be place in that position is frustrating my LL as he cant get his "Message" across. There is also no foundation for LL's assumptions as I live with My partner, a 8 week old baby and a 13 month old baby! As they have clearly stated in the "Official Notice" that they WILL attend the property in order to inspect it without my Permission. There are no repairs to be done so there is no urgent need for access to the property. My Partner and I WILL allow the Property Inspection to take place TOMMORROW but we feel this is an evidence gathering excercise to justify the Notice seeking possesion under a discretionary ground S.10, S11. S.8 will not apply as the rent arrears will be reduced to below two months BEFORE proceeding are commenced (10.09.09). QUESTION: As the time is unreasonable due to family members visiting and that the required notice has not been given or permission from myself or my partner granted: Are we able to say we do not agree to a Property inspection conducted by the LL, his wife or his Mother in law. But would agreed to any other individual to inspect the property on LL behalf? We have no issues with a Property inspection as its in the same condition as it was rented if not better. What we object to is having to endure this course of conduct which is amounting to harrasment by landlord in another attempt to "Convince us to vacate the property". Again what is said in person and on phone calls is reported differently in writing hence why I refuse to communicate this way. The Councils Tenancy Relations office has given the LL a direct Line if there are any issues or if the LL wants an update. Both Council official And Police officer have informed the LL and his agents that Discussing the rent arrears at this stage is a fruitless excercise as it out of my hands and that Once there is an update I will relay that to the LL and not before. This is too much for my partner and I and I am having to see her getting more and more upset and fearful. Even to the point where she wont sit outside anymore with the babies in the garden or even venture to the Local shops through fear of bumping into LL or his wife. It tears me apart as I have to put on a brave face and all I want to is for this nutcase to stop the constant threats and harrasment. It's effecting her real bad as she does not want to be left in the property alone with the Babies and comes with me to meetings with Housing, Police, CAB etc only to sit in the car with the Little ones!
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