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  1. Cheers Wils. Don't know whether that would be feasible as I don't have much time. To be honest,I was thinking of doing it because they ****ed me off the other day charging 15 and 6 a day for 30p unauthorised overdraft!Cheeky f*****s. Don't know whether my conscience will let me as I've been a bit of a t*t running them up in the first place!!!
  2. I've sold many a car with tippex on the green. Reason for it is,Post Office insist on you filling it in before they'll give you tax to allow yourself to demonstrate the car on the road.Stupid gits! The way I do it,is go in with only the green with my name on it,tell them the blue is sent,and they'll tax it.Why they bother with the yellow when it makes it harder to shift the car is ridiculous!!!
  3. Hi all,interesting stuff. Reading through it all,and I find I'm in a slightly different position. I am making minimum payments on my cards but no more and am struggling.I have no adverse credit. Question is,I bank with one card company and have an overdraft with them.If I ask for my CCA will they get all arsey and arkward with me regarding any further transactions and can they make me repay my overdraft as punishment if I was to be sucessful?Biting the hand that feeds??? Also,another one I'm sure I just wrote on a leaflet and sent it off,and in the case of both of these cards,everytime I've had a windfall and paid a chunk off,they've increased my limit to tempt!ie both cards had 4000 limit but are both around 9000 limits now!!! Sorry if this is a FAQ,I can't find it if it is. Good work all
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