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  1. Ok ! So, after finding out about this forum I applied for my cca from Egg loan, Mint card and MBNA. After thinking it would all be done for me (rather stupidly) I'm now taking my head from beneath the sand. 3 weeks on I have received this from Egg Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting and what seems to be a application form from Mint x 2 pages. On the first it says credit card application form and then shows the reason for the card, e.g pay of xyz card and ABC card. Also asks me what kind of card do I want etc. On the second page at the top it says this is a credit agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974. But it doesn't list any specific detail on amount of credit or approved credit etc but with my signature on the last page. I believe this is just an application form. Any experience wit MINT out there? 3/4 weeks later I have heard nothing from MBNA, Egg and Mint are chasing on the phone regularly but nothing from MBNA apart from today where I have received a letter from Global Vantedge saying that MBNA have contacted them requesting I need to pay the overdue amount. With MBNA is it right to be a little more front foot and send them the letter template informing them that they have failed to produce a CCA? or just suck it and see? With Egg. I did post the links to the agreemens a while ago and a few guys came back to say it was a similiar case to theirs and Egg had failed to execute the agreement properly. Someone also asked what the purpose of the loan was for? is this important? another asked if I had a copy of the clauses that are listed on the first page. I do. But they are different from the clauses they sent recently with the CCA I requested... Can anyone offer some specific advise of their cases with egg loans and whether I can determine whether this is ACTUALLY unenforecable? Do I need to scan a copy of the 3/4 pages of clayses originally taken out with the loan before 2005. I need to get o with this and finally I'm gonna start taking it on. Please can anyone help to get me started. Cheers
  2. Hi, Can anyone tell me whether there is a way of reclaiming credit card charges for accounts that have been paid and shut down. I have a Barclaycard and MBNA sony card that I paid off last year that would surely owe me a bomb.... Any advise. Thanks
  3. Hi to anyone....I'm really trying to get my head around this but need to more concrete advise on how to start Please view the images below of my Egg Loan Agreement from 2005. Does anyone have any idea if these are enforceable? page 1 - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting page 2 - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting (please note: you might need to zoom in on your browser with these images) I really need to get back to them with a response (such as account in dispute etc) Can anyone help me get started? I'm starting to stress. I have looked through the threads and can kinda pick up the jist. I just wondered if anyone could be a little bit more specific on my next response. From here I'll be able to get a bit more of a grasp on the processes. Also, have just received MINT CCA (or what I think is) any advise on MINT?? Cheers
  4. Hi, Now this thread has been moved to the Egg forum. Has anyone got any advise whether this is enforceable or not. Upon reading some other threads it looks like there is a strong case to say it isn't. Is there a particular letter I can send next ?? Cheers
  5. I took out a year long career development loan in 2004, as I couldnt get funding for my specialist course. I have been paying it back £85 a month since 2005 and will be continuing this until 2011! A lot of money to pay back! Anyone know if CDL's from this far back are enforceable and what action I can take if any? Thanks
  6. I've just asked for my original agrrement and this is what they sent back. Can anyone advise whether it is enforceable or not? I'm going numerous threatening phone calls now so I need to know what I should do next. Thanks. page 1 - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting page 2 - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting
  7. Please view the images below of this agreement? Does anyone have any idea if these are enforceable because they have started to chase me 4/5 times a day now. Any advice would be much appreciated!! page 1 - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting page 2 - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting thank you!
  8. Going to repost these soon!
  9. I did just send a thread but I'm not sure it was on the correct section. Can someone advise me what to do next I have recently recieved my original credit aggrement with EGG loans which I took out in 2005. my signature is on a seperate page to the other listing APR and monthly repayment amount. I can't seem to upload it but as it's not in the right format to be viewed. Can someone advise me whether this is enforceable? if it isn't which i think it might be what do I do next?
  10. Thanks Maroon - I'll get on the case with this. Thanks for the advice.
  11. Hi, I have recently been sent my original credit aggreeement that is attached. Can anyone tell me whether this is enforceable or not.......Either way. What do I do next?
  12. Hi everyone, I'm a current account holder with Halifax - I have and overdraft of £1250 which I'm always fully into by the end of the month. As expected, I've accrued a number of charges (each of £35) over the years and want to do something to get these back. However, I'm worried that if I try and claim them back they will cancel my overdraft etc etc Any advice on this? Can they legally do that? Also, I'm ready to leave halifax - want to go to first direct after some great reports about them. Does anyone know the best way to leave halifax and pay back an overdraft with them?? Thanks
  13. Wow - thanks a lot for all your help! I love this website! Will get the letter sent off asap!!
  14. Recently I have asked for my original credit agreements for a loan and and credit card I took out almost 4/5 yrs ago. I have reason to believe that they are not correct. It's been over 2 weeks now and I haven't recieved anything. They are phoning my from 8 in the morning to 9 at night and threatening me with debt collection, bad credit, interest charges and saying the phone calls will continue. Any advise as it's starting to get on top of me....
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