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Everything posted by mrkhan

  1. Howdy, we live in a house-share and we keep getting notices of intent from the Bailif to enter our property to claim goods. The Bailif is under the impression Mr. K who moved away still lives here. MR. K just loves to speed and his fines are in excess of £2000. We've written to the DVLA and the Bailifs to prove that we are now renting the premises and that he moved away in May but we keep getting new fines and new Bailifs pop around who now threaten to enter the property when nopbody is around or if they find any slightly open windows despite us all showing driving liscences, passports, utility bills and knickers with our names written on the inside of the labels. Mr. K whom nobody can get hold of moved away in May 2009 and I kid you not when I say all the weemen in the house are freaked the hell out in fear of some bailif coming in to posess our goods. What can we do so the DVLA would stop stalking us? Much appreciated
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