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  1. Thank you i will definately keep you informed.
  2. Thank you. I did wonder myself about the cost. I should think it sounded a lot better their good will gesture if the cost was higher. Anyway a good result i hope. I hope this may help others in persuing their plight for fair play. Thanks again.
  3. Update; I phoned at 16.00 and was told the gentleman that was dealing with my car was busy and he would ring me asap. After 1 hour he rang and told me that Citroen UK were prepared to pay x amount toward the new tank and that the dealership were prepared to pay x amount also and that as a good will gesture was i prepared to pay £91.00 also. After coming off ceiling i asked why i should pay anything toward this as originally i only came to have my fuel pump replaced which i payed for. 1( they said tank was now distorted and this is why seal is not fitting. I asked why was this not picked up the 1st time when i brought car in. 2( He actually said that they did cheap repair to avoid me having a £700.00 + bill. I said you mean to say that you done cheap repair putting my family and my car in danger. By now i new they were trying to wriggle out and was getting more angry. I asked what time they closed as i was going to get taxi and come to garage to speak face to face. The gentleman said he would ask his manager to speak to me on the phone. He came on the phone and straight away i could tell i was not going to get any joy so informed him i was coming to garage to talk rather talk on phone. 10 minutes later taxi arrived and as i was walking up drive my phone went and it was a lady who said she was the assistant service manager and she had some news for me . I told her i was on my way up the garage to talk face to face and she said save my money on the taxi as she had good news. By now taxi was on its way but she continued to tell me that they have now agreed to pay full cost of repair. This is a good result after a lot of persistence,i am sure had i been someone who was not so persistent i would have paid.
  4. 2 months ago my fuel pump packed in so i took it to the local Citroen dealers for repair. My car was 3 months out of Warranty so i paid no problem. After picking up the car and refuelling there was a very strong smell of petrol inside the car so i returned to the garage for it to be checked. Under the back seat is access to the petrol tank which gives access to the fuel pump which is located inside the tank. Here we could see a pool of petrol sitting on top of the tank. They took it straight back into the workshop to see what was going on. After 1 hour they told me that the fitter on replacing the seal had trapped it causing this leak and they would have to get another in to do it again. They provided a courtesy car and the car was kept over the weekend for repair. This was June 26th.On Sunday of this week we again had a strong smell of petrol inside the car. I phoned Monday and they said to bring it in today and they would look at it.At 12.10pm today they phoned me to say that the fuel tank has callapsed causing the seal not to sit properly. I could see where this was leading. He said that the fitter working on it used to work for Puegot and this fuel tank callapse was a common thing. I asked him if he was suggesting that it was common to Citroen and he immedietly changed tack. I have said that i am not paying and as far as i am concerned if this is correct then it should have been picked up when the car was in previously.It is now 15 .35 and as of yet he has not got back to me.
  5. Ok Thanks for all your help.
  6. Do you think she has a good case. Thanks You for the above link.
  7. Hi everyone this is my first post. I am trying to get a little help for my Neice. My niece bought a washing machine about 18 months ago. The concrete block holding the drum has broke. She phoned Comets head office and someone told her to get independant person to assess and write a report. This she did and it cost her £20.00. Last week her partner took letter into Comet shop and showed it to an assisstant manager. He was not sure what to do so photo copied the letter and told him that he would be in touch. Nothing became of this so they revisited the shop and spoke to another manager who told them that they needed to pay £30.00 so he could send someone to assess the problem. An argument occured about why they should pay another amount of money as they have already done this as requested before. The Manager at the store will not take this any further until they pay this other £30.00. Could someone please give me some info on the next procedure my Neice should take. Surely the concrete block should not break.
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