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  1. Thank you for all of your input so far, it's so heartening to know that there is a potential for recompense, with the great support that is available. I sent my DPA letter to Natwest Last night regarding the last six years dealings. Forgive me if I am taking a cautious approach at first, and focussing on just my Natwest account for the time being until I am fully conversant with this process. Rest assured, If there are any grounds for chasing the credit record issue and knock on effects, I will be pursuing this further when I know where I stand. I would be happy to share the minutest detail with everyone when I do this also. I have found so much on valuable information on this site, I cannot understand how I could not succeed! I'll post a new thread when I am ready to tackle this, in the meantime, power to you all. Tigertree
  2. I also got hit with a large amount of early repayment charge from Birm Midshires a couple of years ago. The thing is it amounts to over £5K so that would rule it out as a small claim. I will be watching this thread with great interest. Go get 'em! Tigertree
  3. I was just following my train of thought when I realised that I can get my money back lawfully. Its bad enough being made to feel like a naughty school child by going over the overdraft limit, but I felt it begged the question as the effects were a lot more far reaching than just the bank charges themselves. I won't hold my breath on this one, I'm just exploring possibilities for when I've sucessfully kick some bank butt. I may have to put the higher mortgage rates down to experience, and change mortage when I am able to I suppose. Thank you for you humble opinions, they all count!
  4. Hi all, Couldn;t find the answer to this one on the site. I got defaulted a few years ago during a lean patch and subsequently had a choice of mortages severely limited, meaning my repayments are higher than what I could have had on other products. In essence it has cost me thousands due to my credit rating being affected by unlawful bank charges. Anyone experienced/tackled this issue? Does anyone know of any precedents about this? Wonderful site, discovered it today and wil lbe send out my first letter tonight. Wish me luck. Tigertree
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