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Everything posted by theboycarra

  1. Hi All, My mother in law was at Liverpool Airport last week and made the mistake of stopping on the road that leads to the roundabout heading into the airport. This week she received a 'Parking Charge' through the mail. What is the best way to fight this? I understand that ignoring is no longer an option. But at the same time, I don't want to write the wrong thing on any appeal. By the way, she is the registered keeper of the car as well as the driver. Any help will be gratefully received. Many thanks all.
  2. Hey Bazooka, Thanks for such a quick response. Why do say that they haven't got a chance of this reaching court?
  3. Hi All, Thanks for advice so far. This morning I received another letter from BWLegal claiming final notice and that if I don't pay the 'balance' within 10 days 'VCS has instructed us to commence county court proceedings'. It also mentions the case of Parking Eye v Beavis and that this ruling eliminates my main defence. I find this quite odd, as they have no idea what my main defence is. They also add that if an appeal has been turned down by an IAS the county court will reach the same conclusion. This relates to a parking matter from July 2015, of which I still haven't received a NTK. Many thanks,
  4. Hi, I've just reposted in the original thread. I bottled out of contacting the DVLA incase that rang a bell with VCS. Paranoid I know!
  5. Hi All, I need some advice please on how to deal with this: I received a PCN for overstaying in Manchester on July 22 2015, it was left on my window. I ignoredicon it waiting for the NTK to arrive but it never did. I then started to receive several letters from Rossendale Collects, the last one to arrive was mid/end November 2015. Last week I received 2 letters in the same envelope. The first was from VCS Ltd saying the 'account balance' has been sent to BW Legal and to contact them about the charge. The second letter from BW states they will 'take our clients instructions to commence legal proceedings against you in the form of a county courticon claim form in the county court'. It seems really odd that 2 separate organisations would use the same envelope, maybe a way of cutting down on costs maybe? Is this something I can file under 'trash' or do I need to contact POPLAicon? Or has that window of opportunity closed? To be clear, I have never corresponded with any of this companies. Any help would be gratefully received. Many thanks!
  6. Hi All, I need some advice please on how to deal with this: I received a PCN for overstaying in Manchester on July 22 2015, it was left on my window. I ignored it waiting for the NTK to arrive but it never did. I then started to receive several letters from Rossendale Collects, the last one to arrive was mid/end November 2015. Last week I received 2 letters in the same envelope. The first was from VCS Ltd saying the 'account balance' has been sent to BW Legal and to contact them about the charge. The second letter from BW states they will 'take our clients instructions to commence legal proceedings against you in the form of a county court claim form in the county court'. It seems really odd that 2 separate organisations would use the same envelope, maybe a way of cutting down on costs maybe? Is this something I can file under 'trash' or do I need to contact POPLA? Or has that window of opportunity closed? To be clear, I have never corresponded with any of this companies. Any help would be gratefully received. Many thanks!
  7. Ah, thank you for your reply. I posted a couple of weeks ago and got some advice, but thought after receiving another letter I'd check that I'm doing the right thing by ignoring them!
  8. On July 22, I received a 'Parking Charge Notice' on my windshield in a car park in Manchester. The advice seemed to be to ignore it until I received a NTK through the mail. I received no other contact from Vehicle Control Services and on Oct 10 I received a letter from Rossendale Collect giving me 7 days to pay £130.00 Yesterday morning, I received another letter threatening 'a visit from a doorstep collector to obtain payment or discuss a repayment structure'. It then goes on to read, in red, block capitals 'THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THIS MATTER MAY PROCEED TO COURT, WE RECOMMEND YOU MAKE A PAYMENT IN FULL NOW'. Anybody out there have experience of receiving these letters? I suppose I should just keep ignoring, as VCS haven't followed the letter of the law?
  9. Hi Armadillo, it was placed on the windshield. I have not received any further correspondence from VCS. Ever since, I've been waiting for the NTK.
  10. Hi all, Just a little advice needed please. I received a Private Parking Invoice on July 22 in Manchester from Vehicle Control Solutions. I looked on a couple of forums and the advice seemed to be to ignore it and don't make contact until the 'Notice to Registered Keeper' arrives. BTW, the parking ticket states that 'The driver is liable for this PCN'. This morning, I received a letter from Rossendale Collects, dated October 10, giving me 7 days to pay a balance (no mention of fine or invoice) of £130.00. This is the original invoice of £100.00 plus an administration fee of £30.00. The letter is, grammatically, terrible. One line reads 'You have ignored previous request for payment' They also seem to have an aversion to the use of a comma too! Also, there is no mention of the date the invoice was given or the address of the car park. I heard that if the the parking company don't write to the registered keeper within 56 days, that is reason enough to cancel the invoice. Has anybody had any experiences with these companies? Shall I just ignore this letter and future ones? Many thanks in advance!
  11. Hi Everybody, Following my post of August 21, I have this morning, September 7, received a letter from Excel advising that I have 7 days to pay £100 to avoid court action. It actually says, 'Unless the amount is in our hands'! Who came up with the wording on these letters? Ha, ha! I also notice that the payment has to be made to their 'Central Payments Office'. Sounds very similar to the 'Central Ticket Office', the government department where speeding fines etc. are paid. Is this another attempt to dupe the motorist into thinking that Excel are some kind of official body? I have also found the parking ticket that I paid for on the day in question, so the reason I am being 'charged' is because I didn't type in my full license plate in the ticket machine! So, even though I have paid for my ticket, the original fine of £60 stands because of not giving in my license plate. Hardly proportionate is it? I'd like to see how that stands up in court! Anyways, I'm still planning on ignoring these letters. Will keep you all posted on how I get along.
  12. Just received a demand for £60 this morning from Excel for a 'Code 94', violation. I'm assuming its because I didn't put in my full license plate, as I do remember buying a ticket. Interestingly, as 'proof' they have enclosed 2 CCTV shots of my car entering and leaving at the stated times, although they enclose no proof of the 'Code 94' violation. I'm sure that they're including the CCTV shots to scare me, as they certainly don't prove anything. I was going to write them, but after reading this forum, am I best just to ignore and wait for them to go away? Thanks in advance.
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