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  1. I recieved a letter yesterday stating that no further action would be taken in this matter and they enclosed my annual pass. The letter said i should ensure i always have the right ticket in future - phew! That was a nightmare - glad it's sorted. thanks to everyone on here for the help
  2. spoke to a guy today at northern rail prosecutions. he was very nice and understanding. he said he couldn't comment on my case until he had recieved the report which could take 2-3 weeks - grrr. he asked if the conductor took my details and i said no but i gave him my address voluntarily as i was worried any letters where going to be sent to my old address. he said i could get a new photocard and a monthly train pass and i should keep the reciepts. i am still worrying about this in case they decide to prosecute based on the fact the conductor asked me about the ticket before i asked him. it's a nightmare.
  3. Please can you come back and let us know how you get on. I am sure many others would like to know the answer to this problem.
  4. thanks for the replies everyone. the solicitor i spoke to said the conductor sold me a ticket so there is no problem - i must hold onto the ticket like golddust - he didn't confiscate this when he took my annual pass(valid until october 2009). he said the conductor does not appear to know what he was doing (perhaps he was new as i have been catching that train every work day for four years and have never seen him before). the solicitor did say that i had comitted a very minor offence as i should have got off the train at the last stop, purchased another ticket and reboarded - that seems a bit crazy to me. i will ring prosecutions again tomorrow and see what they say. the train had not left the last station when my ticket was sold to me as we were waiting for another train to come though - it's a part of the line with a single track. i have spoken to my professional body (CIMA) and they say that even if i am prosecuted for this and found guilty it will not affect my professional status as i was not acting as an accountant at the time of the 'crime' so that is a big relief. i would have to declare it on future job apps but i can still work as an accountant - thank god! that was my main concern as i could end up losing my job/house and future earnings - arrggghhh!
  5. i will keep this thread updated with what is happening. i am worried sick about my professional body as i fear i would be struck off if i were to obtain a criminal record for this. the conductor said i should have approached him for a ticket rather than him coming to me. i think this is what they are going to try and get me on.
  6. just spoken to a guy at gray hooper and holt (i had filled in an equiry on their website last night) he said although i have comitted an offence it is unlikely they will prosecute as the conductor was not a revenue protection guy, he did not make me sign anything and he sold me the ticket for my onward journey. i need to write a good case when they send me the letter and pray it goes no further.
  7. i have just rang and they told me to keep hold of the extra ticket the conductor sold me and they will send me a letter when they recieve the conductors report so that i can explain what happended. feel very sick and hoping for the best - i may lose my job and my proffessional qualifications if they find me guilty of a crime.
  8. i was to ring the prosecution office as my husband said it would be better to get legal advice before ringing. i will ring them this morning to see what they say.
  9. on the way home from work tonight i had my annual pass and photocard removed from me and was threatened with prosecution. i have an annual pass between two stations but tonight needed to go to the next station along. i didn't buy a ticket for this as i only realised when i was on the train that i needed to go the extra. the conductors have always sold me tickets on board in the past with no problems. at the last station on my annual pass the train stopped for a while and the ticket inspector came around to ask for the tickets. i showed him my annual pass and straight away he said thats not valid for further travel. i said i know and i need a single to xxxx. i paid for this and he gave me the single ticket. he then took my annual pass out of my hand and said he was confiscating it as i should have told him i needed the ticket before he asked. i went to his little room at the back of the train and asked him to show me what he had done with my pass, he had it in his pocket and said he would hand it in to revenue protection and i would face prosection. i told him my address had changed since the pass was issued and gave him my new address. he put this with my ticket. i did this as i was worried i would be made to pay loads of charges if i didn;t get the letters. i didn't have to sign anything. when i got home i rang northern rail customer service and they said don;t worry about it and the woman was laughing about the situation. she rang the conductor for me and rang me back, she said he had handed it to his boss and i needed to ring the prosecution dept tomorrow. i am worried as i am an accountant and cannot have a criminal record. this seems like a harsh punishment for a 'crime' which boils down to the conductor asking me before i asked him for the ticket. should i ring the prosecution dept or should i get a solicitor involved? on google grayhooperholt seems like they are specialists in this. i am thinking of ringing them tomorrow. can they convict me even though they sold me a ticket for the rest of my journey?
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