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Everything posted by Graham117

  1. Hello all, A long overdue update on this one: Thank you all to those who believed me, and for those who didn't, I can see why you might have been sceptical but I was telling the truth! It turns out the council did it. One arm of the council moved my car down the road to a "1 hour no return" bay, but didn't think to tell anyone, and then the parking enforcement lot towed it a few days later. Interestingly, the police were only informed about the initial moving of the car about a week after the second towing, and only once I'd started making enquiries at the council. So, I was able to show the council it was they who'd moved it in the first place. Full refund send (after chasing...!). Thanks for all the help on this. Mr Graham
  2. If you defend that claim an lose and lose at court, judgment will be entered for the claimant. If you pay within 28 days, the judgment will me 'cancelled' and will be as if it never happened. You can apply for a 'certificate of cancellation' which costs £15 and shows that the judgment has been cancelled. If you pay after 28 days the judgment will be marked as 'satisfied'. This means it will show on the register of judgments, fines and orders that you have paid the judgment, but it will stay on the register.
  3. Thanks for your comments. I freely admit it sounds spurious to say the least, but it is honestly what's happened. I do of course realise a court would find against me on the balance of probabilities. For the record, I got the crime reference number from the police after I'd got the car back from the council but when I found out it had moved / been moved by persons or forces unknown. I'm trying to get any CCTV footage of the road as I'd dearly love to know how it came to be 400m away from where I left it (and facing the other way!).
  4. Sorry for not posting on this sooner. It appears some rather strange things have happened. I parked my car in Place A. I don't use it often so didn't go back to it for a few weeks. When I did go back there it was gone. After ringing round etc. I found the council had got it, and so I paid to get it back. The PNC with it said it was parked in Place B. Aha, I thought, got them. So I appealed saying it was in Place A, 400m from Place B. When talking to the council, they told me I can see the pictures of the ticket on the car etc. online, which I did. To my suprise, it was in Place B. I never put it there, and I can only guess it was pushed / rolled down the hill from Place A to Place B. I've told the police, got a crime reference number, and appealed to the council again saying I didn't park it in Place B. They've now rejected the appeal, and said they won't take the matter any further unless I can prove I reported the car stolen before it was ticketed or can prove someone else moved it. This is obviously very hard to do, since I didn't report it stolen before I knew it had been (!) which was after it had been ticketed / towed etc. and I can't prove who moved it. If I had pictures of people pushing it down the hill I'd have probably asked them to stop it! I now seem to be in the difficult position where I need to prove a negative i.e. that I parked the car in Place A didn't move it to Place B. Who gets to decide if appeals can be taken to an independent adjudicator? The tone of the council letter seems to suggest this is the end of the matter. Is one allowed to bring County Court claims against the council in this sort of situation? Any help greatly appreciated! Mr. G
  5. Afternoon all, Right, today's problem: My car has been towed from on street parking which I thought was unlimited, but turns out it was '1 hour, no return within 1 hour'. I've been back to have a look and there are two signs, both close to eachother, at one end of a 200+ yard long roadside parking bay. I came from the other direction so never saw the signs and was parked about 20m from them. When I left the car I walked off down a side road and so never passed the two signs. There are no other signs. I have taken photographs but may go back to get some more. So, chums, where do we go from here?
  6. And the answer... ... nothing said about the delay in replying, offered the choice of 3 points and £60 fine or the speed awareness course.
  7. Make sure you put your own flyers on cars directing them to this website and telling them not to pay...!
  8. Even if by doing so I wouldn't take my statutory minimum holiday allowance? I was under the impression employers couldn't pay you instead of this (unless you agreed) as it is a health and safety type thing? Just interested from an academic point of view.
  9. Granted they can refuse to allow specific days, but can they refuse me taking my full entitlement before I leave the company?
  10. Evening all... My question is can I be forced to take payment in lieu of holiday? I am currently working my notice period and I have 3 days holiday owed to me. My yearly holiday entitlement is that staturtory minimum of 20 days. I've asked to take 2 of these days as holiday during my notice period, but I'm being told that I can't due to the 'requirements of the business'. My argument is, as I have an entitlement to the statutory miminum holiday (worked out pro rata) I should be allowed to take all 3 days off before I leave should I wish to, and can only be paid in lieu if I consent. Their argument is that they can make me take payment in lieu, beacuse I am on my notice period. Does anyone know who is in the right, and more importantly, can you point to the sections of whatever Act it is that says who's right? Many thanks.
  11. The title says it all really. I've been away for a while, and on my return somehow some post got buried under a pile of other stuff, and I've only just come across it again. One envelope happened to contain a dreaded NIP. 59 in a 50 zone, completely my fault, and I've filled it in with my details. However, by the time I'd found and opened the letter I was a few days over the 28 days. Now I've sent the details do you think that will suffice, or is more trouble in store for not replying within the time limit?
  12. You need to find out who owns the land. Either find out from the management co., or you can look on the Land Registry website (small fee). You may find it is the management company themselves. Then send a Letter Before Action to them, giving them 21 days to refund the money or you will issue a County Court claim. The landowner is jointly liable for the actions of the clampers. You may find, like in my situation, the landowners light a rocket under the management co., and get them to pay up!
  13. The PO Box address isn't 'protected' as such, it's just an address on a street that doesn't seem to exist. It's registered to 20 Llanover St, which only has 15 properties on it. Does anyone know what section of the PSI Act makes clamping without the landowner's consent a criminal activity?
  14. Agreed - you MUST include the landowner as well, as the clampers will probably just ignore everything.
  15. This might have been posted before, if so I apologise. Cheshire Clamper Found Guilty of Working Without SIA Licence - Security Industry Authority Heartening, but not enough. These people really need to be stopped for good.
  16. Even if the landowner wasn't involved in the parking [problem], there are still reasons to claim against them here, such as the fact the signage was unlit, the double charging, the refusal to release the car immediately etc...
  17. If it's undamaged, hand it in to the police as 'lost property', and get a receipt stating it is undamged. That way, there can be no comeback. A police station on the other side of the country would do nicely, if you happen to be going on a long trip.
  18. Bear in mind that in order for the court not to disqualify you, you have to show that this would cause 'exceptional hardship' to you or others who depend on you. The loss of a job has recently been stated NOT to be exceptional hardship. Edit - JimmySpangle is quite right; ignore this comment
  19. As I now understand things, permission to use land can come with conditions; if those conditions are breached then the permission is withdrawn, and trespass occurs.
  20. If we all report it to TS, perhaps the volume of complaints will spur them into some sort of action. Isn't there a way of doing this online? RipOffTipOff or some such website?
  21. You cannot be liable for someone else's actions. You can be 99.99% certain they won't bother taking this to court. Just ignore all the junk.
  22. Your gut feeling is correct. Ignore it, and have a read of some of the other threads on this forum. Post back if you need moral support!
  23. I can't see why your employers would ever find out about it? The PPC probably wouldn't want to get you sacked even if they could - if you don't work there any more, how can they try their scams to make more money out of you...?!
  24. Sound's like you did very well. In my experience of clampers, they would have just refused to remove it until you paid up, and then ignored any attempts to get them to court. You are entitled to claim for any actual loss you have suffered, but I don't know about your chances of success. Always remember the landowner is jointly liable with the clampers, and more likely to respond. Find out who they are, then write to them along with the clampers and see how you get on.
  25. This has happened to me before. You need to be firm with the management company / HA. Say you never recieved the permit, and point out you have a perfect legal right to park there. Remind them that clamping is a remedy for trespass, and as you are not trespassing you have been unlawfully clamped. Who is it who owns the land? They are jointly liable along with the clampers for any wrongful clamping. If the HA instructed the clampers, they should be liable too. So tell them you will take them to court (and win!) if they do not get your car released.
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