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  1. Thanks Guys for your response.I have now entered discussions with a debt management company,hopefully they will now do a lot of the donkey work.Funny thing is Payday Express will be getting no where near what I originally offered. Once again cheers for info.
  2. I have a debt in the region of 400 with payday express,I defaulted on this in mid August.The debt has now been passed on to Castlebridge management(i think they are a in house DCA).Yesterday I offered to pay back 100 straight away and furthur payments stretching over 6 months,they refused partly because I refused to pay by debit card,the very nice lady on the phone told me they would be applying for an attachment of earnings. My question's are If they argee to a payment plan are they likely to take as much money as they want if I give them a debit card details? How likely are they of taking this matter to court? One final point I paid a token payment of 5 quid to payday express but Castlebridge refuse to acknowlage this even though I have a letter from Payday Express stating they have recieved it.Have I any grounds for dispute?
  3. Thanks for your reply. I have debts with the following companies Payday express Quickquid Wageday advance Money shop uncle buck.
  4. Thanks for your reply,Ell-enn. Should I send these companies money(postal orders)if they do not provide bank details?.Worried that any such payments wii disappear down a black hole.
  5. I have got into a mess with debts with 5 payday loan companies.I have been taking new loans out to pay the interest on another.Last week I decided enough was enough and the only way I am ever to get out of trouble is to ask them to accept a repayment plan over many months(ie £10 a month for a £313 quickquid loan) Reading previous threads on this forum it seems unlikely they will except such payment plans,my question is If no agreement is reached should I still send money (postal order) to these companies each month,or should I wait until an agreement is reached?.Worried that any postal orders sent will go down a black hole. Are these companies likely to provide their bank details to set up a standing order? thanks in advance Sean
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