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Us The People

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Everything posted by Us The People

  1. thanks again Tawnyowl, have written to lenders with request, will keep informed, not holding my breath lol, trying to get barclays to see the light has normally been a gloomy experience, HOOT if you think Tawnyowls great, HOOT HOOT HOOT,
  2. thanks again Tawny owl, i will be writing to creditors today, i tried to click on link for full and final settlement but only went to home page, can you please advise the best way to make my offer (if accepted) a legally binding one, so i dont have them come back looking for more money later, as soon as i can use my card again i will donate to this site, your brilliant, this site is the future, not just for consumer things but "maybe" in the future a starting point for a fairer britain with regards to peoples political, environmental concerns having at last a voice.
  3. thankyou so much for your kindness and time Tawnyowl and loobyloo, sorry for my ignorance but what is pro rata in relation to the amount i pay a particular creditor, thankyou for advice re money from friends, in this case im so lucky to say my friend will soon be my wife. paying her back will be easy, shes now in charge of the money lol
  4. yesterday i was going bankrupt, today my girlfriend offered to lend me 30k to help me pay off some loans, does anyone know if i can negotiate with banks to reduce amount of loan in exchange for a lump sum to settle the loans without doing an iva. i have barclay loan @ 13400 another barclay loan @ 12500 barclays overdraft @ 2500 corporation tax @ 6700 vat @ 1500 advertising company @ 1200 any help would be great, thankyou.
  5. does anyone know if personal details of br are kept confidential, i understand misuse of money ie gamberling are published but are personal problems associated with br such as depression and losing the will to live made public? thankfully time has been a healer, but the consequences of that time has got me here, out of the fryng pan and into the fire, ive nothing to hide just stuff i dont want all and sundry to know
  6. im about to go bankrupt,personally and business, bit worried about loosing house as small equity, though a friend has offered to buy this from trustee when time comes, will trustee still have a charge on the house in years to come? thankyou
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