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  1. Oh dear, looks like a very expensive mistake on my part. Oh well, thanks anyway guys (and gals?)
  2. Thanks for replying Conniff. I hope you are wrong LOL Im just wondering if I have 'a leg to stand on' with this? Surely its no different from buying a new car which develops an engine fault after a few months, and the manafacturer refusing to repair it because you have fitted alloys or something? Just guessing, I have no idea from a legal point of view, but hope I havent wasted my money. Im even more miffed cos the phone actually burned my hand, thats not acceptable
  3. My partner bought me an Apple iPhone 4 for my birthday last year. The phone is only about 7 months old, and well within warranty. About 2 weeks ago, I left the phone to charge, when I returned, there was a strange symbol on the screen that I have never seen before. I picked the phone up to look closer and - owwww!!! The iPhone was red hot, I mean literally like touching an iron, and I burnt my hand. I dropped the phone immediately, and unfortunately the back cover smashed (I didnt realise it was actual glass) I took the phone to my local repair shop who advised that as the phone was still in warranty, I should book an appointment at my nearest Apple shop. They also said however as a precaution, they recommended I pay them to fit a new back cover as Apple were likely to say the phone is faulty because I had dropped it. I agreed and they fitted the new back cover. I booked my appointment at the Apple store in Glasgow, and I took it there this morning. I explained my story, and the fella in the Apple store said he would take the phone through the back to have a quick look inside. When he returned he said that Apple are unable to repair or replace the phone as the back cover has been replaced with a non-original one, and the battery connector has been bent. I have done a little research online and it seems that the overheating is a known issue, and is due to the failure of a component on the circuit board. Surely the fact that the back cover has been replaced has nothing to do with the internal circuit board? Not sure where I stand on this one, but dont wanna be left with a £400 paper weight Any advice or info would be much appreciated. Thank You for your time. TD.
  4. I took out student loans in 96 & 97 These were the old style 'mortgage type' loans. I live and studied in Scotland. I didnt make any repayments to these loans, and the past few years I'd for some reason told myself not to worry about them as they will be statute barred anyway. About 18 months ago, out of the blue, deductions started being taken from my wages to pay student loans. I have let this run (mostly due to laziness, but also due to being uneducated on the matter) but have finally decided to seek clarification on the issue. I spoke to SLC today, to ask for a statement of my accounts. I also advsed them on the phone, that I do not acknowledge the debt, and I believe that it is SB. The woman mumbled something about them obtainig a judgement to pay by installments in 2000. What exactly does this mean for me? Does this mean I have a CCJ on my credit file? And can I claim that this is SB or does the 2000 judgement change that? Also if the debt is SB, does this mean that the money that has been deducted from my wages has been taken illegaly, and I can claim it back? Please help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You for taking the time to read this TD
  5. any more help with this guys? I think the clock is ticking for me on this one and I still dont know where to start
  6. Thanks for your replies guys. Heres an update... I visited my local sheriff court today, who have advised that the arrestment has been issued by the court of session in Edinburgh. This is basically all that they would say, other than I should seek legal advice. I did pop into solicitors, who gave me an appointment for 2 weeks time @ £160 per hour! I also went to local CAB, but it was closed today due to "ilness and childcare issues" So where shouldI go from here? I feel i have wasted hours today, just to get absolutely nowhere ps. It is a private landlord, not the council.
  7. I received notification of wages arrestment today. The first documenation I received last month is headed "charge for payment of money on an extracted registered lease" And the one i received today is headed "the debtors (scotland) act 1987: section 47 - earning arrestments schedule" They were both from the sheriff officers, but neither of them make any reference to a court hearing or decree being issued. The total amount details is £3476 but there is a payment table/schedule on the back which increases in line with earnings. My monthly repayment is likely to be around £160. The SO dealing with it is Alex M Adamson - Messengers At Arms and Sheriff Officers
  8. Hi Ida, Thanks for taking the time to reply So i guess a visit to the sheriff court and sheriff officers office is required on Monday morning. As I have just received this earning arrestment schedule, does this mean that any decree againnst me would have been issued recently? or could it have been done some time ago like say 2006? I am going to check my experian credit report just now - if i can remeber my login! Thanks TD. Also, the lease is showing as having been..."registered for preservation and execution in the books of the lords of council and session and extracted"... Is this standard procedure etc? as this is real legal mumbo jumbo to me
  9. In June 2005 I rented a retail property (3 year lease). Unfortunately my business failed and 'went under' after only 6 months The landlord advised that he had several other prospective tenants who were ready to rent the property immediately after me. I was of the understanding that as such. I would be kinda sub-letting the premises to the new tenant until the expiration of my lease in 2008. The property lay unoccupied for about 2 months after my departure in December 2005 until February 2006, when a new tenant occupied the shop. There was one additional change of tenant after this, but this I believe was almost instant. ie no period of unoccupancy. This 2nd tenant I believe is still there today. The lease of the property was £8K per annum. I fully paid for the 6 months I had the shop (£4K), in addition to this I also paid a £2K deposit. I accept that as mentioned previously, there was a period of around 60 days where the property was unoccupied and I may still be liable for the rent for this period (appx £1300) but as I had paid a £2k deposit (which was not returned to me) I would be covered. Anyway, appx 4 weeks ago, I received a letter from the sheriff officer charging me to pay the total amount of £3476.30 within 14 days. I thought this was just some feeble attempt from the landlord to try and get some money from me. However today I have received in the post an 'earning arrestment schedule' which suggests that a copy has also been sent to my current employer. So basically I have three questions... 1. Is this a official/legal document? I would have thought that this would have to be issued in court by a sheriff, and in such case would have to be notified of a date of court proceedings etc to give my side of the story? 2. How can I stop this arrestment as I do not beleive that I owe this money at all, and in fact the landlord actually owes me money to the tune of around £650. 3. If like the letter says, a copy has been sent to my employer, can i lose my job? Please help me stop this arrestment and get this sorted out asap. I dont earn much as it is, and I have a house and a family to support from it and need every penny. Thanks for taking the time to read this TD.
  10. I recently bought a new TV online (from ebuyer) and within 6 weeks, a thick green band appeared down the screen. It was there regardless of input and was a not an incorrect setting. I contacted ebuyer who advised they would collect it to be repaired. Today, I received an email from them... What should my next step be? Heres a pic of the fault Thanks for looking TD.
  11. Thanks guys/gals for putting my mind at rest Im just hoping for a settlement letter from the bank now (after their previous offer of £84 lol) , I dont really wanna be going to court! TD
  12. ah i see. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway I have posted in the Scotland forum now Thanks.
  13. Im hoping somebody can clarify this for me please - I filed small claims at my local sheriff court (as per procedures detailed on this wonderful site) I have received a date for 'preliminary hearing' etc. What do i do now? Is it just a case of sitting and waiting to see if the bank back down/respond? I feel like i should be doing something in the meantime? tia Turbodiesel.
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