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  1. That's exactly what has happened to me!! what happened with it in the end? I Dont know what to do as I have just lost out on about £150 in charges because they failed to show me the balance wasn't available!! am fuming!! Help!! thanks
  2. Hi fellow NatWester's I recently dropped out of University and although I had a Student account, when I started working I opened a current account with Natwest. I arranged for my wages to go into my Student Account originally and everything was fine. Whenever I put something on my card it always showed on my available that it was waiting to come out. i.e. if my balance was £100 but I had spent £50 of it my 'available' would say £50...anyway, that was all fine and perfect. Recently changed my wages to go into my Current account as Student account is due to expire soon. However, now, any transactions I place on that card obviously, do not come out straight away, but they don't tell me my correct available balance. It was only tonight I realised this as I was checking my online balance and I noticed I had overdrawn by £19 and there was an extra charge of £28 for overdrawing without an 'official' overdraft. So, although my account said I have £100 available I actually only had £50 at the time of my purchase (which I then went and spent £69 resulting in -£19 in my account) What I want to know, is is anyone else having the same issue where it's not telling you what you have taken out and not giving you your correct balance?? And also, how did you fix the problem. As I said, my student account always showed me the correct amount and to be honest I'm really angry this new current account isn't, as I am now oweing them money when it was their fault to begin with!! Would be greatful for any replies/solutions! Thanks
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