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  1. Spoke to the ICO today. They have siad that the default by the orignal company and the default by the DCA cannot be put on my Credit Reference File as it is in breach of tha Data Protection Act. They have asked me to pass all the details on them and they will contact Gothia to have it removed. Fingers Crossed:-)
  2. I have had an on-going issue with a DCA called Gothia. It's a long story so grab a cuppa and get comfortable:wink: Had a car loan with a company called British Credit Trust (BCT) many years ago, for various reasons, including an issue with the original paperwork having been altered by BCT after they had recieved it we disputed the outstanding balance and registered a complaint against BCT. They in turn strung the whole process out for quite osme time and despite assurances that whilst investigating they would not make any defaults on our account but they did every month! They told us this was done automatically by their system and they had no control over it! This was in fact a lie but after a while they went very quiet and we heard nothing from them. Some months later we start getting communications from company called Gothia and it transpires they bought the alleged debt from BCT even though it was in dispute. Have tried to get this resolved using as they have continually breached the CCA but they have ignored everthing. Even got the FSA involved and they were useless. Gothia have put a credit default on my credit reference file, have explained to Experian the whole story and all they do is contact Gothia and say "is this correct?" Gothia say yes and Experian say they can't do anything. I am stuffed because of this I have two defaults on my file for something that is not a debt. Cant even get a temporary short term overdraft increase from my bank without a fight because of this, they know what they have done and it has been done to cause problems! As an aside does anyone else thinj that credit reference agencies sway far too much power? Company put far too much emphasis on the data they hold without being fully aware of the facts.
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