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  1. Just to add, I have checked out a further two bailiffs who were not showing on the website but the MOJ has now confirmed that they are certified, so again you must not rely on the website alone.
  2. Thanks Tomtubby! That question was actually intended for you but I didn't want to email or PM as I know how busy you are. Thanks very much for the response. I did think you had told me something like that in the past hence the question!
  3. Oh so its my fault now for 'taking you the wrong way' is it? Your initial response to my question was curt and decidedly unhelpful. If I had indeed taken you the wrong way, you had the opportunity to advise me of this after it became clear I had found your remark to be offensive. However instead you decided to tell me that my question was badly written and pointless. Its only now that it has backfired on you and other forum users have pointed out that you are generally offensive that you have decided to back pedal furiously and blame it on me. If you can't take it don't dish it out. And if you have nothing helpful to say, try not saying anything at all.
  4. Thanks for that Bernie - that does of course make logical sense. I think I may have confused this with warrants of execution showing a different address to that previously supplied by the DVLA (where all other docs have gone to the old address). Anyway that answers my question so thank you. Strawdog - glad its not just me!
  5. Then why didn't you just say so without being facetious, or perhaps stating how you know this to be a 'fact'. If you were not being facetious perhaps you should make your answers clearer? That's exactly what it said i.e. I think I have read it on here. It was perfectly clear. Try reading it again? Thanks awfully for giving me your valued opinion on the pointlessness of my question. I will endeavour to ask questions which you approve of in future - perhaps you would like to prove read them first? My question asked if this information was on the forum. Someone would 'possibly know' it was on the forum if they had either a) read it too or b) posted it themselves. Not quite so outlandish and fantastical a question after all then............
  6. Gosh you checked the entire contents of this forum awfully quickly Green and mean! That very clever of you.
  7. can someone please clear something up for me. I am a bit confused as to the rules on PCNs (from Local Authorities) and the RK address supplied by the DVLA. So if someone moves house and therefore doesn't get the original paperwork can the council simply amend the address from that supplied by the DVLA? Also can they issue warrants of execution to addresses different to that supplied by the DVLA? sorry if this seems a really stupid question but I thought I had read somewhere on this forum that warrants of execution could only be issued to the address supplied by the DVLA at the date of the contravention. Is that the case or have i dreamt this up? I will also put this post on the bailiffs section in case i read it there. Thanks
  8. can someone please clear something up for me. I am a bit confused as to the rules on PCNs (from Local Authorities) and the RK address supplied by the DVLA. So if someone moves house and therefore doesn't get the original paperwork can the council simply amend the address from that supplied by the DVLA? Also can they issue warrants of execution to addresses different to that supplied by the DVLA? sorry if this seems a really stupid question but I thought I had read somewhere on this forum that warrants of execution could only be issued to the address supplied by the DVLA at the date of the contravention. Is that the case or have i dreamt this up? I will also put this post on the bailiffs section in case i read it there. Thanks
  9. Get straight on to the TEC. If the ticket was Oct 2007 the chances are that the warrant is out of date (it only lasts for one year). If its out of date - end of problem, call the bailiffs tell them its expired. It can't be renewed.
  10. Tomtubby, I tried to get this information out of TEC the other day (name and address on warrant) and they refused to give it to me. I also asked to see a copy of the local authority's Statement of Truth (in relation to an OOT stat dec which has been refused) and they wouldn't give me that either. They just said go back to the council and get the above from them. Can you advise?
  11. ooooh ooooh this is interesting! i have just searched the names of two bailiffs who have been round to my house to collect PCN's on behalf of a local authority and guess what................yep you guessed it, neither are on the list. So how does this work to my advantage, who do I report this to and does this mean that these people can't chase me any more?
  12. Also sorry maybe I didn't make it clear this is decriminalised parking so nothing to do with the police. I am not in arrears with mu council tax either but I would be absolutely astounded to hear that a council could lump in PCN charges to council tax. Can I ask where you got that from as the two are entirely unrelated, although I must say (tongue in cheek) that councils clearly do think that PCN's are just another form of raising tax revenue.....
  13. I understand what you are saying, but there is no danger of them ever getting access. My car is also kept in a lock garage whenever it is not being used (mainly to stop the kids next door scratching it with their bikes) so I really don't feel I have any cause for concern on that front. Besides which I am fully aware of my rights as to what they can and can't do which they will be politely advised of should they persist. The only other thing I would like to ask is I have today asked for a copy of the Council's statement of truth from the TEC. They told me that I have no right to see it and refused to sent it to me. The also stated that they would not tell me what name and address was on the warrants? I thought they had to give me this info? Is this right or not?
  14. Jamberson - thanks for the response. I take your point on the N244 front, which is why I ask the question. I am not convinced that I have a case either. Will have to mull that over but @£300 its quite a risk. Re the bailiffs - as far as I am aware they can only enforce payment by a) gaining peaceful entry to my house (I won't let them in) or taking my car (its on HP so not an option either) therefore I am left wondering how they can possibly enforce these warrants. Am I wrong?
  15. Hi there this is my first time posting on this forum, so please forgive me if I have missed anything important / misunderstood any of this but I have tried to find the answer to this myself and couldn't find anything which covers my specific circumstances. So here goes...I will try to cut this as short as possible. About a month ago I received a note through by door from bailiffs in relation to four PCN's. I had not received any other paperwork in relation to this before this time, but I don't know why as my address has not changed. Anyway having had a scoot around this forum I took the step of calling the TEC to check that the warrants were still valid, which they were, the latest expiry date being March of 2010. So I then submitted OOT stat decs in respect of each PCN. To my horror these were returned to me refused. I have no idea why and the letter that came with them said that they don't have to tell me why (really??) So my only course of action now is to submit an N244 in respect of each ticket which will cost me the tidy sum of £300. I was just going to do this but having trawled the web again on this subject I am now more reluctant to do so. The reason for this being is that I have seen that these are often simply dismissed without a hearing or explanation and therefore I would just be throwing £300 down the drain. Is this true? Is there any point in submitting the N244? Also what exactly is the £75 for, i.e. is this the cost of a hearing so that if the N244 form is returned to me refused without a hearing then I get the £75 back or do I pay the £75 just to put the application form in and would therefore have to pay it even if I don't get a hearing? The other concern I have with this is that I have read that even if I do get a hearing I will have to have a good reason for not having received the paperwork if the council states that they sent it. This confuses me a bit, how can I have a good reason for not receiving something? I don't know why it didn't get to me, it may never have been sent, got lost in the post, put through the wrong letter box, eaten by a crocodile at the Royal Mail sorting office...........eg I have no idea. As I don't really have a reason does this mean that I would lose at the hearing anyway? I am in the process of getting the Council's statement of truth from the TEC which may or may not help me. I guess what I want to know is, is it worth my risking £300 to get these tickets back to stage one, or do I simply tell the bailiffs to get knotted (they will get nada from me) and wait for the warrants to expire? Thanks all.
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