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  1. the twins are still in hospital The only benefits she gets is child tax credits and working tax credits for her partner if thats of any help
  2. im not really contesting the amount of fine , her own fault for leaving it .. just they are demanding the all the money in one go now .. I just want to know what i can do to get her a payment plan in action of an affordable amount
  3. So we are wasting our time doing a N245 form ? If she hasnt done a Means Enquiry form in the first place , is it too late to do one ?
  4. Thanks , i will get that form sent off asap .. the final notice date was 5/03/15, and the box after 7pm today was ticked .. we wouldnt know if he actually came back after 7pm, as my daughter had preemie twins 7 weeks ago and spend every day until late at the intensive care baby unit
  5. hi my daughter received a final notice letter from marston for £505 .. i believe its from a TV licence fine, She has lost/thrown out all other letters as she buried her head in the sand thinking it would go away.. I'm trying to get it sorted so she can afford a monthly payment .. Is it worth contacting the courts first to see if we can pay them? She has tried talking to Marstons who are giving an unrealistic sum for monthly payments . Thanks
  6. yes i confirmed it with the council and the 87.40 was correct , i will get the email and letter started on straight away. I checked the online certified baliffs list and i couldnt find the baliff that sent me the letter, i have never seen the man either, he just posted the letter through the door without knocking... only other correspondance i had with him is telephone calls
  7. i moved address earlier this year, didnt even cross my mind that i would have outstanding council tax charges at the old address, I got a letter from Jacobs Baliffs saying i owed £87.40, I paid 2 payments of 21.85 each ... Leaving the balance at 43.70 on the 2nd november i got a letter stating i owed 98.70, I paid this on the 4th november, then i got another phone call saying they had made an error and i owe another 49.50. I am under the impression that i really only needed to pay them the original 87.40 plus 24.50 for the visit. is this correct and if so what should i do now ??? I have spoken to them on the phone this morning, they told me i wasnt entitled to a Breakdown of charges until i paid them the 49.50, and i wasnt entitled to talk to them on the phone nomore about the account, that now it was passed back over to the baliff, all phone calls should be made to him and he will be adding further charges on for attandance fees
  8. thanks , is there a standard letter i can copy from to ask for my agreement ? this site is very useful but i find it very confusing in finding the right place to get things from sorry for been a idiot
  9. Hi.. im just looking for some advice .. my story starts with i was stupid enough to get a catalogue with the above people , Last august i hit a rough patch and was unable to pay.. I just ignored the fact that i was in debt, stupid i know. Now my balance on the account as more than doubled with the charges and fees they keep putting on.. Im getting phones calls from simplybe and from reliable collections.. maybe 2 or 3 from each throughout the day, i also get letters from both once a week .. im not disputing that i owe them money cos i did order stuff from the catalogue which i havent paid for.. i dont agree with all the charges put on, do i have to pay these ? and who am i suppose to pay ? simpybe or reliable collections ? The last call i had was from reliable collections on saturday saying they were phoning back this morning to set up a direct debit for 10 pounds a month, should i allow this? ( had 5 calls from simplybe in the meantime ) I just would like to know where to start and what to do
  10. Thanks cerbersalert , i'll give that a try and daniella i have no idea how much his charges were when he cancelled, certainly wernt no where near 600 pounds
  11. Im assuming MDR is Moorcrofts ? Ok so the story is my son took a contract phone out with Orange last year when he was working, he lost his job and so contacted Orange to cancel his contract cos he was unable to keep up the payment.. the bill has now risen to 600 pounds, i think there must of been only 6 months left on the contract.. Two days ago my son got a letter from Moorcroft stating he had 7 days to pay up. I told him not to panic and dont pay.. over the last 2 days my phone rings constantly.. They always ask for my son by his first name, like there his friend or something .. when i say hes not in (which he never is in, he only sleeps and eats here lol) then i get the same thing ' whens he back, can we leave a message' first time i said yes that how i know its MDR phoning.. The rest of the times i said no you cant and please stop phoning as its my phone and not my sons your phoning and i wish not to have you phoning me .. am i in my right to do this ? Im sure now they are taking the **** out of me, the last 2 calls were 5 mins apart..first one was 19.50pm, second one 19.55pm .. How can i stop them phoning my house ?
  12. Thanks for moving thread Thanks for the advice, i'll kick him up the ass to get claiming back the charges
  13. Not sure if im posting in the right section.. Last year my son went overdrawn in his bank by nearly ONE whole pound, He went straight into his local branch the next day to pay the pound and close the account. A few weeks later he got a letter from Halifax stating that he had been charged 35 pounds for the unauthorised overdraft, he phoned and explained that he paid it back in and that account was now closed ..they said he had to pay the 35 pounds anyways..He only recieves JSA, So he explained he was unable to do this, For the next eight months or so 35 pounds extra keeps getting add on each month. Any advice on what he should do , also he has another account with Halifax which his JSA gets paid into, would he be wise moving his account elsewhere ?
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