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  1. Help! I pulled over on the local high street for wahtever reason i cannot remember, I obviously realised after a few seconds that it was bus stop. "Stupid me" i would have thought at the time. We'll it took me 4 seconds to get a gap in the traffic to pull out again. My wheels were stopped for 5 seconds! 8 weeks later I get a letter from my employer, saying that unfortunately they will not pay traffic fines on my company car which is a lease car. It turns out that the council sent the PCN to the lease comapny, who is the legal owner of the car. They paid the fine within the discount period, and then invoiced my company. So then my company paid the lease company £50 plus the £25 admin fee, and I have been asked to pay this amount to my company. So essentially i got a bill for a offence i did not know i comitted and have not had the right to appeal! I contacted the council, explaining what the situation was, and asked if i had any chance to appeal. No was the answer, but they kindly email me the cctv video. Wow! Not bad definition. Obviously i cannot appeal, but could i have? 1) the cctv shows me coasting into the bus stop, but then the time and frame numbers dissapear fro 4 seconds, and reappear 2) wheels stopped for 5 seconds, no one got in or out. Would have been able to get out sooner if traffic would have let me. 3) as I'm new to the uk (no excuse, I know) it would have taken me 3 seconds to read the "no stopping" sign as it is facing the road, rather than the direction that the traffic is coming from! 4) why did i pull over? A building sneeze perhaps? pull out of traffic for safety, especially as I was as approaching a pedistrian crossing, for 5 seconds. Who knows. Is it just me or do I should I feel robbed? I understand the reason for this type of offence. Buts surely legislation was intended to stop people for using bus stops as drop off points/parking/waiting areas!
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