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Everything posted by pwg6565

  1. Finally got round to sorting my act out and have put my property on the market. Need to start a new chapter. In regards to my welcome load, last re-write was 2008 which still has a balance of £23500 now PPI interest have been reversed, but the land registry shows a charge for progressive finance in 2005. Any ideas how this works ? Can I find out what the 2005 charge is for ? Can my solicitor find out for me ?
  2. PPI Payments have now been received. Over £4000 which is amazing !! Still no answers to all of my other complaints and I have ceased payments. The waiting continues.
  3. Have been waiting about 3 weeks now for PPI Payment to be processed and transferred by BACS supposedly.... Any ideas how long I should give them before I contact ?
  4. I have sent the acceptance form away now asking for the funds to be paid by bacs... We shall see what happens. The letter states they will be paying out within 14 days of them receiving the acceptance. A couple of other queries. I have still not had any response to my complaints of miss-selling and arrears charges and interest etc, etc... This always gets ignored. Do I continue to pursue this after I receive PPI payments ? Did the PPI have an effect on all chain finance which mine was ? I am not even sure the charge on my property is still in place to be honest ? The welcome loans do not show on my Credit Reports ? If the loans are in dispute why are Welcome not working to resolve issues and how can they sell a loan on in dispute and why have they not taken me to court or contacted the court to get payments from my wages ?
  5. Hi Dx. Not sure what is going on but my letter definitely says they are going into Liquidation sometime in 2018. My guess is that so much of the book they own is not collectable and they will have trouble getting anyone else to take them on. Payout offered is for PPI on two other accounts from the chain. Still no answers regarding charges, gap, interest and miss selling so will get back to them after I receive the payment. I am still not paying them anything since the loan got passed back to Welcome from the debt collection agency. What happens to these loans after liquidation?
  6. PPI UPDATE. I have recently been paid out £ 970 by Aviva - This was the company who sold the PPI Policy alongside the Welcome Car Loan. Also I have been made an offer of over £ 4000 from Welcome Finance because they now say they are going to be Liquidated in 2018, this is now what they are calling a Solvent Liquidation so they are able to pay me out. They have sent me an acceptance form to complete asking for Bank Details to pay the money by BACS into my chosen account. OR DID I WANT TO REDUCE MY BALANCE WITH THE MONEY !! I have also received many Arrears letters this last few weeks and repeated telephone calls which have been unanswered. None of my other complaints have been answered and have simply been ignored. Would be nice to know what is going on with this lot.. .. What happens to these Loans once a Solvent Liquidation happens ? It seems as though I am running out of time to get answers to all of my complaints.
  7. Out of interest, has anyone been successful claiming back Acceptance Fees lumped on the monthly payments ? Or Gap (shortfall insurance) ?
  8. Just a small update.. I have received a letter from Aviva telling me they will now investigate my claim as underwriters and they will be contacting Welcome Finance for more information. Nothing further from Welcome regarding my complaints of miss-selling etc so I guess that one will have to go yet again to the FSA. Oh I have also stopped the £10 a month token payments to them so lets see if that gets any attention form Welcome. Anyone else had a PPI response telling you that they are in liquidation process ?
  9. In Feb this year I decided to start a new complaint asking to claim PPI and asking for charges to be removed from this account. Also explaining I felt the Secured Loan had been enforced illegally due to some pressure selling when I signed for the last loan. I have just received the reply and Welcome are partly upholding my PPI claim but I cannot claim as they are going into liquidation. I can of course claim through the F.O.S. but Welcome state that I will more likely receive pennies rather than pounds. It also states my complaint must be referred to the underwriters of your insurance for it to be considered ???? No mention of course of miss-selling or charges etc, as per my complaint. Obviously I am going to follow up with the F.O.S. and will have to go back to Welcome regarding the other Complaints which they have ignored again. Are Welcome finally losing any grip on these Loans are are we going to see the light ?
  10. Happy New Year Everyone... I have to admit I have become lazy & my whole Welcome Finance problems have been plodding along in the background but I have just received an unwelcome wake up call. I never seem to get anywhere and all of my claims have been rejected for some reason or another, most of which I dont understand to be honest. I am shouldering this +£26k secured debt that does not appear on any of my credit files at all I received a letter earlier this week from [removed] stating my PPI claim had failed as my loan started before 2005, to top it off I now all of a sudden have received letter and phone calls from Welcome chasing the debt again. The latest one tells me I can get a reduced rate if I pay the debt off and I must call them to arrange payments. I had been paying Experto Credite £10 @ month for about 2 x years to keep them off my back. Any Ideas would be very much appreciated please ??
  11. That the one.... Sorry its been a while but had a spell in hospital for an operation. I have also recieved a letter now from Welcome saying that I cant claim PPI from them now as I have gone past the 8 week response date and I have to go straight to the F.O.S. Does that sound right ? Also Experto Credite are now chasing me for the debt. Help please !!!
  12. Had a few replies. Experto Credite sent back my cheque for CCA and said I did not need to pay for it and they had applied for the CCA from Welcome. I have now received this from Experto Credite. No SAR yet from Welcome but I have received some PPI Complaints forms from Welcome which look like F.O.S. complaint forms.
  13. I have sent a CCA REQUEST to Experto Credite and SAR to Welcome and also have enquired into the PPI. Will keep you posted.
  14. I will try a few and see what happens. Its Experto Credite that I pay and I have not requested this information from them. Should I ? I thought the information had to come from Welcome ? This was the last agreement I had. Many before in the early years had PPI but the later ones did not it seems. They are not coming out very well. Will try for some new ones. Do you think I should request for all information Subject Access Request to Experto and start from scratch ?
  15. Thanks for the replies regarding these issues. I take it a refinanced chain means when you have a new loan which takes over from an existing loan ? My documents are on photobucket but I would not know how to change them. I will have a go though. Most of my original document went the the F.O.S at the time of my complaint. The problem being I did not really understand what I was really doing when I was questioned by them. The debt collection company wrote to me and told me I had to pay. I have not had any response at all from Welcome other than a yearly statement and the debt is no longer showing on my credit file. Would you suggest I start the whole process over again ? Can I claim PPI back right from the very beginning ?
  16. Good Morning. Thank you for your reply, I lost my complaint to F.O.S. Regarding all of the charges , interest etc and also I challenged the agreement but lost that as well. Have been paying £10 per month to Experto for about a year now but would like to sell my house but am very worried about the charge. Early agreements in 2002 / 2003 / 2004 and 2005 are littered with PPI, Can I claim for those ? Any help would be very much appreciated. I am also thinking of going back to the F.O.S. to complain about irresponsible lending by Welcome. Anyone had any succes with this ?
  17. Good Morning All. A couple of questions please.. .I have no record on Experian or Noddle of having a Welcome Secured Loan ? Is it true that Welcome have removed all Credit Records from Credit Scores ? If so will the Charge be removed from my Property ? Also I have all documentation dating back to 2002 so can I claim PPI on those loans ?
  18. I have decided to have another crack at this. I am currently paying £10-00 @ month through Lowell and the only contact I get from Welcome is a yearly statement telling me the debt is now £ 26000... I am requesting a full Subject Access Request for a second time as The F.O.S. never returned all of my paperwork the last time. I am thinking of attacking Welcome irresponsible lending as they knew my partner was not on the property but said that did not matter and they knew we did not earn enough as I was the only full time earner in the family. Anyone tried to prove irresponsible lending with Welcome ? Are Lowell buying these loans from Welcome or are they the same group ?? I have just signed up with Experian and no sign of Welcome or Lowell on my report ?? Any advise please ??
  19. Submitted 1 day 20 hours ago by Reuters. LONDON - Barclays and Deutsche Bank failed on Friday to remove allegations of interest rate rigging from two lawsuits, opening the door for more bank clients to claim they were mis-sold products linked to Libor. A British court ruled the role both banks played in a global manipulation of the London interbank offered rate was relevant to individual cases brought against them. The decision, made in the Court of Appeal in London, was seen as a test case, the result of which could prompt more companies to bring action against banks, citing manipulation of Libor, which is used to price over $300 trillion of financial contracts around the world. In previous legal rulings, judges stopped short of saying Libor was relevant to all claims against banks and allowed it to be used only in cases where contracts have been linked specifically to the benchmark. Barclays is being sued for up to 70 million pounds by Guardian Care Homes, a UK residential care home operator, which alleges the bank mis-sold it interest rate hedging products that were based upon Libor. Deutsche Bank is being counter-sued by India’s Unitech after the bank brought legal action against the property firm last year for the repayment of a $150 million loan and a related $11 million interest-rate swap. Unitech said the loan and swap deal were linked to Libor interest rates, which at the time were being manipulated by some banks. Both cases are expected to go to trial next year. The banks wanted the links to Libor to be excluded from the cases, saying Libor rates were not central to the original legal debate that inspired each case and that claimants were attempting to use the scandal to divert attention away from these core issues. But Judge Andrew Longmore told the court on Friday: “The banks did propose the use of Libor and it must be arguable that, at the very least, they were representing that their own participation in the setting of the rate was an honest one.” “If the day after the contracts had been made, the banks had told their counterparties that they had been manipulating Libor in the past and intended to do so in the future ... the borrower would arguably be sufficiently horrified so as to think he would be entitled to rescind the deal.” Deutsche Bank said it was disappointed by the judge’s decision and would launch an appeal. Barclays said the allegations of mis-selling Libor-linked interest rate hedging products to Guardian Care Homes were without foundation. “With or without the Libor claims, the allegations of mis-selling have no merit,” the British bank said in a statement. The rulings followed a three-day hearing at the Court of Appeal at London’s Royal Court of Justice last month.
  20. I am still communicating with Rooftop regarding Libor rates which were very high and caused me extreme hardship when other interest rates were so low. Rooftop are making life as difficult as possible and I have now had to take things back to the beginning again and apply for a SAR for the Mortgage so I have all the facts from the very beginning. I have already successfully claimed the arrears charges on the Mortgage so now I am having another go at Libor which I believe was too high at a time it should not have been. Anyone else have any new views or updates ?
  21. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-14/libor-splits-u-k-judges-as-barclays-case-goes-to-appeals-court.html
  22. http://libor-compensation.com/
  23. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/465343/20130507/mis-selling-derivatives-bully-banks-irsa-redress.htm
  24. This is a good link for Libor Information, they dont update anymore but some very good information on rates and dates etc. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-1645325/LIBOR-Latest-inter-bank-lending-rate-charts.html
  25. Hi Pepe I have written to Rooftop asking for a full explanation as to why I was paying so much compared to the Base Rate. Between the years 2008 - 2012 are the years which Libor has been manipulated by Banks. I will keep you posted what happens.
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