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  1. Thanks. What about an overdraft facility? During the registration, it asked me if I wanted an overdraft to which I ticked 'yes'. But nothing was mentioned. It was all pretty vague. As I say, I saw a sort code and account number it gave me, but went past it to the next stage. It also asked me to confirm myself by putting in an existing debit card (from another bank) I did that, but for some reason never recognised it. So it said it would send me a password through the post, or something through the post.
  2. Firstly is it easy to open a Halifax bank account? Do they accept anyone, and are you given an automatic overdraft if you get a current account? I already have 2 other bank accounts elsewhere, but just opened up another one with Halifax via their online application page. However, when the process was finished, it kind of turned into a online banking registration and less was mentioned about a debit card, cheque book etc. They said they'll send me my temporary password in the post, but there was no mention of a debit card, cheque book, overdraft. I saw a sortcode they gave on one part of the online process when it was complete, but went past it without jotting it down. Does that mean, I was accepted? Will I be sent a debit card or do I have to go through something else before I get one? I have not seen anything mentioned. All it has done is thanked me for registering with their online service and told me I will receive a temporary password and that the next steps will also be sent. Have I been accepted for a bank account or not, or is there another part to it all? What are the so called "next steps"? Thanks.
  3. No point. They offered me more than half. I can't be bothered for another £500 - the process had bored me. I've won, because it was me abusing their system gambling money away when I had only £10 of my overdraft left. There was nothing unfair about me gambling money on Football away when I knew I never had it in the bank. Years later - now I've stopped the habit, and get £809.00 for more or less nothing. Thank you Natwest. A great deal you've made. You should have took me to court - because I really couldn't be bothered and would have said stick it. Thanks to this site also, for the help.
  4. No advice or recommendations here, so I’ve taken the £809.00 offer. Thanks for some past help. **Book closed**
  5. I have a major update to my claim. Finally I get a letter back with a decision. I don’t know if you’ve received this letter, but I have a feeling others might have. In a nutshell, I am claming back for various charges of around £1,300 (I can’t remember precisely) Anyway, the letter starts: We believe our charges are fair, reasonable and transparent... (They go on for paragraph). The next paragraph shows their problems with the Office of Fair Trading statement of 5th April. It says: We don’t accept the Office of fair Trading's findings in relation to credit card fees. We are concerned that the OFT has publicly called into question the setting of charges applied to other products including current accounts. The OFT has restricted it’s investigation to credit cards and made no attempt to consult with RBS or the industry in relation to other, entirely different products. Anyway, they have offered to pay me back £809.00 as a “gesture of good will” What to do? It wasn’t the full payment I asked for, but it is more then half I what my initial claim for. My question is, do I take the money, call it success for someone who was calling their bluff anyway. I didn’t really intend to go to court etc. Or is there a realistic chance that they will settle up with the full amount? If so, what is the process, risks and is it worth it? - considering the offer I got back was more then half of the claim. Thanks for any advice. John
  6. Btw Kerrie, just so I'm doing right - we do send this letter to our local branch don't we? Cheers
  7. Hi, Yes, I sent them the prem action letter and a spread sheet with all the relevant charges. Problem is, that was over a month ago. I guess next step is to send the letter you say.
  8. Hi again, Another update: Basically, after I sent my preliminary approach letter (first one) on the 24th August. I have not heard a thing back. Can anyone tell me the next step? Is there another letter I send them? is there a "next letter"? Is this part of their "non replying" scheme, meaning I should've expected them to not reply to this letter? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks John
  9. Can anyone tell me which one comes first? Letter before action - Consumer version -asking for it back. or Preliminary approach for repayment. Out of these 2? They both read the same. Thanks John
  10. How much does the advantage gold account cost? Looking through my statement from down the years, it started at around £6.00 in 2001. In 2003 it looks to have increased to £9 then it went to £10. Now looking at my latest statement, I got charged £12.00 so I presume that's where it stands now. I've also noticed down the years they seem to have included my end of the month charges combined together with my advantage gold charge. For example £29.00 (year 2004 £9.00 advantage gold). So all in all - I have a feeling they've included the advantage gold monthly charge with the charges for going over my £300 limit, so it confuses things. I somehow have to deduct the relevant advantage gold charge from the time - for example in year 2004 it says Charges 03sep A/C £29.00. Back then the advatge gold was £9 so I have to somehow deduct the £9.00 from all the £29.00 charges I have. Anyone else had do this?
  11. Hi, Thanks for the swift replies Isobel, Cumbria. I have a lot of those charges after a quick look. However, I also see a regular chagre that just says for example - Charges 03sep A/C £29.00 - sometimes £37.00, sometimes £9.00 or £10.00 I think these could be for going over my overdraft limit of £300 which it was at the time? What do these signify? All it has beside them are A/C then it details of the charge. I take it these don't count as unlawful? I have an Advantage gold account. Thanks again. John
  12. Update. Ok, I see others have had the brown envelope as well. Only I got mine this morning - mere few months after the programme first aired that encouraged us to go this route. Now another question:- What is my next step? Do I go through the statements, and note down all charges from NatWest or do I just note specific charges? It's so long since first started this, that I can't remember what to do, nor what Faq's top look under that gives us the steps. Have I done step 1? I've forgot. I'm basically at the stage where they've sent me the wad of statements for the last 6 years. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks again.
  13. A few months after I sent off my application requesting bank charges - step one on the “to do list”. This morning I received a thick wad of bank statements from Natwest dated from Oct 27 2000 up until July 3rd this year. A solid wad of bank statements. Now what on earth am I supposed to do with this? In the initial template, I‘m sure it asks for charges. Did anyone else receive bank statements for the last 6 years? I have no idea how I am supposed to work out how much I am due. I will be here ‘til next year. Just what is my next step? Thanks for any help. John
  14. Where exactly are the FAQ's that answer my questions. You don't make this easy, a forum is supposed to be so we can get help. You merging threads and referring to the faq’s each time, complicate the process. Haven’t been here since I sent the first letter, so I'm lost and need reminding of where to go. Where are these faq's, that answer these question. I’m in the Natwest forum and see no Faq's above. Thanks
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