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  1. Just that I'm not so bothered about going to court. But the idea that some bullies could lawfully turn up at my door and take my belongings if they can find a way in - based on someone's allegations just seems really wrong. Am I missing something?
  2. Thanks for your reply. I'll dig out my TA and check that. By the way, I get the part about taking someone to court, but being able to commision debt collectors? Can anyone enlist the service of debt collectors against anyone else? So could I enlist the service of a debt collector against a neighbour or company on the grounds that I believe they owe me money? Just doesn't seem right. or is it just companies against companies and companies against individuals? Would be really helpful to all to know more about this I think.
  3. Hello, I live (rent) in a new build development which uses a communal boiler to providehot water. This has been contracted to an energy provider for billing andpreviously maintenance purposes. Eachmonth’s bill is determined to be the sum of a service charge and energy usage.Previously the service charge was split in two a fee charged for maintenanceand a fee for the service itself. The maintenance charge was eventually droppedwhen the development management accepted complaints that their contractedsupplier had not been fulfilling their service agreement on maintenance (tenants had made numerous complains to that effect). Their contract for maintenance wascancelled but we still use them for billing. Theissues I have are 2 fold. 1.That the estimate they used at the very start of my tenancy was inflated (Iasked for proof -they ask for proof from me) 2.That the energy transferred to heat my supply (heating system and hot water) was/is not accurate. As a result of receiving lukewarm water 90% of the time, I stopped using the option to pull from the central boiler and instead began toreply exclusively on the backup immersion heater. It turned out that the reason for receiving lukewarm water was because the central boiler was not serviced properly and correct filters had not been used. This meant that debris travelled around the system inhibiting the system’s abilityto transfer that energy to each apartment on the development. After receiving several bills I wrote informing them that I had serious doubts aboutthe accuracy of their initial estimate and more importantly, the system used that calculates usage. I said that I was disputing the bill but was happy to pay any outstanding charges but would need clarification from them on how there system is able to differentiate between the supply of a given quantity of hotwater vs. lukewarm water. And how I may check to ensure this is what is happening. They did not reply to my questions instead just advised me of the unit charge andhow many units they say I had used. I replied to this by stressing the point that I was disputing the bill and was happy to pay if they were able to provide me with answers. I received no reply, continued to receive bills and more recently received a threatening letter that said it would be sent to the bailiffs if not paid. I replied again saying that I had replied to them previously and was awaiting a response. This seems to have been ignored as they have sent another letter threatening me that if not paid will disconnect the service (wish they would so to not receive any more charges from them) go to the court and bailiffs. I accept that I have not gone into detail here as to why I think the amount they have charged is incorrect, other than to say that I never used their system to heat my apartment (since I live on a top floor apartment) which is wel linsulated and warm enough in winter. Hardly ever used their system for showers since it was rarely beyond lukewarm (subsequently stopped using it altogetherin favour of my immersion heater - to which I should have a case to charge them for since I only use this system after not having holt water fromt heir system even after countless complaints). Question I have is what can I do in order to prevent another party (my energy provider) from passing charges (that I am lawfully disputing) to the courts and bailiff .It does not seem right that another party/organisation/company can levy charges against someone and then start a process like this without proof. What rights does a person have if a company is using a billing system that relies on faulty equipment for usage readings?
  4. I want all information they have on me from a given date onwards. And I want to know how and where it is being stored and who it will be made available to. I want to be able to scrutinise this information as I fear it is incorrect and being used to my detriment. From all of the example templates I have seen, it seems you must request everything in a more round about way otherwise they simply come back to you asking you to name specifically what it is you're after...which is a great loop hole for them since that would almost always end up allowing them to enforce limits on what they provide (a problem when it is those very missing things you may have needed the most)
  5. Does anyone know of a SAR template tailored more appropriately towards insurance companies?
  6. Hi all, Thus far all of the example subject access template letters I've managed to find relate quite specifically to banks and bank accounts. I tried to amend some to relate more closely to my needs which is to get all info from my previous insurers relating to me, but it's proving quite difficult. I'm wondering if anyone has a SAR that relates more to insurance, or even better, car insurance?
  7. It is only the notes related to the PCN issued to me that I would want to see. Do you know if they need the request to be in a particular format?
  8. Hello all, Wondering if anyone knows the process for requesting to see the penalty issuing CEO's notes? i.e how to do it, whether the borough council will oblige, and if so, how long they usualy take to supply them? Many Thanks
  9. Raykay..so assuming what I say to be thr truth..the CEO's were well aware of what they were doing..and the contractors have the discretion to release cars without charge in special circumstances. And they and only they would have had all the details available to verify this.
  10. Hi Raykay... I have a number of witnesses that will testify to having seen the CEO's in question discussing with the site foreman what to do about my car which at that point was legally parked (no signage) yet was abstructing the work that had to take place..in other words..the foreman wanted to know why the place had not been cleared..when their plans had been sent off to the council requesting the suspension to cover those bays too well in advance. The CEO then promptly contacted their office and had someone sent down immediately to sign post the area in order that they could then photograph my car with the sign in the back ground to issue a PCN and order its subsequent removal. Something else I was told by a CEO on the beat before going in to collect my vehicle..was that if this was the case..then the supervisor/manager has the discretion to release cars and or discount charges where suitable evidence is available.
  11. I believe someone else posted that... are you able to fo anythgn yourself? You know what..no need to answer that..you are now on ignore
  12. it is one rule fo rus and one rule for them.. our mistakes have to be made for - theirs do not - and to make matters worse, we need to fight to get our money back
  13. Thats rich coming from you.... Like your Bogus Green Friend..you too are going on ignore...
  14. Like I said, you're no Columbo..do not jump to conclusions - EVER I noticed it gone the day 'AFTER' it was towed..before you go making any more silly assumptions..let me explain>> On the day I left for work..my car was parked up in the residents permit bay and no signs were displayed (in other words..my car was left legally parked in the residents permit bay)..after work I did not return home until midnight..(my car during which time had already been towed - got that?...still with me?) ok lets proceed...when I returned..I did not pass the bay my car had been parked in but instead from the other direction...and if the truth be told, I was so tired, crunched up in the back of my friends car, I wouldn't have noticed anyway. That evening I went to bed assuming my car was still where I had seen it that same morning. Alas, it wasn't to be, and when I left the next day to go to work, only then did I notice my car missing.. To break it down further...I last saw my car legally parked at approximately 8:40am.....I didn't notice my car was gone till the following morning. The reason why I am able to say that the signage went up before 9:46 is because the PCN has a time stamp (but then again you should know that already)..in case you can't still see where I'm going with this..an assumption was made that by that time the signs must have been up or else they would not have issued the ticket. LIKE I SAID...PLEASE RUN ALONG AND FIND YOURSELF SOMETHING ELSE TO DO...THIS REALLY IS GETTING BORING..I COME HERE FOR ADVICE FROM INTELLIGENT, KNOWLEDGEABLE AND HELPFUL PEOPLE. This conversation is over - from this point forward I am through breaking things down for you and will instead ignore your ignorance..Please grown up and get a life..some of us have work to do!
  15. Green Bogey..could you please then help me out by actually reading my posts? where you don't understand..ask for clarification..otherwise..please please HELP me out by flyign away..out of this thread..and leave it to those that do want to contribute..
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