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john mathews

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Posts posted by john mathews

  1. Interesting development! Nationwide have now closed my account as they promised they would. I made sure that my account was completely empty before the alloted date. However, I got a cheque yesterday for £7.29 which was apparantly the balance of my account? which I know was zero!! I'm now waiting for a letter saying "Sorry, we've made a mistake, can we have our money back" Maybe I'll direct them here so CAG can help them get their money back:D

  2. I WON!:D :D

    Letter when I got home form work yesterday confirming refund of total amount and costs being credited to my account. No news of them wishing to close my account yet though?

    If anyone needs any advice I'm obviously an expert now lol:cool:

  3. :-x Got their final response yesterday. NO CHANCE take your business elsewhere.

    I am so angry with these people. I really believed that my request was quite reasonable, I'm asking them to right one wrong, over one small mistake (not going back years and years) and I really (naively) thought that they would appreciate this. I have held this account for 18 years and they really don't give a damn. I find the process of going to court to file the claim form quite daunting and I am having more problems opening another bank account than you want to know about. My claim is quite small compared to some in here and nothing to Nationwide, but it's making a big difference to me and all I've got to look forward to is them taking another £58 in 3 weeks time (because them taking the £150 took me overdrawn!):-x

    Thanks for listening!

  4. HELP PLEASE. Just been reading the thread from "hi New'ish. Young V Nationwide". I was just about to pluck up the courage to take my N1 to the court and have seen "Young V's" notes about the MCOL site. I haven't heard of this and I'm thinking I probably should have!! Where is it?? Also, do I need to take copies of all correspondance to the court too?:confused:



  5. Hi eckymurphy, tough times, sorry about that. Keep smiling and keep fighting:)

    P.S. Appologies to the moderator for the outburst!


    April 2006 - Clerical error incurs £290.04 in one hit!

    4th May - Prelim' letter - I want it back.

    12th May - Response - 1/2 offered.

    16th May - I want it all

    30th May - Response - No!!

    9th June - Legal letter from Forum library!

    16th June - Still No!!

    25th June - Letter from Law Firm.

    6th July - Err, we'll think about it, we've got 8 weeks.

    Waiting for enough cash to file N1

  6. Aarrrgggghhhh!:mad:

    As promised the people at Nationwide took, the £150 the said they would. They of course waited till nearly the end of the month, a couple of days before my salary is paid in, when there was not enough money in the account to cover it. This of course caused me to be overdrawn and a standing order returned and they are now going to charge me £50.47 for the privilege. I think this is called taking the micky.



    MODERATED (monkey_uk): Please do NOT post libellous and abusive comments.

  7. Hi cillitbanger.

    Thank you for your advice. My fourth letter to Nationwide was their letter before action and their 14 days has now run out. I therefore now have to start proceedings but don't really know how to go about it. I have downloaded the form N1, do I just fill this in and send it or does it need to be accompanied by a solicitors letter? I'm presuming the court needs to stamp it, at some cost?

    P.S. Are Nationwide likely to close my account when they refund my money?



  8. Some advice please. Nationwide's most recent letter to me states: "The Financial Services Authority (FSA) allows us 8 weeks to investigate before you have the right to ask the Financial Ombudsman to review your case. This ends on 7 August 2006. If for any reason we can't send a full response by then, we'll write and explain why." Is this just time wasting waffle or is it true???

  9. Just thought I'd let you all know. When I phoned Nationwide to complain about the length of time it was taking for them to reply I was told by the lovely lady on the phone that "that department is extremely busy at the moment" I bet they are. lol

  10. I,m asking for a mod to merge my other postings. Please, thank you!


    Hello for the first time! I am currently fighting Nationwide for the return of £290 (in one hit due to a small clerical error!) they have returned £140 but are saying "that's it" They have said they now have 7 weeks while this is referred to some department or other. Is this true? To get legal with them a solicitor wants £300 up front which, err, I ain't got!

    Any advice?


    When Nationwide took my £150 it caused me to be overdrawn, which I'm sure they will charge me for. Can I get this back at the same time?

  11. Hello for the first time! I am currently fighting Nationwide for the return of £290 (in one hit due to a small clerical error!) they have returned £140 but are saying "that's it" They have said they now have 7 weeks while this is referred to some department or other. Is this true? To get legal with them a solicitor wants £300 up front which, err, I ain't got!

    Any advice?

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