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Everything posted by debtdoubter09

  1. Hi Lea_HTH I have no vehicle for the mortgage if I remain on IO, the property currently has around 50K of equity so there is unlikely to be any prejudice to the mortgagee if I remain on IO. I have the property on the market and have a reasonable prospect of it selling in the spring as I am in a sought after location which has just this week had a chance of sale increased after the local authority removed the land adjacent to the property from pockets of land being considered as potential locations for Gypsy and Traveller sites. This was the reason the estate agent gave for the property not having sold already and now the threat of development has been lifted the agent expects a fairly quick sale. Thanks again.
  2. Hi Lea_HTH Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my post, the eviction date is after the hearing date, hopefully the DJ will be the same one and will vary the order. The original agreement was CR however I've been on IO for years and that is the figure that NRAM took to court to inflate the number of months in arrears because most of the arrears were accrued a few years ago when I was still on CR so technically I was about half as many months in arrears on the CR figure than the IO figure! I may well be snookered now because I cannot afford the CR payment, not until I'm back in work at least! I wish the lender had taken the CR figures to court and been transparent about what they were doing rather than change the rules a few days before the hearing! Thanks again for your help.
  3. Hi, I would be grateful for some help please. I had a possession hearing in November and informed the court that I had become unemployed and was awaiting confirmation of income based JSA and would likely be entitled to Support for Mortgage Interest. The Judge was very helpful and stated that because the entitlement to benefits had not been confirmed he could not consider them at that time, however, he would grant an outright possession order of 56 days and was very clear that, should my circumstance change within that time and the proof of SMI be available, I should return to court where he would be very happy to consider suspending the possession order because there was in his words, 'plenty of time left on the mortgage to clear the arrears'. I submitted an N244 to court requesting a hearing to suspend the possession order as I am now in receipt of SMI and my father in law has agreed to make up the shortfall each month to make the monthly payment plus the minimum required to the arrears. The N244 was submitted in early January within the 56 days and the hearing date is early next week. I have spoken to NRAM about this and have attempted to come to an arrangement prior to the hearing and they point blank refuse and have stated that the repayment figure presented to the court no longer applies because that was interest only and now they want interest plus capital... can they do that even though the figures at the possession hearing and in all subsequent letters have been the same as the figure in court? More urgently, I was advised at court when I submitted the N244 that because it was within the 56 days it would prevent NRAM from applying for an eviction warrant prior to the new hearing. This appears not to be the case because today I received an eviction notice from NRAM's solicitors giving a date when the bailiffs will attend to remove us.... Can someone please advise me on the law here, should the N244 not have prevented NRAM from applying for an eviction warrant? I hope that this all makes sense and I will be very grateful for your advice. Many thanks.
  4. Hi Ell-enn Thank you for taking the time to reply to my questions, you are a great support. The answers are very clear and the formatting is fine, I will probably have another question or two once I have had time to take this all in. Thanks again!
  5. Hi Ell-enn, I wonder if you will be abke to reply in more details to my questions today? I'm treading water at the moment and looking for some good solid experience and information to enable me to decide what i will do. Thanks again.
  6. Hi Ell-enn, Thank you for your swift reply, I look forward to hearing from you in detail this evening.. Have a good day!
  7. Hi Ell-enn Thanks for your replies to both posts I have now received a date for a court hearing in 4 weeks time and I would really value some additional advice please from anyone that would like to help. There really is very little prospect of me being able to offer a satisfactory plan to repay my arrears and meet my monthly contractual obligation for at least another 3 months as business has taken a dive since I took time out a few months ago to look after my father when he was ill, it seems likely that the judge will therefore grant a possession order to NRAM. What I wonder; 1. Is there any way that I can delay the repossession/eviction until after the Christmas period because It will be awful to disrupt my kids over Christmas and I want to stay until January if there is any way to do that? 2. I have had the house valued by three agents and am putting it on to the market today, can I use this as a bargaining tool in court and request that because a sale is the best prospect for repaying the debt quickly the court allow us to stay until we sell, If this is possible how likely is it that the court will go with it? 3. I have other debts that I am unable to repay and I wonder if I was to declare myself bankrupt before the possession hearing will that delay the hearing and enable us to stay in the house until the official receiver deals with the bankruptcy? If it will then does anyone know for how long.... will it be long enough to get us through to January? 4. I may be able to arrange for alternative accommodation from Mid January as a friend is prepared to allow me to use their property which has a tenant who is leaving in early January. If I make the court aware of this what is the prospect of them and the lender agreeing to let us stay in the property until then? Thanks to you all for your anticipated advice and help with this matter and I hope it is clear enough and not too complex!
  8. Hi Ell-enn Thanks so much for your help, I really do appreciate it as this is really difficult to deal with. I wonder what the likely time scale will be for having to leave the house after the court hearing? I don't know if I will be able to rent locally because my credit rating is now very poor, does anyone have experience of this they can share please? Thanks to everyone for your help
  9. Hi Phil I saw your reply to Mr W and wonder if you could explain a little more about the N244 you mentioned and also share your experience of dealing with this matter because I am in a similar situation and have zero idea of what to expect and how I might delay repossession if at all possible. I have not been to court yet however Northern Rock have written to say that they have passed my case on to their solicitors for court action to be initiated so I wonder how much time that gives me before I am thrown out with my family including my two kids... If I market my property is there a chance that I can delay the repossession order and subsequent eviction? Thanks for any help and info you can offer. Regards
  10. Hi Lea_HTH - Thanks for your input, I've now received a letter from NRAM ststing that they have passed my account to solicitors to proceed with court action! Please, If anyone is able to give me advice on how long this process is likely to take from now until the court action and then I guess the subsequent repossession I would really appreciate that, I am really dreading my daughter finding out that we have to move as she is really settled and has zero idea that we are in such a mess financially. Thanks for any information that you can offer.
  11. Thanks for your reply Mr W, It is a relief just posting to the forum, I hope that you are getting the info you need to improve your situation too.
  12. Thanks you in advance for your time taken considering my difficulty and your help. I am currently £10,000 in arrears with my mortgage of £299,995 and have been unable to make payments now for 3 months (£1400 approx monthly). The majority of the arrears were accrued in 2009 and since then I have had an arrangement to pay interest only which i have kept to until 3 months ago. My job lost it's funding last August 2010 and since then I have been working on a self employed basis and also selling most of what I owned to keep up to date with the agreement however, my father suddenly became ill earlier in the year and my mother was unable to care for him due to disability so I chose to step up and as a consequence my earnings have been almost zero for the past few months. I have been in regular contact with NRAM and asked them to allow me to pay only £500 for a few months until I get back on my feet however they point blank refuse and have said they will continue with legal action unless I pay the full £10 000 and also make full payments to the mortgage. I understand their position, they want to get what we agreed! I have 2 children (the youngest is 2 years old) and I have no idea of how to deal with this situation? I have had the house valued and if I sell it will just clear the mortgage, I am prepared to do that however, i am concerned that I will put it on the market and NRAM will repossess anyway, does anyone know if they will negotiate on that point please? I will be grateful for all helpful suggestions and advice and thank you again for your time and help.
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