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  1. My wife is going to represent me in the court. Any tricks or tips would be much appreciated.
  2. Does anyone have a authority letter format which would be acceptable to the court?
  3. Following my email application the DJ noted that the variation order was made before the ICO however the hearing is still not cancelled so I guess I have to prepare WS asap. Can I email the WS to the claimants and court or do I have to post it? Could my wife attend the hearing in my place? as I am abroad at the moment. Thanks
  4. Thank you Cym....you don't know how much relief and hope you have given me! In the meantime, I called the court and was told to email the court manager asking the case to be referred to the DJ. They say that there might not be a hearing on FCO and DJ might discharge the ICO before the hearing....do you think this is possible? Should I now put in the defense like the one shared by Cym or should I wait for them to deal with my email requesting the case to referred to the judge?
  5. Any other solution...I don't think it will be easy for me to defend the CCJ as I am abroad at the moment.
  6. Could the Mods please make this a new thread? The Debt was a flexiloan with HSBC for 5000 which has now grown to nearly 6000. Restons got the CCJ in default against me, I did not recieve any notice in this regards. variation order is dated 27th January 2012 interim CO is dated 31st January 2012 by the same county court. the final hearing is on 7th March, is there a way I can get this discharged? I will be abroad for a while to look after my dad who is unwell and this is becoming extremely stressful for my wife to handle as she is working and looking after 2 kids. please help.
  7. Hope someone will help me decide next course of action. Debt: £6000 CCJ in default asked forthwith payment Applied for variation Got variation order, asked to pay in installments of £45 pm Bank solicitor got the interim charging order in 3 days after the variation order(surprised) house owned in sole name. please help stop the charging order and protect our home.
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