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Everything posted by LEONABLUE

  1. I have found that Bailiffs seem to thrive when they find out you are in the "Vulnerable" group, it seems to spur them on, personally I have had to deal with Bailiffs who wont give up and get very rude ! they are chasing a debt for some-one who has never lived at my address and have emigrated, the telephone calls never stopped until a family member rang them and told them that they were harrassing a family that was dealing with someone who was terminally ill, and She would sending them a demand for payment for harrassment ! they stopped ! I agree with an earlier post in that in this day and age do we really need Bailiffs , anyone on benefit can have stopped at source , as happens for the utility companies, this should be done obviously with agreement from the debtor, but withdraws the Bailiffs from actually getting their claws into some peoples backs, and actually makes the "debt" worse, when you are at your most vulnerable, Bailiffs like dealing with this group, as they are more likely to throw their weight around and use threatening behaviour, in the hope that you will give in, and dont know what your rights are, Maybe if the Vulnerable Group where taken OUT of the clutches of the Bailiffs,this may help,.
  2. dear old bryan carter up to his old tricks lol chancing his arm and relying on people not knowing what their rights are !
  3. i had same thing, 1 debt,although it was listed,was sold on to 5 dca's, i just informed my OR,everytime i received a threatening letter from one of them.
  4. i went bankrupt in 2005,my OR was marvellous,i like you was really not looking forward to my phone interview,but it was nothing to worry about in the end. if i had a problem she was only a phone call away, i had a problem with 1 company that kept insisting on "selling on" my "debt" to 5 debt collectors!! the OR,when i informed her,took the details of the 5 dcr's,and then told me to "have fun",i asked her wot she meant, i rang them, and "had fun" (hehehe), the dcr's would ask me if i was gonna pay,i said no,they would then get on their moral high horse and demand payment lol then i would drop the bombshell, BANKRUPT, silence from them,marvellous !!
  5. fuzzybobble,i checked some of those dca's on facebook,omg, eversheds llp a partner there was made prince charles "ambassador" for 2009...wait for it.....for his commitment to"responsible business" lolol
  6. have been looking on facebook for more dca's! had to laugh,found 1 based in buffalo ny,they even have a yearly ball !lolol
  7. think i will start looking on fb for some more,!! who else is looking?? lol are they this stupid ! yessssssssssssssssssssss lol
  8. no sorry, never get their names now, just blow a whistle or the alarm,its quite ear-splitting lol
  9. i have had some phone calls and some silent ones! from a company called "vanquis" for someone who doesnt live at my address,got so fed up telling them,have now bought a rape alarm,thats what they got the last time they rang! anyone heard how loud they are ! hehehehe
  10. have just had a phone call from "Home Services Marketing" purporting to be "3". trying it on basically,offering the usual upgrades, they also had my full name, "Home Services Marketing" i found their name on the website "whocallsme" it was a freephone number they had used. they got the rough end of my tongue !! (easy really,they rang at wrong time hehehe,hubby hadnt done the washing up !! )
  11. i just like the reaction from dca's,when they're told they cant get any money lol,they cannot threaten me anymore,! i just "threaten" them with the or,
  12. i went br in 2005,and was clear in 6 months, the or was soooo nice,so was the judge,he told me not to worry about nething ne more!! as was said before a weight was lifted,it took me a good 6 months to actually go for the br,shame and all the other feelings that go with it. will say tho that its not for every1. i had nothing so didnt lose nething, the funny thing was some dca's,one creditor "sold" a debt 5 times to different dca's, rang the or every time i received threatening letter,her reaction was "not again"! or told me i could have some "fun",this is what happened, dca--are you going to pay nething today? leona--noooooo dca---tomorrow? leona---noooooo dca----got a credit or debit card? leona--nooooooo dca---are you going to pay this debt? leona--nooooooo dca----you really must pay your debts,its not good enough leona--i'll have a hard job dca---why is that? leona---im bankrupt,want the number of my br dca---- oh! leona--- goodbye! did this a couple of times,the or said that the creditor and the dca could have action taken against them if they continued "harrassment" i was also acting as "trustee" on my granddaughters bank account(she was only 3 yrs old) the or told me to take the bank book to the bank,withdraw the pounds and leave the pence in,as the money was not mine. am now enjoying life,its now so much simpler
  13. like it ! i wonder.....!!!! may be worth a try. as said before,they dont know any law or they choose not to!
  14. their interest rate is 177% , i think !? extortionate or what ?
  15. at last, common sense prevails, like i said before same thing happened to my daughter,she was marched out of her store,when the security guards rang the police, by a "very nice policeman!" in front of all her colleagues! she was sooooooo embarrassed!
  16. well done lolol perhaps they'll get fed up with us all ..... eventually lol
  17. thankyou all for your thoughts on this matter ! love em all lol will ask about the official act part though, been away for weekend, was nice to come back to some funny thoughts,love the ad about the dresses lolol.something like that would do ,5 yr old granddaughter got more sense than this shower !
  18. oh fiftypence what fun (glint in eye lol), think they're on a wind up, wait till they get my letter, thats gonna be the wind-up lol. was thinking of putting it in a poem !!! it's different doing it that way, coz they not expect that ! hehehehehe
  19. have just received a "note" from fredrickson's, about a "confirmed resident" !!! dont know how they can do this ,when only hubby and me are here and its defo not in our name ! im having a think on what i can put in reply letter ! perhaps something like .........i didnt know i had a lodger, thankyou for letting me know, etc.. havent quite come up with the right words .......yet !!!!!!
  20. this has also happened to me ! i rang the lady at the insolvency service to let them know what was going on, she took the details of the dca, this happened 5 times, all different dca's, they're chancing their arm !
  21. same thing happened to my daughter,! she worked for sainsburys! so it seems they all work from the same book!
  22. sorry forgot to add , that provi sent it to moorcroft!
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