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Everything posted by ldal558

  1. my computer is playing up and wont let me pm trhrough consumer forums.however my pm my user name @aol.com contact me anytime and i will tell you all,thanks.
  2. m money have marked my car on the hpi register saying it is a lease car that i hired off them.lets be fair if i was going to hire a car it wouldnt be a 2000 zafira.
  3. i would certainley question the bill of sale having no date.check your signatures on the bos and fixed loan agreement.if they were signed by the same person then it is unenforcable and you can claim for your loss of car.as for my problems m money will not contact my solicitor but keep bugging my insurance company.on a hpi check it states that i leased the car from them {huh i paid cash and got the receipt to prove it }
  4. if you want my solicitor details i will gladly give them to you.the letter she sent mobile money says and i quote "upon perusing the bill of sale we have noted that the bill of sale was witnessed by **** ****** the manager of your cardiff branch.also **** ****** signed the fixed sum loan agreement.we trust that you are aware that unless our clients signature was witnessed by at least one person who is not a party to the bill then this bill is unenforceable. hopefully this will help you out.i will update as soon as i know any more. this is the only solicitor i have found that knows her stuff regarding the bill of sale act.
  5. UPDATE: ive seen a solicitor and my bos is totally unenforcable.therefore even though i still owe them the money they got to remove the marker on my car,then take me to court or whatever for their money.
  6. mm are tw*ts.check your bos and your fixed loan credit agreement if they were signed by the same person then your bos is unenforcable.you will still owe the money but they cannot take your car.im seeing a solicitor at the moment to get the hpi marker removed.
  7. check the signatures on your bos.if there is only one signature omn the fixed loan agreement and the bos then it is unenforcable.you will still owe the money but your car cannot be used as security.
  8. check your friends bill of sale document.if the same person signed the fixed loan agreement and the bill of sale then it is UNENFORCABLE. the money will still be owed but they cannot use the car as security.im seeing a very good solicitor pm me if you want solicitors details.
  9. can i ask what solicitors you are with as i want to know if my bos was done properly or not,thanks.
  10. my bos with m money was signed and witnessed by the same person,,,,my car was stolen and written off but mmoney are claimming off my ins company,,,help what can i do ???
  11. mobile money have said that the settlement figure is £870 but the loan isnt due to end till oct,,,im waiting for trading standards to check my bill of sale but if its found to be void will my ins company still have to pay them first?
  12. im waiting to hear off trading standards,,if my bill of sale is void would my ins company still have to pay them?
  13. help,,i took a loan off mobile money in april 2009,,my car got stolen in july and my ins company have informed me that they have to pay outstanding finance {loan} to mobile money before i get anything.basically leaving me not enough to buy a pushbike let alone a 7 seater{4 kids}. im trying to find out if my bos is legal but any advice on what else i can do will be appreceated......thanks and hope someone can help.
  14. im having probs with mobile money too,my car got stolen my ins company wrote it off but have also said there is outstanding finance {mobile money} that has to be paid before i can receive any money,,its not leaving me enough to buy a pushbike let alone a 7 seater{ive 4 kids},,any advice please?
  15. im also having problems with mobile money,my car got stolen while i still owe mmoney.my ins company havesaid they need to pay mobile money out of my settlement check,,,how can i find out if my bos is legaly standing,,help.
  16. How do i find out if my bill of sale has been registered or not,,,my car got stolen and my ins company wrote it off.wen i spoke to my ins compant they said that there was outstanding finance on my car i.e.mobile money.if my ins company pay the outstanding monies to m money i cant afford to get anopther car what else can i do,ive contacted consumer direct wales and am waiting to hear from them.my ins company wont pay out until ive sent them my licence which im not doing until i know what to do about mobile money????? need advice urgent?
  17. i took out a loan with mobile money in april 2009.ive been a customer with them for about 3 years.i havent managed to make a payment yuet as my finances have been messed up.the bos ive got says the person who gave the loan and the witness as one and the same person,is this legal??????help am really worried now,thanks.
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