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  1. hey. this reply prob wont be much use, but if there is anything here that helps then good. yeah i've been dealing with PTP very recently after defaulting this month. after sending off a few em@ils i got sick of the standard response that they don't deal with em@ils too. i eventually phoned them and got a tw4t from ireland threatening door to door collections etc. the fact this guy was an idiot and really annoyed me made it far easier to state to my case in no uncertain terms.. with a slighty raised voice. he said he was passing it on to his team leader and to expect a phone call soon. anyway this other irish guy phoned and he was really cool. seems maybe they were trying the good cop bad cop approach, try to scare me 1st and see if i buckle which i didn't. then try the smooth approach with a different guy. eventually i caved in and after a £59 default charge, all other interest is now frozen. but they WON'T accept any payment plan. the best they offered me was a split payment over 2 months, 50% this month then 50% next month. i agreed and will be paying 50% tomorrow. i just want to get my 4 payday loans out the way so the thought that i will have lost one this time next month did appeal to me. but to start with i was insistant i couldn't pay, he was still nice to me, said he appreciated me as a customer and thought it was important for me to keep them as a lender option (whatever, i won't be back after i sort all this mess out) he just explained it would go to a third party and was still cool about it. sorry for the ramble, but basically... if you could afford to pay in 2 split payments, which it seems you can't, then phone them, they would accept that offer. if you can't afford to pay over 2 months then ignore and let it go to dca. they really won't budge from 2 months. i tried for half an hour and was speaking to a brick wall note i've set up another bank account and only transferring the 50% to that account, no other money is in it. i swouldn't trust any of them. they wouldn't listen to my standing order request what so ever. so maybe open a new account at same or different bank, and only transfer what you've agreed to pay into it so they can't clean you out
  2. hey all. i'm back so my situation is pretty much the exact same. continuing to pay interest at extorsionate rates and getting more depressed and distant from the world by the day / month. the one place i find some normalitly and enjoy being is actually my work, which i never thought i would ever say. this month was particularly hard, monthly salary gone by the 7th and my partner supporting the both of us for over 3 weeks on not a great wage. it's been hard, although at least now they know the mess i'm in. plenty over-time worked this month to help pay excessive bank charges etc etc which are crippling me also.. NEED to get out of this vicious cycle too!! so i have some money to play with in dealing with these companies this month, unless they get there 1st of course!! no it can't happen, it can't. ...plus . and ashamed to say one more pay day loan to my name, 195 in total. 150 + 45 interest. but as from late last week, now i AM acting though to get myself out of the myre which started with beginning to open a new bank acc for my wages short term plans and actions to date.. - new bank account all but opened up at a new bank. just need to sign the paperwork and send it away. this is where my october salary and everyone there after will be going. bank card on my actual account reported 'lost' today. - phone my bank tomorrow and instruct / ask them to cancel and not allow any transactions / direct debits on my account on all of these companies. - my pay day and impending loans are set to leave my account on the 28th. constant check of any direct debits being set up on my account daily tomorrow, the next day, the day after that, and for the foreseeable future. - em@il sent to qq tonight... Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you that I will not have the funds to pay my payday loan off on 28th September (£100.00 to roll over). The total loan is for £500.00 (Inc interest), unfortunately due to debts spiralling out of control with several creditors it will be literally impossible for me to pay this in one go. I apologise for this wholeheartedly and propose that you freeze the interest on my account and let me pay you back at a rate of £60 per month (starting this month) until all debt is paid in full. I can confirm I can realistically pay this amount every month. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me an e-mail by return to inform me if you agree with my proposal. Unfortunately even if you don’t, I don't think I can possibly afford anymore than this. I have stopped my debit card so no transactions can go through and I would appreciate it if you could give me your bank details and a reference to quote when sending payment through to you. I pray that you will take into consideration that being a loyal customer to yourselves over several months, with no track history of non-payments, and paying over £1000.00 in interest alone will hold me in good standing with all future correspondance. Again, I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and I request that all contact from you be made through e-mail or post in writing and not by telephone. Thanks in anticipation, this was pretty much copy and pasted from another payday mess thread.thanks very much and hope you don't mind if you are reading this and recognise the letter turns out i have already defaulted on the interest rollover from and haven't even realised because there is so much going on in my bank account. already recieved a reply.. Dear xxxxx, Customer # xxxxx We received your email regarding your loan balance and your situation has been noted. Collection procedures will continue until an acceptable payment arrangement is made on the default balance of £ 112,00. Collections can not make arrangements for debt not yet past due. Therefore QQ must advise you that the balance will be deducted on 28/09/2009. QQ recommends you contact a professional, licensed debt manager if you are feeling overwhelmed by debt. QuickQuid Collections Department so does this mean i have to wait and default on the whole sum this month then the fun will begin? all i have recieved is a few em@ils from them this month to the effect of.. Notice of Payment Past Due Dear xxxxxx, Customer ID#: xxxxxxxx Total Amount Due: GBP 612,00 You currently have one or more payday loans from QuickQuid which are past due. Because of these overdue payments, your customer status has been changed to "In Default". Below is the list of loans which are past due: ID: xxxxxxx FUNDING DATE: 28/07/2009 AMOUNT: GBP 400,00 DUE DATE: 28/08/2009 At QuickQuid, we value your business and ask you to contact us immediately to resolve this matter. In order to keep your customer status in good standing, and avoid further costs, it is essential to repay these loans in full within 15 days from the receipt of this notice. If we do not receive a response, we will take that as a refusal to pay and will take appropriate collections measures which include, but are not limited to, the use of a third party collections agency. If you have already made payment arrangements for the entire balance, please disregard this email. If you have any queries, our Collections Department is here to help. seems qq might be reasonable with me come default day, or is this just wishful thinking?? also em@iled pretty much same letter to P2P but offered £70 per month. and was replied.. Dear xxxxxx, Thank you for your email. We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail which we have forwarded to our Payment Services Department for their attention. Kindly note that Payment Services are only available via phone and would not be able to answer queries via email therefore we encourage a call to them at your earliest convenience on their freephone number 08000 32 76 53, their hours of operation are 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. Thank you for choosing PoundsTillPayday.co.uk Kind regards well this is no good to me at all. no useful info for me plus i don't want phone calls on the advcie of my previous replies on this thread?? any ideas on best route here? it was customercare i em@iled. i couldnt find an alternative em@il address to sent it to. - thats all so far i think - most likely rolling over the new pay day loan, it's 'only' £45 and will free up some much needed cash this coming month. makes sense for this month i think. hopefully this one can be paid off in one go in a few months time. anyone have any advice / critisism on my actions and pro activeness so far? all welcome, good or bad. i'm ready to take it all on starting on monday, screw the potential phone calls at work, sh1t happens and it's something i'll have to deal with if / when it comes h
  3. well a really big thanks to everyone who's takn time out to get back to me, its really quite heatening, thanks v much. cant believe ive never stumbled across this forum before it's all stil a bit much to take in just now but i'm willing to wait a week or so before i take a deep breath and start acting on my decisions. my paydays are all end of the month, but want to have the ball rolling a few weeks before that, 2 weeks before then is when i'll have to start acting. its all a bit scary but i know the long term benefits are there and there are success stories all over this forum as well as some of the bad stuff but there is hope i suppose, this forums proof. i know i have the wage to sort this out but it just seems to beat me every month. i will try to take in as much as i can from this forum then i'll at least know the basic facts on the law and what to do in certain circumstances for when and if they arise. in the meantime i have a little bit soulsearching to do before 'd' day... or should that be 'p' day the thing that worries me about changing bank (eventhough i know this is an absolute must from my limited and new found knowledge) is my situation with them too. 2 seperate overdrafts on 2 seperate accounts from when i was younger.. totalling 2k or there abouts. and my personal loan.. i think i'll just start getting grief from them now although the money to pay these is perfectly managable, MINUS the PayDays! they are whats crippling me, so i need to deal with them 1st before i start to see any light. then i can get working on paying off all the other stuff and get on with a stress free life again thanks again for everyones comments much appreciated p.s i've been checking out the logbook loan section here over the last few hours and i'm pretty sure i won't be going down that route any time soon, it sounds brutal and like a living nightmare. thats why this forum here is proving to be a true life line
  4. i'm even contemplating a logbook loan against the value of my car to pay these guys off. hopefully help spread the cost and lose the fear of my work being contacted
  5. i know i'll be echoing a number of posts and threads but i've been juggling 3 payday loans for over a year now and i'm so depressed and sick of it. i dread to think the thousands i've paid in interest alone and not moving the total due figure 1 penny. im due 500 + 125 interest to payday uk, 400 + 100 interest to quick quid ad 500 + 135 interest to poundstillpyday, and im in a mess because of it. 355 a month gone in interest before i even start. i've tried woring all the overtime going at work to pay off all the interest and try to reduce them by 100 each a month bu its not working, i still end up back at square one. all the extrahours and constant worry about this is making me ill. i have other unsecure debt that i feel would be perfectly managable if i didnt have this big black hole in my salary every month. paying 350 a month wouldnt bother me so much if it was reducing the over-all figures but its not. since reading a lot of threads here i've become slightly more optimstic i can get out of this mess, but it seems the 3 companies i have the pleasure of having dealings with are also the 3 who seem really tough to deal with and can be quite intrusive into your life. i've also had the mis-fortune of one of my work colleagues tell me 'i received a call from a qq looking for you at work today' i almost died. this loan defaulted through no knowledge or fault of my loan and they were onto my work in a flash. this is one of my biggest worries in taking my 1st steps into dealing with this.. them phoning my work. i've already changed works phone number on one of them but i dont know if this will help as they probably have a record of the other one i issued and will use it no problem to try and track me down. i know in my heart if i could magically be offered a no hassle settlement period of 80 per month each to the 3 of them until they were cleared, no hassle or probing then i would feel so happy with a massive weight lifted off my shoulder. i think i would be able to start enjoying my little life again. but it doesnt appear this is going to be the case.. it seems like its gonna get a whole lot worse 1st!! if they were to all agree to a monthly repayment deal with no hassle i think i would cry with sheer relief, but it looks highly unlikely considering the companies i'm dealng with. has anyone had any hassle-free negotiations with any of these lenders and if so what kind of approach did you take? any help info or ideas would be much appreciated by anyone.. in a mess and need to start working to a solution istead of throwing away good money after bad in sheer interest every month. my credit rating has obviously stooped that low, now no company will lend me a few thousand to help bail me out and help spread it all out at a better rate.... if only !
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