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Everything posted by fallenangel

  1. Sorry i think ive probably posted wrong place, still trying to suss out site
  2. Hi. I am in debt by about £6500 due to ex "wanting his life back". I had to give up a good job in order to take care of daughter. I sorted two sums out with the respective companies and am paying £1 and £5 per month respectively. My only problem is with HSBC and MCS. HSBC will not acknowledge any offer for the overdraft (about £900) and MCS have started harassing about the loan (about £2400). I live with my 7 yr old in a mortgaged house, my ex name still on the mortgage even though he pays nothing. He has a ccj on house due to his own "drinking debts". I have been to CAB but they dont deal with HSBC until it goes to court. On National Debtlines advice i continue with letters and £1 payments - recorded delivery of course. I have to say im scared and wont answer door or phone unless i know who it is. It feels better just typing this even if i get no advice.
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