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  1. Ok, so I was one of the dumb ones that paid the £21 fee.....before I read this thead. When I paid the account off I also cancelled with a cancellation date of 06.08.2006. I paid this about 2 months ago and today I received an email thanking me for my payment and that my account will automatically be re-activated within the next few days. I've logged back into my account and it is indeed still cancelled but I'm worried they will take my payment as proof that I now want to reactivate my account. I've been looking through their website trying to find a contact email address to confirm that I dont want to re-activate my account but I cant find any. Anyone got any suggestions as to what I should do? Many Thanks
  2. Just out of curiosity, can I ask for compensation for the amount of time I've spent trying to sort this out? At a rough guess I'd say we've spent a good five hours writing letters, emails and making phone calls. That doesn't include the time we spent trying to get the broadband fixed for almost three months.
  3. Thanks for finding that, I'll sit down with my partner tonight and write a strong letter and send it to the above address. You really can't believe that a company of this size can screw up a simple process so many times. In fact at the begining of the week they insisted we actually cancelled on the 14 June 2009, which is complete b*ll*cks as we cancelled on the 2 July 2009. They then said they needed a months notice to cancel the account and that cancellation would occur FROM 14 July 2009. So in effect we have had to give them 2 months notice to cancel the account. Anyway thankyou for the help, its much appricated
  4. Thought I'd post where we're upto today, a week after my last rant about Bulldog/Pipex. After being promised the account would be cancelled by Thursday 3rd September (yesterday) we recieved another bill today. So I sent them an email and it now appears that the second cancellation has been lost or forgeten about and we now have to start the cancellation process all over again, for the third time. Does anyone know of an address for upper management within Pipex? Other than the PO Box, or even an email address? I feel the need to send a snotty letter.....getting very angry again.....you wont like me when I'm angry Many Thanks
  5. Ok, so I've just had a reply from the email that I sent this morning. You have to understand that these emails have been going back and forth for the last few days. What I sent this morning. Hi, You should now have all the proof needed to see that our new phone service started on the 08 July 2009 and the new broadband service went live on the 16 July 2009. You will also see that the request for a new phone service was initiated on the 02 July 2009, the same time we cancelled with Pipex which we have said all along. If you goto the website address I have provided below and enter Tracking number BR677958537GB you can verify for yourself that a letter was sent as promised and that you have received it today. http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/personal?pageId=tab_track_rm&catId=500185&mediaId=83900761 I might also point out that Pipex representative Martin Hynes has also sent us an email supporting our claim. Quotes from his email: "Your account is currently in the process of cancellation; due to a system error the account remained active." "A customer can cancel there account by contacting our Cancellations Department 0871 222 6367, unfortunately, a system error occurred when cancelling your account." As you can see he quite clearly admits not once but twice it was a system error on your part. I hope you can resolve this issue asap and that we can receive a letter in the post to confirm our cancellation and an email as an intermediate response. We haven't decided if we want to spend another £10 requesting old billing information at the moment but I have been informed that this is the maximum amount that you can charge and that it is highly inappropriate to charge this amount as most reputable companies would do this for free. If this matter isn't resolved within the next 10 working days we will be requesting a DEADLOCK letter so we can escalate this to CISAS. Regards -------------------------------------------------------------------- And here's the reply that I recieved a moment ago. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your email, the contents of which have been noted. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. In accordance with Data Protection laws, we require three of the following pieces of information to allow us to access your account and advise you on your query: - Your Pipex Account number - Your full name - Your date of birth (please confirm) - Your address - Your postal code - Your contact telephone number - Your method of payment If you have any further requests or queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care Department on the number below. Kind regards, Leeane Lim Pipex Customer Relations --------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm now sitting at my desk shaking with anger, is it just me but are they really this stupid? They have all the details for the account, they can even scroll down and read the details for themselves from previous emails. We have been corresponding with Pipex for over five months now (including the faulty BB issue time frame) and this is a typical response. We just go round and round in circles. This is costing myself and my partner allot of personal time to sort out not to mention the cost of phone calls at a premium rate and written letter cost's. I just don't know what to do next. I have replied in big bold letters telling them our personal details for the 100th time....
  6. Hi, thanks for the response. We have just sent them an email basically telling them what you said above. We will also be sending them a written letter as well. The whole situation has gotten out of hand now, all we wanted to do was cancel our account, pay what we may owe them and move on. They have recieved all our proof this morning via Recorded Delivery. However they will not be informing us of the out come until at least the 03 September 2009 and that we also have to send them an email requesting said update. Considering they owe us £46 which has been credited to our account and the amount in dispute is £38 it seems totally pointless. Why can't they just cancel and send us the difference. The more I think about this the more angry I get.... I'm going to have to go for a walk to calm down. Many Thanks for all your help.
  7. Hello again, I've just had a phone call from Pipex (8.20am) informing me I have to pay £10 to obtain copys of my bills. Is it correct that I have to pay to get something that I've already paid for within my line and broadband rental? It was a very unusual phone call as they have never contacted me by phone before even when I've requested a call by email. The first thing the person said was that they are recording the call and was it ok for them to do this. Also bear in mind that I only sent the email last night at 10.30pm and it usually takes 48 hours for Pipex to respond. Many Thanks
  8. Hi, thanks for the quick response. I will ask for this information and within 40 days
  9. Hi, We were a customer of Bulldog/Pipex for just over a year until it all went wrong. The broadband failed to work for weeks at a time and after three long months of trying to get them to fix it we decided to cancel and go elsewhere. However these things are never as simple as they should be and we've now been told on two different occasions that our cancellation has failed and that we're still a paying customer. They have no record of our phone calls or notes on the system. We have phone records for the second cancellation as we were with our new provider but as we were still customers when we cancelled the first time we have no evidence that these calls took place on a specific date. My question is, can I demand that they send me phone records for the past six months in the post and that I can have them sent within a reasonable time frame? (10 working days) If I can, what would be the basis for this request. Are there any specific UK laws that say I'm entitled to this personal information. I think I can ask for this but I'm not sure so would appriciate any help. Many Thanks Louis
  10. Add me too the list that got the emails from CCI legal. Mine were for £21 and before I found this thread I decided to pay over the phone with a CC. After reading this thread I now realise I shouldn't have paid at all but it was only £21 after all. However I signed up in 2006 and I'm now worried that because I've paid once they'll send more emails demanding that I pay for the whole 3 years. They don't have my address only my credit card details and mobile phone number. What should I do? Wait for another letter? Cancel my CC just in case they decide to take more money? Getting quite worried about this so would appriciate some advice. Thanks in advance.
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