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Everything posted by Dempsey40

  1. Thanks for your reply You are correct they are on housing benefits but have not passed them on. Tomorrow I will be applying to court to have them evicted. There is not enough contents to cover the debt.
  2. I hope someone can help. I have just served a tenant a section 8 before I go to court to evict them. They owe £3680 in unpaid rent and this will increase on the 8th by another £1000. The debt has gone on for over a year now and as they are on benefits I am wondering what my options are to try and recover the money owed. Has anyone had any experience of this. Thanks
  3. A new agreement is due this week. I just need a good agreement that is freely available online to download. I am just going to issue a 6 month agreement to see how things go
  4. Hi I need a new tenancy agreement for a standing tenant taht is always up to 3 weeks late with the rent. Does anyone have any templates that can be downloaded Thanks Mike
  5. Hi SilverFox, there are constant network dropouts, calls fail while you are in the middle of talking, the coverage changes from road to road. It is impossible to run a business off a phone that will not connect to a network reliably.
  6. I unfortunately have a One Net contract with Vodafone which is not fit for purpose. I took out the contract specifically to have a landline number on my phone as I was starting a new business. The business failed and I am left with a contract of £47 per month which I could do without. The network is so poor that even the RootScore Report in March rated Vodafone as the worst network in the country. I have complained to Vodafone a number of times and asked if I can move to a cheaper tariff to see out my contract but they do not allow you to do this. Is there anything I can do to get out of my contract. I think I will make it my mission to warn people on every forum to stay away from Vodafone.
  7. Ashmk, what is happening to you
  8. I worked for a printers that were given a file to print for a client. This client in turn received the file under the impression that they were the printers and were printing it themselves but they are just a middle man and gave the file out to the company I worked for. I left the company but had copies of all files. I was not under any contract and no stipulation had been placed on artwork files. I came across the file in question and printed a couple off with a view of making some money on them. There is no copyright detailed on the file itself. As soon as it came to light that it was copyrighted the copies were withdrawn from sale and destroyed. None were sold. The original company that had ownership of the file are now suing the middleman that gave the file to the company I worked for. They are in turn looking into the company I worked for to see how the copies got out. What can happen to me and what do I need to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. We already printed 3 copies which they did not collect for whatever reason. So we decided to sell them on a crappy website we set up. The owner of the original copy has been in touch to state that they are investigating the theft of the file, which was obviously given out in the first place for someone to print.
  10. It is a copy of a script that came our way because we was asked to print it for someone else
  11. I recently came in to possession of a digital file which I printed with a view of selling copies. I have received an email stating that there is a copyright on the file and that the "theft" of the file is being investigated with a view of court proceedings being issued and to discover the identity of the person being found out. What do I do???
  12. It went on a couple of months but i kept telling them that i wanted to get legal advice first
  13. I unfortunately moved to Vodaphone from O2 so that I could run my business from my mobile by having a landline number added to my mobile. What a mistake. I deeply regret moving over because of the lack of signal and constant signal dropouts when on the phone to clients. How on earth can you run a business, with what was the main business supplier, on a network that is truly not fit for purpose. I have contact Vodaphone on several occasions, spending an hour on the phone this weekend to them alone, to complain and now have no choice but to try and cancel the contract. I have a business contract with them and would like to know is it possible to cancel the contract without paying for a line rental for the duration. I pay nearly £50 a month for a contract that is not worth £5 a month. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Update from me. Kept stalling and they finally wrote to me saying that because i hadn't relisted the items they were basically going to call it a day and take no further action.
  15. Hi, after ignoring everything for a while I received another letter today stating that they have retracted the £250 offer I made and that they now require £1000 + profits. Back to where we started. Letter attached [ATTACH]46371[/ATTACH]
  16. Received a letter today which is just a copy of the email thery sent. The envelope had my name and address cut out from another piece of paper and cellotaped on as was the postmark. Very not solicitor like.
  17. mt123, I have donen so and copied you in
  18. filrobbo, it definately looks that way. Has anyone else held out and not handed over anything? What was the result? Did they go away?
  19. i havent sort legal advice but i now, with hindsight, not have accepted the letter. Thats the only way they can prove that you have received anything. Other people may have more ideas as im still after solutions myself
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