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Everything posted by Mattyg2004

  1. Thanks Blitz. After reading many many posts RE SCS afer sales care I'm gonna try and persuade the OH to look elswhere. I also spotted a number of SCS threads you have posted on. Looks like they havent learnt anything over the past 5-6 yrs
  2. Cheers Blitz So if the sofa arrives damaged i can send it straight back for a refund?? Just trying to cover all bases (annoyed as OH is set on that exact one. LOL) If it needs a repair within a short period of time what kind of timescale is allowed for a repair instead of refund. Some people have been told it will take a month to get a report done then as long to get a repair
  3. Hiya Folks, Re-post due to wrong forum. My OH has found our new sofa but its from SCS. May not be a big problem but looking on these forums there are a number of complaints about SCS. On their website it states that they are made to order (to our specification as well yeah whatever) so cannot be canceled. Am i covered under distance selling regs. We really want the sofa and have looked elsewhere and can't find anything like it. But i just wanto do all I can to protect me just in case any problems arise. Buy online, pay deposit by credit card Etc. Any Ideas, Thanks Matt
  4. Hiya Folks, My OH has found our new sofa but its from SCS. May not be a big problem but looking on these forums there are a number of complaints about SCS. On their website it states that they are made to order (to our specification as well yeah whatever) so cannot be canceled. Am i covered under distance selling regs. We really want the sofa and have looked elsewhere and can't find anything like it. But i just wanto do all I can to protect me just in case any problems arise. Buy online, pay deposit by credit card Etc. Any Ideas, Thanks Matt
  5. He's still around luckily Last Activity: 5th January 2010 10:43
  6. Thanks I dont actually employ anyone they are all Subbies some of which i may hear from once a month. They are based from their on homes using their own vehicles etc with minimal input from myself.
  7. If not sooner under the right circumstances. Not sure about the area manager. I'm sure more details and more issues of distain with the area manager will come out soon. The general opinion of him is NOT one of high regard. unlike many of the other area managers. Only time will tell.
  8. Oops! Ok friend had metting with director on monday back at work on tues(today) Differant depot but under the same area manager. Hes been demoted for 3 months to an assistant manager and the warnings stay on file. Everyone is happy at the new depot to quote one member of staff "cant believe your coming here your a legend .... at least were gonna make some money now" Even the manager of that site who my friend trained up is happy as it looks like he was a little overwhelmed with his position. So probably about the best outcome we could have hoped for. His old Area manger kinda gave him a hint to the outcome before the meeting. And has since phoned him to say he's well chuffed its sorted and he cant wait to get him back on his patch once his 3 months is up. I've told him to put this down to experiance and not to forget what can happen. And that this will most likely make him a better manager in the long run. Thanks for all your help folks. Cheers Matt
  9. Hiya folks, I Have the above with Black horse for a car. Which i use for business. Now when I was buying the car i told the salesman what i was after, What i was using the car for and that because of the High mileage I would be VTing the car half way through the finance. Well that time is nearly upon us and I have just checked my agreement and its not a regulated HP agreement. I'm a little miffed now I have been mis-sold my finance. And most probably stuck with the car for another 2.5 years. I'm not looking at getting out of the agreement i was going to fully comply and express my rights to VT but now I cant. Is the only answer to sell the car and clear the outstanding finance?? Cheers folks Matt
  10. Sorry dont ya just hate it when people dont update threads:D He had his appeal hearing on monday, and at the same time his ex manager was in the same building doing 3 other hearings (i see a pattern emerging) my Friend was pretty happy after the meeting with the feeling between himself and another manager who went with him that it was very positive. especially when the director put a stop to the other hearings and was shocked that ALL the other managers in the area are scared for their jobs. the director admitted he would have used personal improvement plans to sort the situation, because they work. A letter with the outcome is on its way. Fingers crossed
  11. Thanks unfortunatly its not the first time he's been late Its happened a few times although nothing has been done officially. It says in the transcript of the hearing that the area manager feels he has exhausted all avenues when he clearly hasnt. There were more options open to him but he chose not to take those route.
  12. Update: He has had his outcome letter today. He has been sacked for misconduct namely poor timekeeping. He was given a written warning but as he had a final on file.(which we are struggling to get a date on) He was dismissed. He has NOT had a verbal warning for poor timekeeping his manger has spoken to him about his timekeeping but nothing official. Does this help his case any. In our appeal letter do we draft it like court bundle/witness statement or do we just list the basics. Ie I want to appeal the decision. Company policy is to work with the employee to sort out any problems There are breaches of the policy but not sure how serious they are. We also think this may have been rushed through as his final written warning may have still been live. is there a grace period could a final warning be taken into consideration the day before its due to be removed
  13. Update: Had a funny morning. Walked into the court waiting room to be met by not one but 3 people for the defendant Him, his business partner and the LAWYER. Went into court where the lawyer then tried to tell the Judge that they hadnt recieved my trial bundle.. Hang on, I didnt recieve theirs and had to pick it up myself from court. the sneaky beggars I had hand delivered it. Which the judge then said good enough for him its been delivered but he would copy the documents and give them some time to have a look through. After the three amigo's had read through my bundle the lawyer asked for a chat and offered to settle for the full amount due now. But that was in full and was to include the next years payment which is overdue. As I Know I wouldnt get that next amount of monies owed as they had now set up another LTD i thought the best option would be to settle. So back into court we go where the Lawyer announces that we have had a chat and settled. Upon leaving I asked the Judge when i would recieve notice I meant MY CHEQUE but he said a letter would be out shortly. He then offered that i had made the sensible choice but had I gone through he would have more than likely sided with me and made a judgment on the next installment. Oh well like i said previous I would never have seen that next amount and I got what i sued for so all is ok. Plus Orange have ok'd me to cancel my contract and they will claw back all his commision as he has mis-sold my contract. Oops forgot to tell that to the defendant. Well he has pi**ed me about for 18 months. Cheers for the info folks Especially Buzby Matt
  14. You'd think so wouldnt you:-o The hearing was this morning so he doesnt have it in writting yet. He's getting notice pay na holiday pay so at least its not gross misconduct. He is a top performer in the company and this came as a big shock through the depots that know him. We are wondering now if its this new area manager flexing his muscles to the effect of "i can sack him i can sack any of you" type of thing.
  15. Very Its a national tyre fitting company He loves his job started 8 yrs ago and worked his way up to a depot manager and go to guy. He gets moved around to differant depots that are failing and turns them around. His old area manager was trying to get him back under his area but he was sticking with the project he had at the time. All the staff are amazed and other depot mangers are shocked. He depot is the only one to make/beat budget every month for the last 12 months. He has turned around all his previous depots. This new area manger has only been with the company 3 months'ish and has come from another trade.
  16. We have just read the companie Disciplinary policy. Its states that a written warning will stay on file for 6 months and a final will be on for 12 months. His 1st written warning was 3 yrs ago and his final was over 12 months ago. Does that mean his first was spent so his final shouldnt have been a final but instead another first. which then IF spent would mean this latest one would be either his 2nd/final or if spent it would be another 1st written warning. EDIT: There was an adjournment but that was just for the manager to phone the previous manger to confirm that the arrangemnt had been made. This was confirmed but didnt make any differance. Another point was by the time my friend got back to his depot to collect his things replacement staff were already there
  17. I'm writing on behalf of a friend On xmas eve he recieved a letter from his HR department notifying of a Disciplinary hearing. This was set for Today (29/12/09 The next working day) At the meeting was my friend and the meeting was chaired by his manager and a HR rep. My friends manager is not neutral as he was the complainent and was responsible for the meeting. At the meeting my friend was told that he was to be disciplined over Punctuality however the shift start time had been extended by the previous manager due to out of area travelling time. My friend had a final written warning over 12 months ago for a unrelated issue At this meeting my friend was given a first written warning for Time keeping but as he had a final warning he was dismissed even though the time keeping had been authorised by previous manager. The speed with which this was done looks fishy and it looks like the manager has organised the dismissal. 1st witten warning was over 3 years ago 2nd was over 12 months ago and was due to audit and procedure(he had just taken over a new site and was finding his feet) My friend had legitimate answers to pretty much all points made at the meeting such as collecting stock from other depots on the way in to work. Any Ideas or suggestions. Thanks in advance
  18. Christmas is the time for thinking about the less fortunate:D
  19. I have had a reply from the HSE Nice to see a definitive answer fro them without a disclaimer of seeking legal advice. Jeez these guys make the rules you'd think they would know them. But on the plus side It looks like i dont need it. Thanks for all your replies Matt
  20. I want to play devils advocate and wish all you Caggers a merry christmas and also merry christmas to the college and their Legal team:D They may need some Christmas cheers
  21. Thanks monkeychicken, Whether it helps or not it was an interesting read. I'm playing devil advocate with myself but the more i read the less likely it is i need it. Thanks Matt
  22. Thanks thats exactly what my view is. I'll have a read of the link cheers
  23. Collecting blood samples from vets They are all self employed using there own vehicles They work for themselves 1 is a taxi driver 1 is a car valeter 1 sells cars Etc I'm concerened that i may be breaking the law not having it. But am also aware that if i have it the HMRC may think they are actual employees and chase me fore PAYE Thanks so far Helford
  24. I hardly speak to most of them. They phone a call center in the morning to pick up their jobs. Then they collect them in the quickest way they can then drop off at the destination and then home. I give them a day rate if they finish at the latest 2 pm or finish early at 12:30
  25. Hiya folks. I'm a sole trader but use a number of subcontractors do i need to have employers liability insurance. I have Public liability but do i need the other Thanks in advance
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