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  1. Thank you mjc007.5 - I feel a bit silly at over reacting now. Was MP1 being nasty? I am trying to keep on top of it all, but my mum and dad still go on about pay your debts and all that - I read about people getting away with not paying and I am really tempted to just change flats, cancel cards and change mobile numbers. Sorry if I upset anyone.
  2. So if I don't agree with just not paying the money back, then I must work for the firm that I borrowed from. WOW, I thought this forum was meant to help us and make us feel that we are not alone not try and make me feel bad for not just taking the money. I did not see what matthewparker1 wrote, but I have done nothing wrong.
  3. But Yoshiro, that would be wrong as I borrowed the money, knowing full well the interest rate. It is me that is wrong as I was stupid to keep borrowing. To charge back would surely be theft! I am not pretending or lying - that is just wrong. Might as well go and steal from Tesco's or mug an old lady.
  4. I have looked at their terms and conditions and it says: I confirm that I provide 1 Month Loan with consent to contact my existing employer as is required in order to arrange for the repayment of the Loan at a rate of no more than 10% (ten percent) of my monthly or weekly wage and I hereby consent to 1 Month Loan making disclosure of the Loan to my Employer on my behalf. You can hardly say that is taking money illegally. I think it is a threat and I think it is unfair, but I also think think that any HR department will tell them to f**k off anyway. Well in my opinion the consolidation loan they gave me is better as I pay less interest and no one is chasing me.
  5. Fighting them mean you get morons like that bloke from Genie ringing your employers and home at all hours of the day. Maybe you have never had that experience.
  6. I heard that wonga will not do anything but chase. if you don't pay they will write it off.
  7. 1ML will let you consolidate other payday debts into 1 loan. less interest (still a rip off) but better than the others. I had £250 with Payday Uk, £125 with wonga, £175 with genie and a bit with Ungle buck and pd express and they gave me 1 loan at less interest.
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