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  1. Yes. In today's world every problem one encounters is always someone else's fault entirely isn't it. Never anything to do with something of your own making.
  2. My thoughts to Pigfat in relation to this thread, and his other thread in the mortgages section I've just posted on. I think it is fair to offer my balancing view to this. Not to flame up arguments, but because sometimes repossession is the correct course of action in the circumstances. I lose respect for the more committed posters here who help those struggling through little fault of their own, also giving assistance to those who have made their own beds. Lots of beds in fact, in many of the properties they kept on buying with extra debt. Especially when people have taken greedy risks to acquire more and more properties, getting deep into debt, with little in reserve, all done without much caution or taking regular professional legal advice.
  3. As a would-be first-time-buyer who has spent 8 years hard saving towards putting down a deposit, only for HPI to race away during that time... I have difficulty with this thread. I'm also not the only one. Many FTBs and those who actually hope to get on the ladder keep an eye on this forum. Firstly, I don't consider any of your BTL people to be genuine consumers, and aren't consumers who this forum is supposed to be helping? I really don't mind this forum helping people who are struggling through little fault or recklessness, and trying to fend off repossession of their own homes However you are more commercial borrowers, in business and generally in law, you are supposed to be more aware. Perhaps rather than continuing to buy properties some money would have been better invested in solid professional advice about everything involved in BTL, including LPA receiver action with fewer requirements on the lenders to run things through the courts. Secondly, Pigfat has been 'in the business' for 15 years? At least 4 properties in arrears? How many smegging properties do you own? How many did you need for this golden retirement? Some of you don't seem to know you are born, compared to the epic reach many FTBs need to have to even get on the ladder with a basic starter home at current prices in so many areas. Yes, the market needs landlords... but the market also doesn't need a mania of existing owners 'releasing equity' on their home to by a BTL, to release equity on that after and buy another at an ever higher price and so on - helping to force up values and putting would-be First Time Buyers at an ever greater advantage.. also competing for their homes. You whine and moan about them being 'government' banks, which the 'taxpayer owns', but they been put in such a position by inability to offer further financing - but also by borrowers not coming good on the epic commitments they've taken on. It seems to me that many of you have stretched yourselves too far, with too many properties. I'd take a guess that Pigfat would have been in a far superior and secure position if he'd limited his BTLing to just one or two properties in those 15 years. Perhaps now the mortgage paid off and generating secure positive cashflow, an easier life with 2 rentals coming in each month, and the security of fully owning an extra 2 homes, on top of your own home to pass down to children. Continuing to buy lots of further properties, with debt, you keep buying you add to the risk, and render yourselves increasingly crisis-prone. What you are experiencing is a consequence of extending claims on resources to an extreme that could be supported only if boom and easy credit conditions were sustained uninterrupted into the future. Take your medicine.
  4. I'm no expert but this guy appears to be. It is an interesting piece from February this year, so maybe it is possible new rules have been brought in to ease the plight of tenants in such cases? Anyway he's a lawyer working in debt-courts, and from what he says, I'd be careful in the way a tenant should try and be heard in court. Certainly were I a tenant with no close association to a landlord, I wouldn't want to become susceptible to an order for costs. Tenants Interrupted Our Daily Debt
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