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  1. Thanks Alan, I spent some "quality" time with that thread - it certainly seems if that was the case then amex would be in the doo doo. But then given the way that things are surely every bank and card would have securitised stuff.. hell I think even the milkman may have done it too!
  2. Hi Alan, I agree, the DN they sent on the flex account carried the charge card acc number at the top, and like you they saw it very much as the same thing. (I think your thread is where I got the belief that the charge card should be covered by the CCA) I've scanned over the securitisation thread, but not much has sunk in of it - what is the net effect of it, I mean is it good for them or me? Cheers O
  3. Hi Alangee Thanks for spotting the name.. removed now. On the notes I mixed up Charge Card and Credit Card application, but they are both there - I had read that the flex part pushed the Charge Card in to the realms of the CCA because of the £200 thing. On the Credit Card application it does say "Credit Agreement Regulated by the CCA 1074" It says that I confirm that the info given is accurate By signing I agree to the Ts and Cs I request Amex to issue me with a card and replacement cards I authorise additional cards as requested I understand that the Ts and Cs form part of this agreement and that amex may decline to give me a card at its discretion. However the document as far as I remember was a one pager - if you look at the bottom it suggest that the Credit Card Application is page 1/1 NCO did some Ts and Cs which they would have me believe were part of the application which are below and which don't look like they have anything to do with the application at all... (oh and they are unsigned by anyone!) Thanks again
  4. Hi Monty, Thanks for that, I was reading about your "adventures" with amex and friends earlier this morning. Could you give me your thoughts on the flex select part of the charge card where purchases of £200+ got pushed on to credit, also I would appreciate you take on the cancellation - it references the charge card account number at the top and copy of the letter says "account and credit card" which to me says both my charge and credit cards - but you never can tell..... Thanks again for the advice
  5. Oops yes thanks for spotting that.. will post it now... thanks again
  6. Ah.. so I guess that as I've only received the one, and they have cancelled the accounts then the opportunity to offer other DN's has gone.And bar the arrears they can't ask for any other money either Thanks
  7. Hi CA thanks for that great letter. Am I correct in assuming that the flex part of the charge card thing where anything over £200 on the charge card was pushed to flex select credit pushes the charge card into being something which ought to be covered by the CCA. Also is it significant that the only DN that they have sent relates only to the flex part to which no agreement was sent to the original CCA request? And in your opinion have I read their cancellation correctly in that it cancels both the charge and credit card accounts? Thanks so much again (especially as its a Sunday too)
  8. Thanks J - I took a look at that - if I can't alert them to the bad DN how do I progress it? The DN that I got refers only to the flex select part of the charge card, nothing on the credit card, or the charge card. And the cancellation letter appears to cancel both the "account" the charge card account which is covered over and also says that is cancelling my credit card card account, and the letter appears not to reference the default notice - just a blanket cancellation. Also the cancellation of both was confirmed in two separate letters (one for each) from the DCA - RMA saying the account had been cancelled by Amex and passed to them for collection. So on that basis, if the accounts are cancelled by them, then in order to re-issue a DN they would need to reinstate the account, which under the circumstances I don't think I would be agreeable to. Surely somewhere along the line it needs to be laid out for them saying that the they have ended the relationship on all accounts, that no valid dn's have be served? Cheers
  9. Thanks for that. I just re-read the default and I see exactly what you mean. So I should right to them saying - that I do not acknowledge either the applications as binding for the lack of terms within the documents and that default letter whilst received has not been served because of the lack of date. And now that they have taken the decision to cancel at best their expectation should be limited to arrears only and that any info passed to referencing agencies was without basis / justification and as such should be removed. In calculating that figure, I can see the £59 for the flex, I can find out the arrears on the credit card, but which figure should I look at for the charge card? Thanks again
  10. Thanks C, that sounds heartening. For my own knowledge can you point out where the Applications and defaults fall down. And also would welcome your opinion on the cancellation letter. Many thanks again
  11. First post from me so sorry if I have missed anything, though firstly what a fantastic site - just knowing that there are others in the same boat and hearing what they have to say has been the biggest help- so thank you to all the posters on amex and the other cards. I was wondering if those in the know could shed some light on my situation and the documents from amex.... Long story short, I was unable to send money to amex on both a credit card and charge card which had flex select attached to it - which basically shunted off any spend over £200 on to credit., this went through all the calls from them and rma, of which none ended in a conversation, but which did end up with a statutory demand, which is what got me going. I have since applied to have this set aside, based on advice her on the dispute of the debt, its calculation and the default validity. Following that I CCA'd them and received only 1 page application forms for each, both with latterly attached Ts and Cs which had nothing to do with the application forms and which made no reference to them. The CCA requests were addressed to both their solicitors and also to Amex, though the reply with the below actually came from NCO Attached here Charge Card Credit Card And nothing for the Flex Select On these I have only received the one default here Which relates to the Flex Select alone. Here. A month later I received what I think was a cancellation for both the charge and credit accounts here (Though interestingly enough a day later I received a default sums notice adding on £200 ish on the credit card) And a few days after the cancellation letter this was confirmed by RMA in two separate letters asking for payment on each as the accounts had been cancelled by Amex So I guess my questions are.... Are the applications enforceable? Is the lack of paperwork on the Flex Select significant? Does the flex select - all purchases on the charge card over £200 being put on credit - move the charge card to a credit card? Are Amex covered by the CCA? Is the default valid Does the cancellation cover the charge and credit cards? If the letters from RMA are to be believed and both are cancelled where do I stand in terms of what Amex suggest I owe them? Any thoughts on this, ideas, suggestions gratefully received Thanks in advance (PS have also posted this under Amex too)
  12. First post from me so sorry if I have missed anything, though firstly what a fantastic site - just knowing that there are others in the same boat and hearing what they have to say has been the biggest help- so thank you to all the posters on amex. I was wondering if those in the know could shed some light on my situation and the documents from amex.... Long story short, I was unable to send money to amex on both a credit card and charge card which had flex select attached to it - which basically shunted off any spend over £200 on to credit., this went through all the calls from them and rma, of which none ended in a conversation, but which did end up with a statutory demand, which is what got me going. I have since applied to have this set aside, based on advice her on the dispute of the debt, its calculation and the default validity. Following that I CCA'd them and received only 1 page application forms for each, both with latterly attached Ts and Cs which had nothing to do with the application forms and which made no reference to them. The CCA requests were addressed to both their solicitors and also to Amex, though the reply with the below actually came from NCO Attached here Charge Card Credit Card And nothing for the Flex Select On these I have only received the one default here Which relates to the Flex Select alone A month later I received what I think was a cancellation for both the charge and credit accounts here (Though interestingly enough a day later I received a default sums notice adding on £200 ish on the credit card) And a few days after the cancellation letter this was confirmed by RMA in two separate letters asking for payment on each as the accounts had been cancelled So I guess my questions are.... Are the applications enforceable? Is the lack of paperwork on the Flex Select significant? Does the flex select - all purchases on the charge card over £200 being put on credit - move the charge card to a credit card? Are Amex covered by the CCA? Is the default valid Does the cancellation cover the charge and credit cards? If the letters from RMA are to be believed and both are cancelled where do I stand in terms of what Amex suggest I owe them? Any thoughts on this, ideas, suggestions gratefully received Thanks in advance
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