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Everything posted by lasertung

  1. Aye, looking through this forum you can see arnold clark mentioned at least yince on every page. It makes a body winder how they got a customer service award. I think it was heliosuk who posted---Advertising Spend or words tae that effect.
  2. you guys have been real busy. i heard yesterday that the MD of park beds was called Thomson. is this right?
  3. Not quite Heliosuk, they don't have the balls to say foxtrot oscar but have a more efficient method of dealing with complaints ie total silence. This is known as modern day management.(for those incapable of managing) Tales of unrest between French makers and their uk dealers abound, but an Alt Cur robot informs me that dealers in different parts of the country receive preferential treatment to others, thus we see the same car for sale at vastly different prices in the various locations. This P---s Alt Cur off something terrible.
  4. Having trouble with Coop bank visa division refusing to do clawback (chargeback) on faulty goods. Can anyone please inform me what criteria Visa require before they will iniciate the chargeback process? Thanks in advance for any replies.
  5. This company run an eye catching advert in Scotland for specialist mattresses at discount prices. Despite all the benefits claimed in the advert, these mattresses are edit Park Beds don't reply to customer complaints either which only adds insult to injury.
  6. Yep, thats right. The OFT will not help the individual, just supposed to help the overall situation. Only when a number of individuals complain about the same issue, will the oft act. Typical "jobs for the boys"--all bark and no bite, but it's us who pay their saleries and bomb proof pensions.
  7. All very strange Heliosuk. Alisdair does not seem to have taken up your challenge. Both parties he's reputed to have helped have gone to ground, and don't respond to PM's! What conclusions do you draw from this?
  8. MWEE, sorry to read of your troubles, but far too many people are having trouble getting dealers/ manufacturers to honour their warranties. Surely there must be a statutory body out there somewhere that can take up the problem. Doubt if oft or ts would be any good at this level. Anyone suggest who these problem claims can be reported to?
  9. Well Hunter, assuming that matey still has advert saying full service history, i would tell garage to "Bring it on" as mate has brother, daughter whatever, works for newspaper in your area.!!!!! Alternatively, show evidence to local Trading Standards.
  10. Pity help the good people of Stirling and surrounding area as the John Martin Group (Citroen) has been taken over in Kerse industrial estate.
  11. SilverFoxy, when you get Palsy Walsy with Alisdair, ask him to send you the "Terms and Conditions" of their service plans. Ask for both pages, and post results here!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Good result ACSUK. According to other AC complaint websites you are lucky that they are taking the motor back. Most punters can't return car and get a cash refund. I was approached yestreen by a guy in supermarket car park, who was intrigued by my sign. He had a lot of hassle with AC over a car hed bought from them, and the only way he got shot of them was to take a replacement car but at a higher price than his first one. Good [problem]. His reason for not dealing with AC in future was their attitude. In his words they were nicey nicey until they got his money and when problems arose they treated him like what the dug left on the kerb. How many more folk could tell the same story.
  13. Make no wonder the blighter has not replyed to my letter etc. This afternoon I was advised he no longer is GM at the branch, and in fact is no longer in the employ of any Arnold Clark company. Champaign in chill.
  14. Firstly, try writing to Gary Savage MD at Citroen UK, Slough. Unfortunately Citroen try and wriggle out of warranty claims, but a letter to head man may work. If this doesen't work, then afraid it's Trading standards or Sale of goods act. TS should be able to advise. What dealer sold you the van?
  15. The now defunct arnoldclarkforum.com and Scaniamans threads on this site almost mirror my experience with an arnold clark GM. So much so that i wonder if it's not the same GM. This story is about a GM employed in East Scotland. I am advised that for legal reasons not to name and shame him as some of the most salient points were either made over the telephone or in person without an independant witness. Serious complaints about my car resulted in my being invited to meet this GM to resolve the problems with the car. The meeting was a shambles, with this patronising clone, of dubious parentage, giving me their standard theme of, There is nothing wrong with the car because the computer can't come up with any fault codes. In response to a serious brake defect, his top mechanic road tested the vehicle and again reported that no fault existed. Towards the end of this meeting the GM, and one of his staff were obviously out of their depth in attempting to answer technical questions, or thwart documentry evidence, and at this point conceeded that his mechanical knowledge was somewhat scant. Later on that day I received a phone call from him, in VERY CURT TONE, informing me, that in future I was not to speak to either his sales people or indeed his servive personnel, and all future contact was to be with himself. Further attempts to contact him have proved fruitless. After my partner issued me with an ultimatum about the brakes, the car was taken to another dealership, where upon examination, the brakes were found to be faulty and new parts were fitted which rectified the problem. Since the GM admitted incompetency, what does this say for other staff members, and more importantly our safety? It defies me how firms like this are allowed to trade with the general public.
  16. Care to name the dealer trampass? May help others. I got caught out too but have since had my money back. Dealers are up to all the dodges to try and claw back something of the competitive prices offered. Is the owner of this group of garages known as Sir?
  17. Conniff, I'm very worried about 2 yr old grandson. He is bright in many things, especially his numbers, but i have tried very hard for over a year now to teach him to say bugger, but without success. Where am i going wrong? Can't progress to other words until we get bugger sorted out. PM???
  18. A car salesman talked me into buying a three year service contract for my new car a few months ago. I now wish to sell the car, and asked his boss to have my money returned as i have not had any servicing done. He smugly replied "it's not going to happen". When asked if contract was transferrable to new owner, answer still no. Also asked if money was refunded in case where car was written off before any servicing, answer was "try&claim on your insurance". So, once signed, this contract is unbreakable!!!! Does the 1999 act pertain here?
  19. How dare you portray my grandson on the internet, in any case he is only two! LOL LOL LOL
  20. If cars are not protected by CC protection, what about warranties and service contracts?
  21. After years of having holidays ruined by Globespan changing their flight times long after paying my money, i was delighted to see Ryanair was starting to fly out of Edinburgh to Spain. This broke Globespans near monopoly on the Edinburgh to Majorca route. Only a few months after starting Ryanair is doing exactly the same thing. They have offered a full refund if new times unsuitable, but this amount is very far short of what alternative flights costs booking now. They should be made to pay full costs of replacement flights. I think we should all complain to the Civil Aviation Authority. Suspect changes are not for unforseen circumstances--just cheaper flight slots at airports. If they advertised these new times at the begining of the year then no one would book--just hoping that Muggins Public will accept being carted about on nightshift.
  22. Now, where have i heard this before???
  23. Think Conniff is right about towbar. reverse sensors are activated by proximity to metal, and it may be that if they turn on the system it will work continuously, as it would react permanently with the towbar. I can recommend the fitting of the interior (plastic) mirror type of reverse aid. Don't know who is cheapest supplier but halfrauds do stock them--at a price.
  24. It was most interesting to read Chickenlittle's thread of 4/12/08 saying that his mechanic is banned from Clarks premises. With dealers like clark around, it would be wise for people to have their prospective purchase inspected by someone who actually knows something about cars (except the price). Banning seems to be part of this firms tactics if they don't agree with anyone, and i am also banned from speaking to staff at a Scottish branch. So, maybe the motoring public should BAN Arnold Clark and save us all a heep of trouble.
  25. There are no warranties with a trade sale so the dealer is talking fecal rubbish. If you have a warranty then its clearly a retail sale and subject to SOGA or CPUTR 2008.
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