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Everything posted by offitmassive

  1. Please be aware that that is the RAC break down assistance, NOT the RAC warranty, two different entities altogether, 10k is a little low mileage, but again, if its only noisey, it hasnt failed!!! ...
  2. If the policy has been mis-sold, you need to speak to the dealership that "mis-sold" the policy, its not really an issue with the RAC warranty is it.
  3. Cuz if you're in the know.. a noisy bearing isnt a failed bearing, its actually worn, it doesnt matter on the mileage, if its noisy, singing, howling...its worn, wear and tear isnt covered by the warranty. If the bearing suddenly collapsed (sudden and unforseen failure is what your warrantry protects you against) it would be covered. You obviously havent read the t+c's People always think that cuz they have a warranty, its covered. Dont forget it depends on the level of cover you have. We get feedback once a month, and we actually pay out 80% of claims, so im guessing the 50% of wear and tear is 50% of the 20% of claims that are rejected. If its a valid claim we will pay, if not, we wont...simple;)
  4. I actually administrate the RAC warranties, and by the sounds of it, you didnt pick the highest level of cover, you perhaps have a Gold or lesser cover, with gold or lesser policies, you are only covered for what ever is listed in the policy booklet, if its in black and white, its covered, if not, the unfortunatly its not covered. People always say its not worth the paper its written on...course it is, it just so happens you dont have the full level of cover due to either the age/mileage of the vehicle or the level of cover you have chosen yourself.
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