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  1. when is a ISP gonna stand up and say "lets go to court and get this sorted" the 1st to do so will have me signing up! As soon as one ISP gets some kahoonas and goes all the way these firms go back into the dark manky place they normally hide (nhs hospitals)
  2. with the digital bill going through you would think the government would sort out the leaches [causing problems] people. mr mandleson will be getting a nice free holiday soon no dought!!
  3. dont worry i am the same and the letter is with my solicitor. i want nothing back just this legal [EDIT] to stop harassing innocent people.
  4. very good idea as soon as i can get a scan will be sending to my solicitor to see if i have any come back and cost involved in doing so
  5. Its true i could not believe the letter myself i have tried to take a photo which did not work and my scanner is not working. I thought i would be fighting this all the way to court and beyond. as soon as i can get a copy that is clear i will get it on the BB
  6. I will type the letter in cant scan at the moment as scanner being a pain. the letter as you will see still thinks i am to blaim, wonder how i stand on claims to them for 6 months of torture!
  7. JUSTICE AT LAST!!! Got letter from ACS Law stating they are taking no further action and advise to get my security sorted by a IT expert and there client reserves right to bring action if my connection is found sharing the work. At last some one has seen sense. I hope all innocent people get this good news and have slightly less worry in 2010
  8. swindon switches on its mass wifi system link to bbc website BBC News - Town's wi-fi service switched on. Anyone want to bet how long before ACS Law has letters winging its way to swindon council and they shut it down? Bet its gone before this time next year!!!
  9. if they can monitor bittorrent and know the ports why not just block all ports? Pirates will find away to do there thing the ads on tv keep telling us they funded organized crime and this has been going on since cassettes where about. Media industry is the answer stop being greedy and make content affordable. And stop paying stars stupid money
  10. AOL is carphone warehouse. When i win the lottery the 1st thing i will do is chase ACS Law and hit them hard. who the hell can fight them with a solicitors letter starting at £250!! I thought carphone warehouse was gonna fight the NPO's.
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