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  1. they are relentless in their tackticks, they ring you on mobile numbers send post cards saying alex is comming , totally ignore your reps if you try to set up an agreement. have no regard for the OFT or their guidlines, they just dont care, the only hope we have is to have their license taken off them, but thats not gonna happen as long as we are in love with the u.s. oh the latest one is that if you set up an agreement with your debt management company, they ring you at night trying to reach another deal....its all so sad....
  2. Right this is the scenario, self employed sub contractor had no work for 3 mths and been living on savings but running out, no point in making agreements with no income, so is it better making yourself bankrupt before anyone else does ? at this point ide like to thank gorden brown and his bankers for putting me in this situation, youve set me back 20 years...
  3. has anyone ever succesfully sued them for harrastment, howcome the police dont stop them ?
  4. ime sick to the back teeth of them ive mnever been harast as much in my life they ring my mobile then the house then the mobile again, if someone does turn up ill call the police.....
  5. Ive just got a card through the post from that outfit RMA saying there gonna call next week, what for its mbna i owe the money too...and ive told them ive sorted it out with them...do they actually turn up on your doorstep if so why ? they dont think that would give them the money that i owe to mbna do they ? what should i say if they do turn up ....
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