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  1. Hi there my name is Kerry and I hope you can give me some advice. I recently bought (19/06/2009) a renault espace from Beech Motor Company for £2800 for my growing family, and on initial inspection everything looked fine, even had a test drive in it and it was great, so we bought it and was given a receipt which says on it trade sale, no warranty. Anyway on the motorway back home on overtaking a car the car just cut out and warning signs came on which is so frightening when you have children in the car!. We rang the garage back up and he said get a quote and give me a call back, so a few days later we take it to a garage who said it could be a valve on it needs replacing. So we ring the guy back up and he said well after speaking to his boss theres nothing he can do because it was sold with no warranty. So anyway we thought ok thats just one of those things well know for next time. Anyway the guy at the garage is now saying its not the valve, thats ok, its the injectors which will cost around £1500, are they aloud to sell a car like this and where do we stand on getting our money back or don't we, please help!!!!!! Thankyou Kerry
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