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  1. Hi all I am very new to these forums - but I too have recieved a letter from ACS:LAW claiming coyright infringment for downloading an album by Scooter!!! Never have & never will!!! Like many others I dropped a log when I first read they wanted £500 to settle or go to court. I've been panicing about how I would pay this etc. but have spent some time doing my homework and it is forums like this that really help. To the person that said they may ask if they can pay in installments - don't and don't offer to pay squat! There is a very useful website www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=1028774 Use this site it is extremely useful - it details the letter of denial and gives you a template to use. I am not technically minded and was told they have computer forensic evidence and an IP address along with details they obtained from BT to prove it was me. I contacted BT who stated not only had they never had a request for this information bt nor would they EVER provide such information as it is a clear breach of The Data Protection act!!! So they are falsifying information by claiming your internet provider had given them the details! I have also contcted trading standards who were very interested, but their advice is DO respond to these letters and DO DENY - USE THE LOD TEMPLATED from the above web page. They have logged my comlaint. I have also spoken to the police - they stated that for any misuse of internet/downloading/copying/file sharing - it will be YOUR INTERNET PROVIDOR knocking at your door not an individuals solicitor!! I also confirmed this with BT. It baffles me that these solicitors are still able to hold legitimate residence and act in this manner. I will not be paying - there is so much information out there on ACS:LAW - read around and don;t be rushed into paying for anything - thats what they want you to do. They are on Watchdog, Which? magazine, BBC, BBC radio 4. If they get 15-40% of their targets paying because they are frightened of court then they earn 1/4 million quid straight off. I have only just passed through the frightened phase, but with support from sources i'm in the let em prove it phase as I have not downloaded the 'accused file'!! And they can't prove it at all and they know it! Last piece of interesting info - it would take someone who knows what they are doing less than 30 seconds to gain access to your 'SECURE' wireless internet account. Sorry to have rambles but really hope this is useful!! These people are **** who are effectivly blackmailers & fraudsters Thanks
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