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car nut

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Everything posted by car nut

  1. everythng you say is true all i can speak is from experence
  2. true but this is all the info the dvla has if they dont reply you get a v5 in your name [i know ive done this] the only other thing you can do is a hpi check.
  3. this is what happens if you buy the bike the dvla write to the last regested owner if they dont reply they issue the v5 in your name you win,if he does reply and says the bike is his you lose.
  4. even if he has most policys only replace with standard parts
  5. Admittedly sometimes auxiliary belt failure does affect the cambelt, but very rarely. I've had 2 aux belts come off in my time and none of them affected the cam belt operation. sorry got to disagree with you on this one in fact ive just done a 406 where the aux belt had snapped wrapped round the cambelt and wrecked the engine cost 500 pounds as a goodwill i would ask the garage to replace the aux belt free of charge
  6. hi as a keen biker and a harley owner i am amazed that he has used a car wheel,when there are custom wheels avaliable.i dont even know how he has managed to fit it to the bike as the center would be wrong and having 4/5 wheel bolt holes would look cr@P and how is the rear brake mounted? if its anywhere near nottingham drop me a pm and il go and have a look if you like,i also know a few people who could do the work.
  7. in october 09 i was working for a agency as a driver when i had a small accident(nobody hurt just bent metal no police involed] i filled in a accident form and gave it to the company.shortley after this they got rid of me. i have now recived a letter from the insurance company wanting me to go to a meeting with them to give a full statement.they say they are attempting to deny liability for me however the other side are pursuing the matter. they say the other side could subpoenae me to appear in court as a witness and they want to avoid this. i think the insurance company dont want to pay out and want more infomation from me so they can fight it better.now as the company got rid of me i dont really see why i should help them as its not going to do me any good. my mate says i should send the insurance company a consultancey invoice for my time. what are peoples thoughts about this whole thing?
  8. okay so if some little lad walks past a car parked on the pavement and smacks his head on the wing mirror he could sue the car owner? as a car on the pavement has got to be a obstruction. or when does a parked car become a obstruction?,
  9. are you sure its legal to park on the pavement?
  10. yes the fence might be a eye sore and falling down but i dont think you have to have a fence on your boundary.also if i but a 3 foot fence up and your dog jumped over it its up to you to make it secure.he might just take the hole thing down if you moan to much!then when your dog goes in his garden he be moaning at you and if your dog bit him /kids you could have big proplems. the best thing to do is to talk to him but he might not have any cash for a new fence good luck
  11. just because it is his boundary he does not have to but a fence up.we had a simalar proplem as we had a new bloke move in with a dog and he wanted us to but a fence up so his dog didnt get out.we pointed out to him that it was up to him to keep his dog under control and of our land.after a couple of times his dog came over and messed on our garden we took photos and told him that we would report him for failing to control his dog.he then asked if we would allow him to but a fence up to which we said yes.we still had to listen to his dog barking for 2 years till we moved.
  12. gutted i dont understand how you could have lost
  13. dont know if you can get it free you might have to pay it and add the costs to your claim. get down the court and ask.
  14. either follow the link in sailor sam thread or go to the court and file your claim,the court clerks are helpfull and will guide you the ball is in your court now so its up to you to make the next move as the dvla are not moving and they hope you will go away as most people do. but if you do nothing you will get nothing.you have wrote letters and given them notice so let the court decide dont contact the dvla anymore you wasting your time so you have two choices 1.. get the papers in to the court and have your day in court or 2..just accept it and get on with your life good luck
  15. letter looks okay but i would have listed return of fine 260 intrest at 8 per cent per day to repayment date
  16. you can get a new v5 but it costs about 25 quid
  17. send the letter recorded[keep a copy] give them 14 days to respond if they fail to reply go to the small claims court
  18. just read this and im going away next year and my dog has to go to kennels for 4 weeks,shes a gsd 4 years old and has had all her boosters but now im worried
  19. if hes sold the car without your say so its theft easy option pay the fine and get the money of him you wont get a criminal record
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