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  1. Thank you very much for the kind words. I find it truly amazing that people take time out of their busy lives to offer the level of support to people they don't know. Talk about restore my faith in human nature xxxxxxx
  2. Thank you very much for the kind words. I find it truly amazing that people take time out of their busy lives to offer the level of support to people they don't know. Talk about restore my faith in human nature xxxxxxx
  3. HAPPY HAPPY DAYS!!!!!! Thank you so very very very much Ell-een. I owe you so so much. It was all done and dusted so quickly, I could've got away with just putting an hour on the car. Black Horse didn't send a representative, the judge said I didn't have to pay a lump sum and that I could pay a nominal amount towards the arrears, every month. She then said thank you and the CAB brief got up to leave,so I said is that it. The Judge said, it is indeed, enjoy your day. I nearly burst into tears on the spot but I held it together long enough to make sure the baliffs were being informed. I can't believe it's all over. I honestly can't thank you enough Ell-een. I'm going to sleep very very well tonight and my boys have got their Mum back xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. HAPPY HAPPY DAYS!!!!!! Thank you so very very very much Ell-een. I owe you so so much. It was all done and dusted so quickly, I could've got away with just putting an hour on the car. Black Horse didn't send a representative, the judge said I didn't have to pay a lump sum and that I could pay a nominal amount towards the arrears, every month. She then said thank you and the CAB brief got up to leave,so I said is that it. The Judge said, it is indeed, enjoy your day. I nearly burst into tears on the spot but I held it together long enough to make sure the baliffs were being informed. I can't believe it's all over. I honestly can't thank you enough Ell-een. I'm going to sleep very very well tonight and my boys have got their Mum back xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. I'll try Thanks so very much Ell. I suppose it's now in the hands of the Gods and whether we get a sympathetic judge or not xxxxxx
  6. I'll try Thanks so very much Ell. I suppose it's now in the hands of the Gods and whether we get a sympathetic judge or not xxxxxx
  7. Thanks you very much for all your help. I'll post tomorrow and let you know how I get on. Maybe before, if I get the wobbles Lots of fingers and toes crossed xxxx
  8. Thanks you very much for all your help. I'll post tomorrow and let you know how I get on. Maybe before, if I get the wobbles Lots of fingers and toes crossed xxxx
  9. I haven't got one, I've asked 3 times and they keep saying they will send one out but it's never arrived. I had the balance given to me over the phone today xx
  10. I haven't got one, I've asked 3 times and they keep saying they will send one out but it's never arrived. I had the balance given to me over the phone today xx
  11. I assume 217.70, as the arrears since Jam amount to £3k
  12. Hi Shall I put that I calculate the arrears to be £3000, Black Horse claim they are £3217.70. Would it be worth putting on the statement that I am looking into the Mortgage scheme as I believe we fit the criteria? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, I want to get it all staright i my head Thanks C xx
  13. Hi Shall I put that I calculate the arrears to be £3000, Black Horse claim they are £3217.70. Would it be worth putting on the statement that I am looking into the Mortgage scheme as I believe we fit the criteria? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, I want to get it all staright i my head Thanks C xx
  14. Hi Ellen, I've got them. The arrears stand at £3217.70. For 6 months at £500. Methinks there is a miscalculation on their part. I've asked them for a statement of account (only the 3rd time) , they will try and get one out in the post but it could take 7 working days. WHat do you think about this mortgage repair scheme xxx
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