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Everything posted by RHOOD

  1. Paul , first thing is NOT to speak to these people on the phone communicate by letters only sent signed for.(keep a copy) get a copy of all your agreeements via SAR letter which will take about a year to arrive not 90 days as per the law. send token payment by postal order £1/ month /account if you can afford it. is there any bank charges on accounts? dont get stressed its only money speak to your local MP as they hate this defend any court action as they also HATE going to Court THEY WANT PEOPLE TO LIE DOWN TO THEM. CHECK ALL PAPERWORK IS THE CITATION CORRECT ?
  2. But Marc Gander, a co-founder of the CAG, said it was "a real shame" debt collection firms felt they had to set up a mechanism to combat sites such as his. MARC WHY DONT YOU STAND AS AN MP
  3. is the date on your default notice xx/xx/05 or is it in full xx/xx/2005
  4. Absolutly brill, how do you link it to your letters
  5. hi, Link to Scottish Court forms Ordinary Cause Rules New FORM 03 & O3A rhood
  6. Hi George, Here is an up to date list of Scottish Court Forms Ordinary Cause Rules regards David
  7. The double yellow lines have no end look at the photograph Looking down Withy Grove towards The Printworks and Corporation Street. the double yellow lines are not closed at the end with the zig zags SINGLE LINE SHOULD BE AT 90 DEGREES TO THE YELLOW LINES =| now i belive that a policeman can issue a ticket on unclosed yellowlines but a traffic warden can not. Found this on this site http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/parking-traffic-offences/23765-no-t-bar-end.html Grounds: - The contravention did not occur; specifically that the restriction is not signed as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (the TSRGDs). References in this representation to Road Markings refer to that statutory instrument (2002/3113). 1) Legal Authorities. MacLeod v Hamilton 1965 S.L.T 305 If signs to indicate the effect of a "No Waiting" order have not been erected, or signs have been erected not conforming to s.64 of the RTRA 1984 and TSRGD 2002 (SI 2002/3113), no offence against the "No Waiting" order is committed. Davies v Heatley [1971] R.T.R 145 Because by s.64(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 traffic signs shall be of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation, if a sign the contravention of which is an offence contrary to s.36 is not as prescribed by the regulation, no offence is committed if the sign is contravened, even if the sign is clearly recognisable to a reasonable man as a sign of that kind. 2) Why the signing/road marking is non - prescribed Road Markings must conform to the enclosed diagram “SCHEDULE 6 ROAD MARKINGS. The road markings numbered 1017/1018.1 are a continuous line terminating with T Bars. Particular attention is drawn to item 4, Permitted Variants: None. The road markings in the restricted area are not continuous and do not have the required T Bar endings, therefore Varying from the prescribed regulation.
  8. PRIDEUK, Dont feel bad or sad, just look at the mess the banks made of everything, Looking at Nunnyrose's post is there any grants or help you can get from local enterprise - if you dont ask you dont get ! Great post about Rates and rent payments Good Luck
  9. Hi prideuk, Have you looked at a DEED TRUST - be debt free in 3 years and no hassle or worry or stress. or phone calls I know it's not easy but at the end of the day it's only money IT WORKED FOR ME DEBT FREE and now have a clean credit report. Dont let them get you down All the best RHOOD
  10. George, Found memo, emailed you along with FORM G7 Paul's story is below How trustworthy is your bank? | Money | The Guardian
  11. I am sure the internal document is on Paul Walton's Thread. I will e-mail it to you George, I also lodged it as an EXHIBIT. George you will not hear anything until after the AMENDED DEFENCES DATE when the other side will try and PULL OUT that is what happened to us they will send forms G6 G7 AND G9 G7 RULE 15.2(1) G9 = OPPOSITION TO THE MOTION MAY BE MADE IN THE EVENT OF A NOTICE OF OPPOSITION BEING LODGED the Sheriff clerk will assign a date ,time and place for the hearing parties on the motion. George this will be your "homework" you only have a couple of days to reply to this to the court and as i had just started a new job I could not follow it up and get time off , passing the baton over to you to win the race. Still got a faulty defualt notice will take up fight again after Christmas, might even get full SAR by then, its only been 7 months since 1st request for it. All the best RHOOD
  12. Sign the following petition We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to support FSA in Bank Charges Claims... Petition to: support FSA in Bank Charges Claims... | Number10.gov.uk Come on guys lets sign it
  13. Porthos, I would let the dust settle about yeterday's terrible decision and let the legal begals sort out the judgement and what it means to all of us, then amend your claim to suit.
  14. Hi Paul, Did not receive PM - can you re-send please:)
  15. MONTY/GEORGE I dont think George will even see inside the Court room as in my case when you defend with the TRUTH AND FACTS the solicitor pulls out after amended defences have been put in.;-) Why take somebody to court when they are already paying the debt,in a case they might lose. George's Writ was just a bog standard Writ "Defender refuses to pay etc etc" If RBS / Solicitor have to look at this thread to beat George then you've got them worried big time. Dont think you will hear anything until next year George. Just keep asking for info:grin:, did you ever get your SAR ?
  16. Goerge, Is next week just the date for Lodging defences or is it the LAST DAY FOR MAKING ADJUSTMENTS TO THE WRIT OR DEFENCES , If it is the first, then put in Embarrassed defence Ive e-mailed you my copy to "HM" email address let me know if you can open it & read it.
  17. Hi George, I take it you got some LUCKY WHITE HEATHER (post 3) as the bank seems to be making a mess of it all with their letters. Dont think you will see a Court room this year as they will pull out - expect forms G6,G7 & G9 rule 15.2(1) Form of Intimation of Motion. All the best RHOOD
  18. Any update yet Paul Also sent you PM to you
  19. subbing as i've got one of these letters Found my Aknowledgement letter when i scrapped the car and FINAL NOTIFICATION arrived 3 months later
  20. best way to beat bullies is get a bigger bully on to them Still think a letter to mr Salmonds office is required :D;)
  21. Look at your air way bill ( address label) under the barcode it will be ticked ddp or ddu. Did you get the DHL persons name and i would also keep a record of the phone call - just in case
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