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Everything posted by bunjy

  1. Can anyone perhaps suggest the exact way to report these guys! I am reading conflicting stuff on here and its making me more ill with worry! I seriously cant handle this! Some say reply with a LOD, some say dont reply at all! Who to complain to specificaly? How? Can a link be posted? exactly what to say? If one of the more advanced users could point all of us lesser mortals in the right (and same) direction then surely it would have a much bigger impact then us all scurryig around like headless chickens? Mr Ton, you say you think things are happening already on this front? do you know any more yet please? If its a specific authority thats interested then if we can all contact them together It would have a masive impact, rather than just a small complaint thats being looked into. Who else that has received the letter has had a 2nd or 3rd reply? Who has ignored it and still had a reply? (if your 21 days are up) Geez this is driving me mad!
  2. I got one of these letters about scooter yesterday and OMG i cant sleep now! My concern is yeah I could bury my head in the sand or send a LOD but WHAT DOES happen if were all wrong and it eventually just doesnt go away, the £500 could turn into god only knows how much. I havent even got £500 never mind £1000's - I am considering contacting ACS Law to see if could make an 'offer' of less money, ( or buying a rope!) I know it makes me 'weak' but I'm gonna worry about this for ages now unless I sort it out sooner rather than later! Also, if I did pay, what happens say if ANOTHER letter lands on my doorstep! lets face it, if I pay up they might just think 'heres a sucker - lets tap him for some more!' Any comments or suggestions would be really helpful thanks Yours worriedly
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